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The Six Colors

Upper dates I, II III, iV V Vi Vii, Viii iX, X
6th line blk grn red yel gry wht
5th line wht blk grn red yel gry
4th line gry wht blk grn red yel
3rd line yel gry wht blk grn red
2nd line red yel gry wht blk grn
1st line grn red yel gry wht blk

blk means black.   grn means green.    yel means yellow.

wht means white.   gry means gray.   Red means red.

Now you finally realized what the upper characters are for. The upper character's main function in I-Ching is to help you indicate the six colors of the lines.

The green is the luckiest color. Green represents luck, power, wealth, and fame. According to my experience, a green B is a land lord or a store owner.  A green R is a mail man or a judge. Green R could also be your husband.  Green also means 'blood related'.  So a green P could be your parents, and a green B might be your brother or sister.  A green G is a beautiful woman, your wife, or an expensive treasure. A green K is a happy kid or something joyful. A green P  is some kind of important document or writing material.  Green is also the left side.  Green is also the East.

The red color represents talking, fighting, fire, argument, disagreement, etc. Red also represents fame and sound.  A red B means someone talking or fame.  A red R means that there is a lawsuit. A red K means that someone is laughing.  A red P means fame and glory.  A red P also means a letter or a message. A red G means a woman who talks a lot.  Red is also the front.  Red also represents the South.

The yellow color is a conservative color. It's conservative, and that's all I can say about it.  A yellow B stands for a good friend.  A yellow R could mean that there is quarrel for property. A yellow R could also represent your boyfriend.  A yellow G is your girlfriend.  A yellow K  means that the person is safe.   Yellow also represents the center.

The black color means evil.  Black represents a gangster, an evil person, a robber, a criminal, a new idea, an evil or a selfish idea, a new girl friend, a new boy friend, a new customer, something new, etc.  A black B means a bad friend.  A black R means a robber.  A black K  means a new invention.  A black P is a fake document or a fake receipt.  A black G means a slut or a woman who dates many men.  Black also represents the back.  Black is also the North.

White color means disease.  White represents disease, injury, illness, bad news, etc.  A white B represents a sick friend.  A white R represents a corpus.  A white K represents a sick kid.  A white P represents a sick parent. A white G represents a sick girl friend. But listen.  If you are throwing coins concerning trading in the stock market, the white color will have no meaning to you.   What does stock market have to do with sickness and disease?  If you are throwing coins concerning meeting a certain person, just because you see a white sign on the appointed star doesn't mean that the person you want to meet is ill.  The white color is probably useful for predicting about illness and disease. In other kinds of predictions, just ignore the white color.   White is also the right side.  White is also the West.

Gray means something scary, something strange and unbelievable, something destined to come, etc. A gray B is a new friend.  A gray R means extreme worry.  A gray K means leisure. A gray P means a new document or a step mother.  A gray G means a new girl friend.

A woman tossed the coins asking will she have a safe birth.  She got [Strip Open] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  y t - V   w & wa


             G   y   -       G   m   -   red
             K   t   X   J   R   e   -   grn
             P   sh  - -     P   wa  - - blk
             G   m   - -     G   m   - - wht
             R   e   - - U   R   e   - - gry
             P   wa  - -     P   wa  - - yel

If one is giving birth, the appointed is the K children star.  The appointed 5th line K moves and turns into R.  The R in this case represents a corpus.  The kid will be born dead.  K t moves, and today is day t.  Today the woman will give birth to a dead baby.

Result: Wild Crane was correct.  The woman gave birth to a dead baby on that day.   Look at the 5th line K.  It has a green color.  So does that mean giving birth to a dead kid means she's lucky?  Remember, K moving turning into a R is the sign of a kid dying.  A green color, obviously, won't help much.

Sam asked, "Will I give Mary a good impression on our first date?"  God gave him [Little Storage] and [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh sh - I   sh & h


Little Storage Hide
B m - G sh - Blk
K e - R s - Wht
G wa x U K w - Gry
G cn - R s - Yel
B y o K w -- Red
P t o J G cn -- Grn

The U line represents Mary's feeling toward you, and the self line is yourself.   The 2nd line red B means someone talking.  Since the 2nd line's red B is closer to the self line, it means you are talking.  The 2nd line B y moves producing K w, and K w produces the U line G wa.  Then G wa moves to kill the self line.   This means she doesn't like what you say.  So it's better for you not to talk too much.  The U line is gray, and gray means she is scared of what you say.  I can tell that you are quite sincere because the self line G cn links to the 3rd line's yellow G cn.  If the self line links to the yellow color, you really like her and do want to have a serious relationship with her.  But too bad that the self line is dead.  The U line also moves to kill the self line.  She won't like you. 

"Is there anything that I can do to make her like me?", the man asked.   I replied, "Maybe you can ask her out on day t.  On day t, the U line K w will be struck loose.  When K w has been removed, K w can no longer produce back at G wa.  If G wa lost its helper, G wa can no longer kill the self line.  If the U line cannot kill the self line, she will not hate you.  On day t, the 2nd line K w will also be struck loose.  If K w is loose, the red B y can no longer produce K w.   So on day t, you won't say the wrong things which turns her down.", I replied.

Result:  He asked Mary out on day t, and the date was successful.

Someone asked how high will he score on his school exam.  He got [Look] and [Stop].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  cn e - Vi   sh & h


             G   m   -       P   sh  -     yel
             R   e   -       P   s   -     red
             P   wa  X   J   R   w   -     grn
             G   m   - -     G   m   - -   blk
             R   e   - -     R   e   - -   wht
             P   wa  - - U   P   wa  - -   gry

The self line got all kind's of goodies.  A strong P is on the self line.   P represents document.  A green P represents a pretty darn good document.  P also moves and turns into fire R to produce itself back.  This looks like a piece of darn good document.  Wild Crane therefore concluded that he will do good on his test.

Result: The kid got high score.

A guy threw coins asking about his criminal charge.  He got [Shun] and [Separate].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  wa cn - V   sh & h


             P   m   -  J    P   m   -   red
             K   e   -       K   e   -   grn
             G   wa  - -     G   wa  - - blk
             R   yo  O  U    K   w   - - wht
             P   h   -       G   cn  -   gry
             G   c   - -     P   y   - - yel

The self line is appointed because the guy is asking about himself. 

Result: The man was given the death sentence in month wa and was lynched in month sh.  

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Written by Alex Y.C. Chiu

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