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Feng Shui

6 match mostly means your house is a lucky house.  6 strike means you should not purchase the house.  A 6 match also mean that if people live into that house, people will be kind and generous to each other.  The K star is the lucky star.  K kills R means all worries and fear disappear.  The K star and the G money star cannot be hurt or be weak.  Or else you will lose money, or your children will be in danger, or your family will come apart, etc. 

Red is the front of the house.  Black is the back of the house.  Green is the left of the house.  White is the right of the house.  Yellow and gray are the center of the house. 

The bottom line (1st line) is the bottom or the foundation of the house.  The 2nd line is the living room, the kitchen, or the guest room.  The 3rd line is the door or the bed.  The 4th line is the front gate of the house.   The 5th line is the front road which leads to the front gate of the house.  The top line is the most far.  Thus the 6th line could be a building across the street or something. 

The self line is, of course, yourself.  The U line represents others. (Someone who's not related to you.)   If the U line is somehow linked to the self line, others are living in your house.  Beware the U line that has an R or a white colored star which strikes or kills the self line.  A white element or an R of U line hurting the self line means there are outer forces that are contaminating your fortune.    If you got a red B star, the front of your house is bad.  (B is the money killer, and red is the front of your house.)   The yellow color represents the center of your house.  But yellow also indicates lots of curves. (like lots of left turns and right turns, confusing hallways or confusing architecture, etc.)    If the money star G is yellow, the confusing architecture or the curves are helping your money luck.  That means money comes in and are trapped in those confusing curves or architecture.  If the B star moves, people who live in the house won't gain money.  If the yellow P star is strong, people in the house will be injured or be hurt because P represents worry, pain, and agony.  P star moving is also bad for children because P star kills the child star K.

If a gray star moves, there will be fear and anxiety in the house.  Black color represents the back of your house.  Black also represents a thief or a robber.  It also represents lust and porn.  If the black G woman star bounds to a yellow R star, your wife is fooling around with other men.  The white color means the right side.   A white G means the right side of your house is helping you gaining money.  If a white G star kills the self line, the woman in your house is more powerful than the man.   White also represents surgery, blood, or disease.  If a white R moves, there shall be disease, illness, or surgery.  The green color is the left side.  Green is the luckiest color of all.  If there is a green K, the left side of your house is the lucky spot.  If the green K moves, you will become rich.  A green G should be strong and is best to be produced by others.  A green R moving means you will be promoted.  The green P is best to be quiet.  If the green P moves, your children might get hurt. 

Let's say the bottom line is an R.  If it moves, there might be human remains under your house or it used to be a grave yard or there is an evil spirit which damns your house.  If the 3rd lins is a G money star, your door is good for your money.  If the 3rd line is a B, the door is killing your money.  If the 3rd and the 4th line are both B stars, a person standing at the front gate can see your master bed room's door.   If the 3rd and the 4th lines' B stars are moving, a person standing at the front gate can see your back door.  That means if money enters from the front door, it goes out directly through the back door.  This kind of architecture will make you lose lots of money, but it's getting quite popular nowadays.  Remember, your house is directly affecting your mentality.  The architecture of your house is subliminally affecting and controlling your mind.  Every door or window counts. 

The 5th line is the master bed room.  If the 5th line is white, or the hider is killing the bearer, or is being struck or being killed, the bed room is out of luck.   Fighting or illness will take over your bed room.  If the 5th line is weak or is dead, something has got to be done.  The 6th line means a far away spot.  If the self line is linked to the 6th line or is on the 6th line, the owner must be traveling a lot. 

Front Door

Left                 Right

Back Door

If the red R moves, beware the house on fire.  If a water R moves, beware a flood.   If a metal R moves, beware surgery or injury.  If the wood R moves, the trouble comes from wood. 

I have also heard of theories like:  The G star is the road.  The B star is the door.  The P star is the living room.  The R star is the guest house.   The K star is the lucky spot, etc.  You, as an I-Ching student, must use these rules wisely.  If you see that the 3rd and the 4th line are moving B stars, you automatically know that the doors are killing the money.          

