Alex Chiu's Online I-Ching © 2001 Registered
with the US Copyright Office.
Alex Chiu's Secret Techniques
3" Glass ball with air bubbles trapped inside. $19.00
I recommend everyone to buy a glass ball that has
lots of small air bubbles in it. It costed me around $15. Don't buy crystal
ball. A glass ball is what I recommend. Crystal balls don't work. My
glass ball has the diameter of 3 and a half inches. Few years ago, I discovered that if you stare into a glass ball while talking on the phone with somebody, you can tap into his/her mind. I advertised on the Chinese newspaper once. My ad said, "I am practicing I-Ching and feng-shui. My price is reasonable. If you want to test my skill, just give me a call and throw some coins over the phone." |
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Lots of people called me. The funny thing is lots of people wanted me to guess what their questions are just by looking at the hexagrams. But I got myself a special tool. I stared into my bubble glass ball. And immediately, I knew what the person is thinking! I knew what the person wants to ask me.
"You are fighting for inheritance with your relative. You want to ask me will you win.", I told a lady on the phone.
That surprised the hell out of that lady. Every word I said was accurate. She said to me, "My God! I can't believe how accurate you are! That's right! My father just died. He left over a mansion to us. I am fighting for that mansion with my brother." I didn't look at the hexagram at all. I looked into the glass ball and I knew exactly what the person was thinking about. Sometimes, I can even feel how many sons and daughters the person has. I spoke to an old man. He asked me, "By looking at the hexagram, can you tell how many children I have?" I replied, "You have 3 kids. 2 boys and 1 girl!"
I was correct. But the hexagram didn't tell me that. The glass ball told me that. So here is something which you should further research on. Do not view this as some kind of superstition. View this as science because, honest to God, it really worked. About 30 people called me, and I guessed around 20 people's questions. I didn't make any mistake. If one called me asking about love and marriage, I told him, "You want to know about love and marriage." If one called me concerning about his future/success, I told him, "You want to know about your future/success." I didn't make any mistake. So this glass bubble ball is something worth dealing with.
One of the visitors asked me is there water inside the glass ball. No, there is no water inside the glass ball. The glass ball is 3 and a half inches diameter PURE GLASS. There are air bubbles trapped inside the glass ball. I would say around 100 bubbles can be seen. The glass ball does not have any color, so it's clear. When using the glass ball, place it on top of a dark surface so when you stare into the ball, the background color is dark. The room cannot be too dark or too bright.
Images and Dreams
The glass bubble ball also helps you decipher your dreams. Say you got a dream. You dreamt of a dead cat stuffed in a wooden box. What the hell does that mean? You don't know? Just look into the glass bubble ball! Then immediately you will know the meaning of that dream. The answer will always be accurate. No joke.
Here is another useful technique which I have developed.
The I-Ching coins are wonderful. I-Ching tells me practically everything that I want to know. But sometimes, I feel that I-Ching is not pictorial enough. I would like to see some pictures and colors just for the feel of being a powerful prophet. Those prophets mentioned in the bible always saw images and symbols, right? I want to be able to see some images and symbols too! I-Ching is kind of boring sometimes. Guess what? I have just developed a new technique enabling people to see images.
When you are troubled about something, you can throw the coins. But if you feel that the answer given by the coins is not pictorial enough, this is what you do:
One day, I tossed the coins asking will I receive a check (money) in my mail box the next day. I tossed the coins many times, and God told me I will receive the check either on the next day or on Tuesday. No matter how many times I tossed the coins, God gave me the same answer. But that's not good enough. I want an exact answer! I know I will receive the check sooner or later. But I want to know will I receive it the very next day. So here is what I did to get an exact answer from the Lord.
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Result: I went to the PO Box. I opened up the mailbox, and it was empty. I was so angry and nervous. I wanted to call Christian up and yell the soul out of him. But although the mailbox was empty, there was a postal note sticking on the mailbox's cover. So I went to the front counter to pick up a package. Inside the package, I found a new sample of my company's product plus a check for $2500. So I did receive the money. The long peak of the bird didn't lie to me at all.
I think you should always use I-Ching to predict the future. But if you have absolutely no luck with I-Ching, you can consult the Lord using the glass ball. The glass ball should be your last option, not your first option.
Many years ago when I was a beginner of I-Ching, I had the following experience:
I tossed the coins many times asking, "Will I receive some money on Tuesday?", but God didn't show me a sign. I was so frustrated and so desperate. "So will I receive the money on Tuesday or not? God! Please answer my question!" I tossed the coins many times, but none of the signs indicated that I will receive the money on that day. I had no choice but to use the glass ball.
I closed my
eyes, and I imagined a thin, metallic pin sitting on a golden crown. Now what does
that mean? I starred into the glass bubble ball, and I immediately understood the
meaning of that image. The crown symbolizes money opportunity. So the crown is
my mail box. The thin metallic pin symbolizes emptiness. So this image
indicates that there will be nothing in my mail box on Tuesday. That means I won't
receive the money on Tuesday. That is why the Lord did not show me a sign indicating
that I will receive the money on Tuesday. This image is definitely accurate because
I have not used the glass ball for many weeks already.
