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Gua striking back

A gua is composed of three lines. A hexagram is composed of two guas. One gua is on top, and another is at the bottom. If the bottom gua turns into a gua which strikes back at itself, it is called 'bottom gua striking back'. If the top gua turns into a gua which strikes back at itself, it's 'top gua striking back'. Below is an example of a 'top gua striking back'.

   B   m   O J   <--strike-->  R   yo  - - J
   K   e   O     <--strike-->  P   h   - -
   G   wa  - -   <--strike-->  G   c   - -
   R   yo  O U                 B   m   - - U
   P   h   O                   K   e   - -
   G   c   - -                 G   wa  - -

Look at the above example. The top three lines are the top gua. The top three lines all turn into elements which strike back at them. This is 'top gua striking back'.

The below is an example of a 'bottom gua striking back'.

             G   sh  - - U   G   sh  - -
             R   s   - -     R   s   - -
             K   w   -       K   w   - U
             R   yo  O J     B   m   - -
             P   h   O       K   e   - -
             G   c   - -     G   wa  - - J

The bottom gua is also known as the inner gua.  If the inner gua strikes back, you don't feel safe.  The top gua is also known as the outer gua.  If the outer gua strikes back, your opponent doesn't feel safe.  If the top gua and the bottom gua both strike back, you and your opponent both don't feel safe.  A gua striking back also indicates stuff like traveling back and forth.  If you are asking about stock market trend, a gua striking back means the stock value will reach your expected value because the trend will go back and forth.  If you ask about your love relationship, your love is unstable.  If you ask about your job or a position, you will be transferred frequently or move around a lot.  If the self line is weak and you also got a gua striking back, you might also be demoted or even lose your job.  If you ask about your business, it means easy come easy go. You earn but you spend. Sometimes business is hot, but sometimes it's slow.  If asking about moving to a new home, it means that you move to a new place after another new place. If asking about burial, it means that you might change the burial spot later in the future.  If asking about quitting your job, it means that you will hesitate and will finally change your mind.  You will end up staying at your job.

If you ask about something that has been dragging for a long time, there will be recent changes.  If asking about weather, rain will come right after the sun, or sun will shine right after the rain.   If you ask about marriage, both sides are going back and forth and the marriage is hard to succeed.   If asking about illness, you got cured but become sick again.   If you ask about lawsuit, one comes after another.  If asking about travel, you will come back in the middle of the way.  If you ask about a returning person, if the person's appointed star is healthy, he will return.  If the appointed star is weak, he is moving to another town.

Here's an example:  A man told Wild Crane that he might be promoted and might be required to be transferred to a new province.  He got [Compare] and [Well].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  m s - iX   sh & h


             G   t   - - U   G   t   - -
             B   sh  -       B   sh  - J
             K   s   - -     K   s   - -
             R   m   X   J   K   yo  -
             P   e   X       G   h   - U
             B   wa  - -     B   c   - -

The self line got the R star.   R (responsibility) represents his job.  His job R is the same element as the month and is strong, so he definitely can be promoted.  But the bottom gua strikes back.  There will be unexpected changes.  

Result: The guy took the promotional offer. But the province where he went was near the guerrilla fighters' hideout. In July, the guerrilla fighters attacked his city.  He and his supervisor were both killed. 

Someone wanted to go to a foreign country to export silk.  He wanted to know if he can earn good money out of it. He got [Everlasting] and [Joy].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  w cn - III   t & c


                              6 match
             G   sh  - - U   G   sh  - -
             R   s   - -     R   s   - -
             K   w   -       K   w    - 
             R   yo  O   J   B   m   - -
             P   h   O       K   e   - -
             G   c   - -     G   wa  - - 

The lower gua strikes back.  The self line yo metal turns into m wood.  R yo strikes with B m.  The money star G sh strikes with the date and moves bounding to the self line's B m.  The G money star is very strong.  If the money star is strong, he definitely has the money luck.  But since the self line yo turns into m which strikes back at yo, he will go back and forth many times.  But he will earn money.

Result: The man made three round trips. He made money selling his goods at another unexpected country.  In the ancient text, it says that if a line moves and turns into an element which strikes back at itself, it's like meeting an enemy.  I find it not so.  If a line moves and turns into a character which strikes back, it means that there will be constant movement.  If you ask about the stock market, your expected value will be reached because the trend fluctuates back and forth.  If you ask about business, you will go back and forth.  If you ask about negotiation, you will negotiate back and forth.