Some guy wants to buy a house, but he doesn't know if the house will bring him good luck or not.  He tossed the coins and got [Revolution] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  s m - Viii   w & wa


Revolution Extreme
R wa -- R wa --
P yo - P yo -
B h - J B h -
B h - R cn -
R c x K y -
K m - U B t -

P represents the house because this person has not move in yet.  The date m strikes the 5th line P yo.  The 5th line P yo moves producing the self line.  The self line B h is strong under the month.   This house is not bad for you at all.  If you move in, you will gain lots of wealth.  There is only one problem.  The 2nd line R star turns into a K star.   When ever you see a K star turning into an R, or an R turning into a K, it indicates that the Lord will take your child away from you.  "Then what good is the house?", the man asked.  Wild Crane replied, "No no no.  This has nothing to do with the house.  Your child's time is up.  The K star y is being struck by the month and is linked to an R star.  This is a dangerous sign.  It has absolutely nothing to do with the house.  Even if you don't buy the house, your child's life span won't be extended." 

Result:  The guy feared that the house might take away his son's life, so he didn't buy the house.  The son still died in the month of s from small pox.  So the man bought the house in the month of sh.

Some guy tossed the coins asking about his new house.  He received [Travel] and [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
s cn sh - V   cn & e


6 match
B e - K sh - Red
K wa x G s - Grn
G yo - U B w - Blk
R  h G s - G s - Wht
B w -- B w -- Gry
P  m K cn -- J K cn -- Yel

The hexagram is a 6 match.  Nothing is striking or killing.  This house is a lucky house.  The 5th line wa moved turning into and producing G s money star.   The G money stars appear everywhere on the hexagrams.  The K star is also strong.  This house is extremely lucky! 

Result:  This man became a multi-millionaire within 5 years. 

A wealthy man bought a mansion in the country side.  He tossed the coins about it and got [Consume] and [Hurt].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
w sh w - V   t & c


Consume Hurt
B t -- U P yo -- Red
R sh o B h -- Grn
P s -- R c -- Blk
G  w B h - J B h - Wht
R c -- R c -- Gry
K m - K m - Yel

The most distinctive feature of this sign is that the 5th line R sh moves linking to the self line B h.  If one tosses the coins asking about business, this should be a great sign because the R star is the winner star.  But when one tosses the coins asking about his house, this sign is not viewed as a lucky sign.  Why?  Because if one is concerned about his house, safety and stability usually come first.  So the K lucky star should be the lucky star while the R star represents trouble or danger.   If a R star is linking or is killing the self line, something bad could happen.  

The hexagram consume usually indicates the lost of money.  G star represents money.  Although the year and the date are both G stars, the G star does not appear on the hexagram.  It is hiding under the self line B h.  The white B h is killing the G star.   White is the right side.  The right side of your house must be a slope.  The energy cannot concentrate on the house because the energy is sliding to the right side's slope.  Therefore you lose money.

"That's right.  At the right side, there is a low, sliding slope.  Ever since I moved in, I lost a fortune.", the man replied.

Result:  The man listened to Master Wu and moved out.  But from this hexagram, we still learned a lot.

A government official has not been promoted for almost 10 years.  He suspected that the feng shui of his house is affecting his fortune.  He asked Wild Crane to find out what is wrong with his house.  Wild Crane said, "Oh.  We have to do it one by one.  I cannot find out exactly what's wrong just by one hexagram.   In a hexagram, there are only 5 elements and 5 kinds of stars.  Say if the fire R star moved, should we say that the problem came from the kitchen or from the chimney?  If the wood star moved, should we say that the door is the problem or that the wall is the bad luck bearer?  Maybe a higher level prophet who has been speaking to the Lord for more than 50 years can understand everything by looking at just one hexagram, but my level is not high enough to do that.  We have to do it one by one.   First, toss the coins for the kitchen.  Then, toss the coins for the master bed room.  This way, I guarantee you I can find out the problem for you."    The man agreed.  His first choice was the well in the back yard of his house.  He tossed the coins concerning the well.  He got [Commander] and [Arrive].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo y - V   s & yo


Commander Arrive
P yo -- U P yo --
B h -- B h --
R c -- R c --
G w -- J R c --
R cn - K m -
K y x G e -

Although there is a trap on the 1st line, the self line's G money star is still pretty strong.  This well is considered a lucky well. 