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Then I tossed the coins a few more times, and God told me in every sign that I will receive the money on Saturday.
Result: My business partner sent me the money using overnight express on Friday, and I received the money on Saturday.
I realized that if you put your palm on a piece of
window glass, you can also decipher images or dreams. So if you cannot find a glass
bubble ball, just imagine an image then put your palm on a window glass. This will
work too! Don't believe me? Try it! (Imagine an image first before you
put your palm on window glass.) If you have trouble deciding what star means what when you are reading an I-Ching sign, you can also put your palm on the window. This will make you think better. |
How come future events reflect on dreams and images? How come God gives people messages through dreams?
Every object in the world has a unique frequency. Let's say that a bird has the frequency of '303'. And let's say that a nuclear war has the frequency of '304'. The frequency of a bird and the freguency of a nuclear war are very similar. There are frequencies all around you. When you sleep, your brain stops thinking. So when you sleep, your brain has the chance to pick up frequencies which are floating around you. When the brain picks up the frequency of a nuclear war (304), you will dream of a bird. (303) Why? Because these 2 objects' frequencies are too similar. The neurons cannot identify which one is which. Therefore, your brain shows you a bird when the frequency for a nuclear war was picked up. You got it now? The glass bubble ball induces energy into your brain through your eyes. The extra energy strengthens the connectivity of your neurons. This allows you to accurately identify the object which has the most similar frequency prior to your dream. |
Tips on how to imagine a more accurate image.....
I find that if you lie down on the bed allowing your body to relax, you can create a more accurate image. I guess when you are sitting upright or when you are standing, your muscles used up lots of energy. Therefore, you cannot concentrate on creating an image. That's why if you lie down allowing your body to relax, a more accurate image can be produced.
The glass bubble ball can also help you decipher messages hidden behind physical, natural phenomenon.
We all know that feng-shui can affect one's fortune. The landscape of your house or the color of your car can greatly affect your life. You know that there is life changing power hidden behind the architecture of your house. But do you know that every natural occurrence could also be an omen?
For example: One day, I was tossing the coins asking will the stock market perform better next year. While I was tossing, my next door neighbor, Tom, kept walking in and out of his room. He opened and closed his door at least 5 times within 2 minutes. It was so loud and annoying. So I stopped tossing the coins because I was annoyed. Then I realized that my neighbor's strange behavior could be holding a very important omen concerning the stock market because he continuously opened and closed his door while I was inquiring about the stock market. So I took out my glass bubble ball, stared into it, and received a message from the Lord:
"There will be a big shift in the stock market. The stock market will greatly improve next year. The Nasdaq figure will increase many folds because the neighbor opened and closed his door many times."
Result: To my surprise, the stock market did improve a lot within a year. This lesson proves that every natural occurrence could be an omen.
Remember that Moses saw a burning bush in the desert?
Exodus 3: 1-6
The angel of the LORD appeared to Moses in flames of fire from within a bush. So Moses thought, "I will go over and see this strange sight--why the bush does not burn up." When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, "Moses! Moses!" And Moses said, "Here I am."
Most people don't know that there is a kind of plant called Fraxinella, also known as the gas plant, that grows from the Mediterranean area through the Middle East. Fraxinella has flowers which release a citrus-scented oil that accumulates into waxy buildup that helps the plant conserve water. This wax also contains psoralens, which can cause chemical burns when skin comes in contact with the wax and sunlight simultaneously. A small spark produced by a stone dropping near the plant can also ignite fire on this plant.
The sudden burning of this plant gave Moses an omen, and an omen is the word of God which foretells that something important will happen. Maybe Moses was very good at deciphering omens, just like Joseph the dreamer. A sudden burning of a plant while Moses was thinking about his fellow Hebrews in Egypt probably meant that the Hebrews will be freed.
During the 3 kingdoms period (China, around 200 AD), the warlord of the Weis led 50,000 troops South to invade another province. On the journey, a strong wind has bent one of his flag poles into two. The flag was a red flag. His military counsel immediately took out a shinny, polished stone, stared into it, and said to the warlord, "My king. The bent flag pole means that the enemy will perform a surprise attack on our camp tonight. So I suggest that we set up a trap." At night, the enemy really did sneak into their camp in the attempt to take them by surprise. But the enemy fell into their trap because God has given their enemy into their hands when the flag pole was bent by the wind.
If you master I-Ching and you also can decipher images and dreams with the glass bubble ball, you will become a SUPER PROPHET!
Good luck and have fun!
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If you would like to write your own I-Ching book after you have mastered I-Ching, please ask the author for permission to use all of our element symbols, date symbols, calendar indications, charts, and the names of the hexagrams. We encourage an unification of English I-Ching symbols so more people can learn about I-Ching.