Let's say there is a gua strikes back.  If a strong helper moves producing the self line, just ignore the 2nd hexagram.

A government worker asked about a possible promotion to a new province. He got [Arrive] and [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  m h - Vi   cn & e


             K   yo  X       R   m   -
             G   h   X   U   P   e   -
             B   c   - -     B   wa  - - J
             B   c   - -     B   c   - -
             R   m   -   J   R   m   -
             P   e   -       P   e   - U

The self line is wood m.  The month is the same as the self line.  The date is producing the self line. The R promotion star is sitting on the self line and is very strong.  He will definitely be promoted.  Wild Crane said, "The upper gua strikes back.  G h 5th line strikes with the element which it has turned into.  The 6th line also strikes at the element which it has turned into." 

Result: He was transferred from Jiang-Yo to Shang-Dong, and then from Shang Dong to Jiang Shii.  Shang Dong is East from here. The R self line is m, and m represents East.  Therefore he went East. The reason why he transferred to a new province after a new province is because the upper gua strikes back.

Sam bought some stocks, and the stock value went all the way down.  Just a few days ago, Sam tossed the coins asking the Lord when can he break even, and the Lord told him that he shall break even in month c.  But today, the stock dropped even more.   So Sam got nervous and tossed the coins again asking, "Lord.  Are you sure that I can break even in month c?"  This time, the Lord gave him [Too much] and [Combine].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  s cn - V   sh & h


Too Much
G wa -- G wa --
R yo - R yo -
P h - J P h -
R yo o B m --
P h o K e --
G c -- U G wa --

The bottom gua strikes back.  The 3rd line R yo moves producing the self line.   The R star represents power, possession, and control.  If the R star produces the self line, the stock will go up again.  Although the 3rd line R yo moves turning into B m which strikes back at R yo, we can ignore the B m because R yo is extremely powerful.  B m cannot affect R yo a bit.  Right now, R yo is bounding to the date cn.  So R yo cannot move at this moment.  But in month sh, the bondage between R yo and the date shall be broken allowing R yo to produce the self line.  So the Lord is saying that he shall make the stock value go up again in month sh.

"But what about month c?  I am asking will I still be able to sell my shares in month c?  Why didn't the Lord say anything about month c this time?", Sam asked.  I replied, "Your mouth is talking about month c.  But your mind is wondering when will the stock go up again.  That's why I don't recommend people to toss again and again.  Your very first toss concerning breaking even in month c is the most accurate because you were really wondering when will you break even that time.   But now, you already know that you will break even in month c because the Lord has already told you that.  You are just tossing the coins again because you got nervous.   This time, the Lord is saying that there is nothing to be nervous about since he will make the stock value go up again in month sh."

Result:  The stock value did rose again in month sh.

My room mate Sonny didn't come home for 3 days already.  I reported him missing to the police.  Then I tossed the coins asking what is he doing and where is he.  I got [Look] and [Well].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  w cn - V   sh & h


Look Well
G m o K t --
R e - P sh -
P wa -- J B s --
G m x B yo -
R e x K h -
P wa -- U P c --

My friend Sonny should be presented by the B star.  The self line P wa turned into a strong B s.  This means Sonny is safe outside. 

Result:  Sonny's co-worker called me at hour h and told me that Sonny went to the hospital for the removal of his appendix after having an upset stomach after a BBQ party.   I though God said day h.  But I actually got the news at hour h.

If the helper B m moves turning into a strong R yo which kills and strikes back at B m, the helper B m will be damaged.

A girl tossed the coins asking about the entire year's stock market trend.  She got [Joy] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  cn yo - Viii   t & c


6 match
G sh -- R yo --
R s -- P h --
K w o U G c --
B m x R yo -
K e x P h -
G wa -- J G c --

The 3rd line B m moves producing the 2nd line K e, and the 2nd line K e moves to produce the self line's money star G wa.  But B m moves turning into a strong R yo which kills back at B m.  And K e also moves turning into P h which kills back at itself.  So B m and K e do not have enough strength to support the money star G wa.   The stock market shall crash when B m or K e fails.  The stock market should crash in month s because the 2nd line K e could move in month s.  When K e moves, it moves turning into P h which kills back at itself.  And when K e is damaged, nobody will be there to support the poor money star G wa anymore.  Month s can also damage B m so that B m can no longer support K e.