"Maybe it's the front door.  I always thought that the front door isn't wide enough.", the man said to Wild Crane.  So the man tossed the coins for the front door.  He got [Same].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo y - V   s & yo


K sh - U
G s -
B w -
R h - J
K c --
P m -

The self line is an R.  R represents trouble, danger, corpus, a ghost, something scary, etc.  The self line R bounds to the date.  The self line bounding to the date means we found the problem.  Why don't you toss the coins and ask God if you changed the door will your fortune change?

The man tossed the coins and got [Little much] and [Strip].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo y - V   s & yo


Little Much Strip
P sh x G y -
B s -- K t --
R w o J P sh --
B s o G m --
R w -- R e --
P cn -- U P wa --

Wow!  The self line and the 6th line form an R combo.  R represents control, power, position, and possession.  Since you want a promotion, the R star in this sign represents the promotion.  The self line is included in the R combo.  The date is also producing the self line R.  The 3rd line B moves turning into a G star which produces the self line R.  This door has got to be changed!  After you've changed it, I bet you will be promoted more than once.  Next year is the year e.   Year e bounds to the 3rd line s causing the 3rd line to move.  When the 3rd line moves turning into a G which produces the self line, you shall be promoted.  In the year w, you will also be promoted because the self line w moved forming an R combo.   I think the most crucial promotion will be in year s because the 6th line G y is bounding to the date.  Therefore, the R combo cannot be established yet.  But year s can help break that bondage allowing the R combo to form.  The 3rd line's empty B s shall also move in year s turning into G m which produces the self line.

Result:  In the year e, this man was promoted twice.  He got another promotion in the year w.  Then he was promoted higher and higher year after year.

Some woman tossed the coins asking about her house.  She got [Wonderful] and [Compare].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
y c t - III s & yo


6 match
G sh -- P t -- Grn
R s x G sh - Blk
K w o U R s -- Wht
B m -- B m -- Gry
K e -- K e -- Yel
P  t G wa -- J G wa -- Red

The 5th line R s pushes the U line K w toward the self line.  So U line K lucky star moves to produce the self line.  This is a lucky sign, but the luck is not a very big luck since the U line has been struck loose.  But in year w, the U line K w shall be saved and will move to produce the self line.  Something good will happen in year w.

The green G sh is linked to the black G sh.  The 5th line's R s is linked to the white R s.  So the back (black), the left (green), and the right side (white) of your house are where the energy is coming from.  The front of your house is blocked.   Are you living in a tall building apartment?  The front gate of your house leads to the inner hall of the building, and the back of your house has windows so energy can come in.

"Correct.", the lady replied.

Result:  In month t, she gambled and lost lots of money.  The reason she lost a fortune in month t is because the U line K w has been struck loose by the date already.   Month t will further strike with K w making K w even looser.  K w is the only helper of the self line's money star.  When K w has been destroyed, she lost money.   But few years later, she called Master Wu and thanked him for the accurate reading he has performed for her.  She told Master Wu that she earned some money in the stock market in year w.

If the self line is strong but is being hurt, a lucky place with hidden danger.  If the self line is weak but is being helped, a bad place with a good future. 

Some guy tossed the coins asking about a future burial spot for his parents.  The Lord gave him [Feed] and [No way].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  y w - V   t & c


Feed No Way
6 strike
B y - G sh - Red
P t x R s - Grn
G sh x J K w - Blk
G cn -- G cn -- Wht
B y -- B y -- Gry
P t - U P t - Yel

If someone asks about a burial spot, a strong K star producing the money star is the luckiest sign one can get from the Lord.  The self line money star sh is weak under the month.  But it turns into a K star which produces back at itself.   The date also produces the self line G sh.  This burial spot is a super lucky spot!  Water means wealth and resource. 

Result:  He buried his father in that spot in year cn.  In the years yo and t, he and his children became wealthy.  The reason why his luck improved in yo and t is because the 5th line P t regained its strength in those years.  When the 5th line regains strength, bad news be gone!

A man tossed the coins asking about his store's feng-shui.  He got [Hide] and [Consolidate].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
cn c m - Vi   s & yo


Hide Consolidate
6 match
P sh - G y - Yel
B s o U K t -- Red
R w o P sh -- Grn
B s - K h - Blk
G  y R w -- J P c -- Wht
K  t P cn x G m - Gry

If one inquires about a store, the most important thing which we must consider is, of course, the money star.  The next most important thing could be the K or the R star.   (K represents the resource of money, and R is the customers.)   The 1st line P cn moved turning into the money star G m which produces the self line.  The date is also a money star, and it is also producing the self line.  Good!  Looks like you are earning money from two places.  The 4th line's green R is linked to the 2nd line's white R.  Both are being produced by the date.  The 4th line moved turning into P sh.  And P sh is linked to the yellow top line.  P sh is bounding to the date m.  So the green (left) is linked to the white (right).   Then they are all linked to the yellow (a curve).  This means that your store is being surrounded by a curve.  The energy is concentrating on your store.   Your store's business should be quite good.

"That's right.  My store is right in the center of a round court.    Lots of people walk in front of my store, so I get lots of customers.", the man replied.

Result:  Master Wu suggested the man to set up some extra walls to cover up his back door so that people cannot see his back door from the front gate.  Then in month yo, his business increased almost 3 folds.  The reason why his business sharply increased is because the 1st line P cn moved turning into G m money star which produces the self line.  But G m was bounding to the date, so the 1st line cannot move.   But month yo helped break that bondage.

A woman moved into an old building.  She tossed the coins asking God is it safe to live there.  She received [Strip] and [Compare].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
w t s - Vii   t & c


Strip Compare
G y o K t -- Gry
K t x J P sh - Yel
P sh -- B s -- Red
G m -- G m -- Grn
R e -- U R e -- Blk
P wa -- P wa -- Wht

The self line K lucky star moved turning into a P frustration star which kills back at the K star.  This house will frustrate you.  The entire top gua forms an alliance because all 3 lines of the top gua are linked to each other.  The 4th line's B s repels away the top line's G y money star.  This house's feng-shui is very terrible.  Frustration and poverty shall plaque the residents of this house. 

Another bad news is that the date is striking on the money star y.  When a moving line is being struck, it is loose and therefore cannot move.  The top line indicates somewhere far.  The money star moving on the top line indicates that there is a road which stretched all the way to your front door from a very far distance.   That road is the one which brought in all of the money.  The date striking on the top line indicates that there is reconstruction of that road.  The road has either been eliminated or new buildings have been constructed which blocked the view so you can't see that road anymore.

"The previous owner of this house did become wealthy though.", the woman replied, "And yes.  Half a year ago, one could see a long stretching road coming from a far away mountain from our window.  That road was a very busy road.  But now, the view has been blocked by newly constructed buildings.  So we can't see that road anymore. 

Result:  In the month of t, one of her children fell off the bike and injured his leg.  Another child has fell down and hurt his forehead.  The reason why all this occured in month t is because the 5th line K t was empty.  In month t, it was no longer empty.  Therefore, it moved and turned into P which killed back at itself.  

A man took the big school exam several times and did not pass.  He suspects that a temple located at the back of his house is killing his fortune.  He tossed the coins and got [Big profit] and [Chen].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  e c - Vi   w & wa


Big Profit Chen
6 strike
R e - U P sh -
P wa x B s -
B yo - R w -
P cn - J P cn -
G y - G y -
K t - K t -

The temple is the U line.  Your own house is the self line.  The U line produces the self line.  The temple is not hurting your fortune.  But there is another object locating between the temple and your house.  How do we know that?   Because the 5th line moved.  The 5th line lies between the self line and the U line.  5th line P represents a structure.  The 5th line P moved turning into B s which bounds to the U line R e.  That means this structure belongs to the temple.   The man said, "Oh yes.  There is a big, tall hundred year-old tree locating between my house and the temple.  So that's the thing which is affecting my luck?"  Wild Crane replied, "  The 5th line moved turning into a powerful B star which kills the money star.  This tree is killing your money.   In order for you to earn more money, you need to pass the exam so you can get a higher paid job.  The 5th line moves killing your money explains why you can't pass the exam.  You should put up a big beast head against that tree.  I think that will recover your luck."

After the man has nailed a big beast head on his fence which faces the tree, he tossed the coins asking will he pass the big school exam after the beast head has been put up.   He got [Bride] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  e c - Vi   w & wa


Bride Wonderful
6 match
P sh -- U B yo --
B s -- K h --
R w - P c --
P c -- J P cn -
G m o G y -
R e o K t -

The self line's advancing P star probably represents your worries.  The 2nd line's retreating money star represents your fortune. 

Result:  The man passed the next exam.  One year later, his brother, who also lived in that house, also passed that exam. 

A man tossed the coins asking about his house.  He got [Chen] and [Big storage].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo sh - Vii   y & m


6 strike
Big Storage
P sh - J G y - Gry
B s o K t -- Yel
R w o P sh -- Red
P cn - U P cn - Grn
G y - G y - Blk
K t - K t - Wht

In this hexagram, the money star and the K star are quite healthy.  But too bad it's a 6 strike.  No moving line is bounding to the self line.  The money star and the K star are being struck by other moving lines.  This is a strike upon the 6 strike.  Everything separates from each other.  Not a good sign indeed.   This indicates that people who live in this house hate each other.  Some of them want to move out.  Once they move out, they will view the remaining people as enemies.  Lots of arguments and fighting going on.  Nobody gives in.

"What Master has said is very true.  Ever since I moved in, everything is not going my way.  People always argue and fight.", the man said.

Result:  The man moved out 3 months later.

If one asks about money or about business, a healthy R star sitting on the self line is the luckiest sign of all.  But when one asks about feng-shui, the K star sitting on the self line is the luckiest.  The reason is people are more concerned about safety and stability when they toss the coins asking about a house or a burial spot.  You want to make sure that your new house won't bring you any trouble.  You want to make sure that your entire family will be safe and happy under the new roof.  Therefore, the K star is the lucky star while the R star usually represents danger and fear.  If you toss the coins asking "Will this house make me rich or give me a promotion?", the R star sitting on the self line is a lucky sign.  But based on my experience, most people are more concerned about safety and stability when they ask about feng-shui.  So the self line K star does not mean you are a loser.

Wild Crane said, "If the self line is white, a coffin on top of a coffin.  If the self line is a powerful green K, bury in year y and become rich in year m."   (A coffin on top of a coffin means someone else has already been buried in the same spot.  So bury there is like a coffin over a coffin.)

One woman tossed the coins asking about a burial spot.  She received [Strip].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  s t - V   w & wa


G y - Red
K t -- J Grn
P sh -- Blk
G m -- Wht
R e -- U Gry
P wa -- Yel

The self line is a green K, and it is being helped by both the month and the date.   This is very lucky.  The self line is water.  Water represents money source.  The water is so strong!  Face the burial spot toward the river.   Wait!  Hold on.  Hold on.  The water is already too strong.   Facing the river might not be appropriate.  If you face the river, the water might overflow.   No, we don't want anything extreme.  That's not good.  The 4th line P represents a big building or a mountain.  It is black, and that means it's in the back of the burial spot.  If you face that, the mountain could somehow control the flow of the strong water.  Face the mountain in the back when you bury!  You will become wealthy!

Result: She followed the direction given by Wild Crane.  She buried her mother-in-law in August, and her husband was promoted in October.  In the next year's April, her son, who was unable for many years, suddenly gave her a grand son.   

A man tossed the coins asking about a burial spot for his mother.  The Lord gave him [Return] and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  t s - III   cn & e


6 match
6 strike
K yo -- K yo --
G h -- G h --
B c -- U B c --
B cn -- R m --
R y -- P e --
G t o J B wa --

The self line represents yourself.  The self line moves and turns into B which kills back at itself.  Do not bury here.  If you do, something bad will happen.

Result:  The man didn't listen.  Right after he buried his mother there, his back pain grew so severe that he wished to die.  Then he immediately relocated his mother's coffin to another spot.  After his mother's burial spot has changed, his back pain disappeared.  The reason why the coffin was relocated is because the 2nd hexagram is a 6 strike.  6 strike means that spot won't last long.  The reason why nothing serious has happened to the man is because the self line's G star is very powerful.  So although it turns into a B star which kills back at itself, the G star is not damaged because it's very strong.

Some man tossed the coins asking about his house's feng-shui.  He got [Big profit] and [Step].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
wa sh yo - Vi   y & m


Big Profit Step
R e - U P sh - Yel
P wa x B s - Red
B yo - R w - Grn
P cn o J P c -- Blk
G y - G m - Wht
K t - R e - Gry

If reading about feng-shui, look at the G money star first.  G money star is the flowing energy of the house.  Then you look at the K star because K is the helper of G money.  The money star in this sign is pretty weak.  Nothing is helping it out.  The date yo is killing it.  The 5th line moves turning into a B star which is killing and striking at the 2nd line's money star y.  Living in this house means you will lose big money and your wife shall die or leave you because G also represents your wife.  The 2nd line's G star is white.  White represents disease.  That means your wife is sick. 

The guy spoke with fear in his eyes, "Master.  I honestly tell you...  I lived in that house for half a year now.  My wife died of cancer just 3 months ago.   So I should move out of that house or what?"

Master Liang-Han continued, "Red represents the front of your house.  The strong P star represents a big building.  The 5th line red P is very strong and is also moving.  A red P moving means there is a new building under construction, and it is located right in front of your house.  When that building is done, your wife shall die.  Why?  Because the 5th line's red P turned into a powerful B which strikes and kills the 2nd line wife star."

"Tell me about it.  When they started the construction, my wife was diagnosed with cancer.  The building isn't even done yet, and my wife is already dead.   Will that building hurt the rest of my family or drive away my luck?", the man asked.

Master Liang-Han said, "No.  The house won't hurt the rest of your family members.  But living in that house will guarantee the lost of money and constant quarrels between the family members." 

Result:  The man said, "My God.  You are so amazing!  That's right!   There are a whole bunch of illegal buildings in the back of my house.  The government officials are thinking about knocking them down.  Yes!  I don't like the look of those old buildings anyway.  I would be so happy if they would knock them down." 

A man tossed the coins asking about a burial spot for his own parents.  The Lord gave him [Difficulty] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
c m t - V   w & wa


Difficulty Rise
B m o J R yo --
K e o P h --
G wa -- G c --
R yo - U R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- G c --

The self line is yourself.  The self line turns into R which kills and strikes back at itself.  The K represents your children.  The K star turns into a powerful P star which kills and strikes back at itself.  This burial spot is a very bad spot.  If you bury your parents here, your children and yourself will also be buried soon.  The P star killing back at the K star means your children shall die.   The R star killing back at the self line means you shall die.  I think this spot has a ramming magnetic flux which will greatly damage your family's fortune.  DO NOT bury your relatives here, or else you will swallow the wrath of God.

Result:  The man didn't listen.  He buried his father in that spot in the year of cn.  After the father was buried there, his son and his daughter got small pox and died.  He was also diagnosed with an unknown disease and died in the year of yo.  Wild Crane had always taught people to fear the Lord.  Only the people who learn to fear the Lord shall survive.

A man tossed the coins asking about his house.  He received [Look] and [Same] from the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh e - X   w & wa


Look Same
G m - P sh - Wht
B  s R e - B s - Gry
P wa x J R w - Yel
G m x K h - Red
R e -- P c -- Grn
K  t P wa x U G m - Blk

There is a money combo here.  Although there is a money combo, the 3rd line's K h has been struck by the date and is therefore loose.  The date is e, and the 2nd line is also e.  The 2nd line's green e is linked to the date, and the date is the one which struck the money combo loose.  This means there is something at the left side (green) of your house which is blocking the money from coming in. 

Result:  "Master you are incredible.  That's right.  My front gate is quite curvy.  The left side of my house does have a tall building which blocked the view.  Ever since that building was built, my financial problems increased.   I lived there for 6 years.  My daughter died, and I still have a son left.   These few years, my son has been fooling around with bad kids.  He cuts classes, smokes, and gambles on the street.  I don't know what to do with him.   And yes there is a man who's renting a room at my house.  I wanted to move out long ago because a feng-shui master has told me similar stuff.  But I didn't find a good place yet.", the man said to Master Wu.

Some woman tossed the coins asking about her house's feng-shui.  She got [Hollow] and [Separate].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  y w - Vii   sh & h


Hollow Separate
R y - U R m - Gry
G t x P e - Yel
B sh -- B wa -- Red
K  s B c -- J P w -- Grn
R m - B cn - Blk
P e o R y -- Wht

Check out the money star first.  The 5th line money star is yellow.  The 5th line represents the front road.  Yellow means there are lots of turns.  That means your front road is not straight.  The money star on the 5th line means that road brings in the money.  The money star G t moves bounding to the 3rd line B.   The 3rd line represents the inner door.  That means the curved road will bring money all the way to the inner door.  These 2 signs are quite lucky.

A man told Wild Crane that he has not been promoted for a long time.  His family was always sick or stressful.  Legal battles came one after another.  He suspected that the feng shui of his house was affecting his family's fortune.  He wanted Wild Crane to find out where is the problem.  Each day, only 2 tosses were allowed in order to keep the signs accurate.  For almost half a month, Wild Crane visited his house each day to decipher the hexagrams for the man as the man tossed the coins from one corner of the house to the other corner.

One day, he tossed the coins asking if the sewage should be repaired.  He got [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh h - Vi   cn & e


B e - Yel
K wa -- U Red
G yo - Grn
G yo - Blk
R h - J Wht
K c -- Gry

The self line has a strong R trouble star.  No doubt.  The sewage is causing the problem.  God is saying that this sewage tunnel must be repaired if you want to improve your fortune or be promoted.  The self line has a white R.  The R is very strong because it is the same element as the date.  No doubt.  Here lies the problem.   Dig open the tunnel and repair it!

Result:  After the sewage tunnel was digged open, they discovered at least five sets of human skeletons.  A group of people have been murdered and were secretly buried in the sewage.  So from that day on, Wild Crane remembered that a white R represents skeleton.  (The R star could represent a dead person.  So Wild Crane thought that a white R star means skeleton.)

After the man relocated the skeletons to a burial spot, he tossed the coins again asking has the problem been solved or not.  He receive [Bite] and [No way] from the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh h - Vi   cn & e


Bite No Way
6 strike
K e - G sh -
G wa x J R s -
R yo - K w -
G cn -- G cn --
B y -- U B y --
P t - P t -

Now this man is asking if he has relocated the skeletons, will he be promoted or not.   So R represents the promotion.  The self line moved turning into an R star.   That's a good sign.  In the year of wa or s, this man should be promoted.   Why year wa?  Because the self line wa moved turning into an R star.  The hexagram is a 6 strike.  6 strike means this man cannot be promoted.  But if a moving line bounds to the self line, the power of the 6 strike could be eliminated.   Look carefully.  The 6th line K e is being struck by the date h.   Therefore the 6th line is a moving line.  It moves and bounds to the R s which the self line has turned into.  So there is a moving line bounding to the self line.   Therefore, the power of the 6 strike has been eliminated.  In year s, the man could also be promoted because year s bounds to the 6th line e causing the 6th line e to move bounding to the self line's R s. 

Result:  The man was promoted in the year s.

A man tossed coins asking about the structure of his company.  He got [Queen] and [Too much] from the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  s y - III   sh & h


Queen Too Much
P sh o P wa -- Grn
B s - B yo - Blk
R w - U K h - Wht
B yo - B yo - Gry
G  y K h - K h - Yel
P c -- J P c -- Red

If this man is asking about his company's feng-shui, the money star is definitely very important.  The money star y is hiding under the 2nd line K h.  K h produces the hider G y.  Although the month is striking the money star, but the money star is unhurt because it is the same element as the date.  This is a great feng-shui! 

Result:  Then the business increased in month sh.

A brief discription of Feng-Shui

Chinese people believe that a triangle shaped building brings bad luck because you cannot tell which way is front and which way is back.  A triangle shaped office building is especially bad because the triangle structure confuses employees' subconscious minds.  If their minds have been confused, how can they work efficiently?    The triangle shaped structure capsulates your subconscious mind.  You cannot tell the front from the back, the higher rank from the lower rank, the profit from the loss, etc.  People will be confused in a triangle because a triangle feels like a trap.  There used to be a triangle-shaped shopping mall near my house.  The triangle mall confused the visitors to a degree that visitors just stopped coming to the mall.  Then the entire mall was shut down for reconstruction.

That's why it's always a good idea to establish your office in a squared shaped building.  This way, everyone can tell which is the front and which is the back.   The center is viewable to all, and there will be efficiency and discipline among the employees.  If the office building is rectangle shaped, make sure it cannot be too long and narrow.  Feng-shui is the study of subliminal messages emitted from the structure of buildings and landscapes.  A certain shape gives a certain subliminal message.  A very long and narrow office building will impose pressure on your employees and will eventually stress them out.  They will feel like that they are riding on an airplane or are sitting inside a submarine if the office is too long and narrow.  This will make one feel unsafe and will cut down work efficiency. 

If the back of your house is surrounded by mountains, and in the front of your house lies a wide open field, you will become wealthy.  Why?  Because the mountains are your backups, and the wide open field in the front means there will be no obstacles hindering your path.  This subliminal message will greatly improve your standard of living.  If the back of your house is a slope but in the front of your house lies a big tall building blocking the sun light, your fortune will gradually be driven away.   The slope in the back of your house symbolizes a black hole which swallows all of your income.   The big tall building in the front symbolizes a huge obstacle which hinders your path.  If you live in this kind of house, you cannot be promoted, and legal battles will come one after another.  There will be contant quarrels among the family members because everyone subconsciously feels unsafe.

If a person who stands at your front gate can see your back door, money comes easily and goes easily.  That's why some Chinese put those shoji screens in front of the front door blocking people's view so people cannot see the back door directly from the front door.  Now you know why we asians use shoji screens. 

kimurablack100.jpg (3047 bytes)

A very clean and organized room will kill your creativity.  So if you are an artist, a fashion designer, a film maker, an inventor, an author, a musician, etc., your room cannot be too organized.  Ludwig van Beetovan is one of the best composer ever lived.  Based on history, Beetovan was a very sloppy man who had left over dinner and his socks lying around on his sofa.  He smelled bad too.  But he made wonderful music. 

But a very messy room will decrease your work efficiency.  So plan your interior design based on your profession.  

A round shaped building and a cross shaped building will also confuse people's mentality.  So it's better to live in a rectangular building just to be on the safe side. 

If you want to open up a restaurant, avoid a place which has too many large windows which allow people to clearly see everything inside.  Too many large windows which allow people to see everything inside give people a cold and chilling feeling.  Their subconscious minds will feel that the heat of the restaurant is escaping out from the windows.  Therefore, their subconscious minds are afraid to try the food of your restaurant fearing that the food might be served cold.  So just cover up the windows with a whole bunch of shoji screens so that people can no longer see the inside from the outside.  This way, people feel that the heat is still trapped inside.  That means people feel that your food will be served hot and will be willing to try your food.   If you plan to open up a sushi restaurant, you don't need to worry about too many large windows which expose the interior of your restaurant because sushi is served cold anyway. 

Feng-shui is not 100% about subliminal messages emitted from structures of buildings and landscapes.  Sometimes, magnetic field also will affect one's fortune.  But since you cannot see the magnetic field with your bare eyes, you have to toss the coins asking God is the magnetic field of your house good for your fortune or bad for your fortune.  For some people, living beside a beach will bring good fortune.  But for some, water means bad luck.  So you must toss the coins and ask "Should I live near water?" before you purchase a house which is located right in front of a beach.  The red color could bring good fortune for some, and it could also bring bad luck for others.  So toss the coins for colors too.

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Written by Alex Y.C. Chiu

If you would like to write your own I-Ching book after you have mastered I-Ching, please ask the author for permission to use all of our element symbols, date symbols, calendar indications, charts, and the names of the hexagrams.  We encourage an unification of English I-Ching symbols so more people can learn about I-Ching.