Result:  As predicted, the stock market reached the bottom peak in month s.   So B m is the root, K e is the stem, and G wa is the leaf.  One supports the other.  If the root and the stem are under attack, the leaf shall fall.

But if the helper is quite healthy, just ignore the 2nd hexagram.

A girl tossed the coins asking on which day will she receive a package.  She got [Hollow] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  y wa - Viii   sh & h


Hollow Wonderful
6 match
R m o K yo --
P e o G h --
B wa -- J B c --
B c x B cn -
R m - R y -
P e - U G t -

The top line R m represents 'You got something'.  The top line R m produces the 5th line P e, which represents 'Something happening'.  Both R m and P e are healthy.   Therefore, just ignore the 2nd hexagram.  Pretend that the 2nd hexagram does not even exist.  (Pretend that K yo does not kill back at R m and G h does not kill back at P e.)  The package probably will come on day m because the top line R m shall move on day m to produce P e, which produces the self line.  When P e moves to produce the self line, she will receive a letter or a package.

Result:  The package arrived on day m.  This girl tossed the coins in Canada.   But the package arrived on day m of Beijing's time.  This sign also proves that we must convert to Beijing's time in order to predict future events accurately.  

Note:  Based on my own experience, the 5th line P e cannot move before the 6th line R m moves.  That is why I predicted that the package should arrive on day m.

Gua Bounds Back

Let's talk about the 'upper gua bounds back' first.

If the upper gua bounds back, the entire upper gua becomes an alliance.  So all three lines in the upper gua affect each other.  One line cannot move without the approval of the other lines.

I plan to buy a certain stock at the best price available.  I suspect that the price might drop some more next week.  So I tossed the coins asking is it safe for me to buy next week.  "Will the price go up dramatically next week?  Will I miss my chance if I waited until next week?"  The Lord gave me [No way] and [Family].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  cn h - II   s & yo?
sh & h?


No Way
6 strike
G sh - B m -
R s - K e -
K w o J G wa --
G cn x P h -
B y -- G c --
P t - U B m -

  A beginner would say that I can buy at a much better price on day w or on day wa because the self line K w moved turning into a strong money star G wa.  But this is not true at all.

Result:  On the day of this coin toss (Friday), the price was $24.50.  But on Monday, the price has risen to $26.34.  Then on day e, the price dropped back down to $25.  On day w, the price quickly bounced back up to $26.  So day e did give me a good price because the self line K w received a strong money star G wa when the 5th line's K e regained strength on day e.  But the price was not as good as the price that I got on the day of the coin toss because the 3rd line G cn also turned into a P frustration star on day e.  A beginner would have said that I will get a very good price on day w or on day wa because the self line K w moved turning into a strong money star.  But the price rose sharply on day w.  This valuable lesson has proven to us that the entire upper gua forms an alliance if upper gua bounds back.  One line cannot move without the permissions of the other 2 lines. 

Take a look at this example:

No Way
6 strike
G sh - B m -
R s - K e -
K w o J G wa --
G cn x P h -
B y -- G c --
P t - U B m -

An author tossed the coins asking when can he find a publisher.  He received [Touch] and [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh t - iX   y & m


Touch Hide
R m - U B sh -
P e - K s -
B wa x P w -
K s - J K s -
P w -- P w --
B cn -- B cn --

This sign is very tricky.  The 4th line B wa seems like the helper of the self line.  So most beginners will say that there will be great joy when the 4th line B wa moves to produce the self line in month w or in month wa. 

Result:  He only copyrighted his book in month wa and didn't find a publisher.

A man asked when will his disease be cured.  The Lord gave him [Need] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh w - V   t & c


Need Rise
G t -- G t --
B sh - B sh -
K s -- J K s --
B cn - K yo -
R y - G h -
G t o U B c --

The self line K s is the lucky star.  The ancient text says "If the self line has a K, no medicine is needed and the disease shall disappear by itself."  The U line G t moves turning into B c which produces the self line K s.  This is another good sign.  But right now, the U line is empty.  But the emptiness shall be fulfilled in month t or in month c.  So the U line can move in month t or in month c.   When the U line B c moves to produce the self line's happiness star K s, the disease shall be cured.

He requested to toss the coins again.  This time, he was recommended to ask "Can I become happy because my disease is cured within a few months?"  He got [Little storage] and [Chen].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh w - V   t & c


Little Storage Chen
6 strike
B m - G sh -
K e - R s -
G wa x U K w -
G cn - G cn -
B y - B y -
P t - J P t -

The U line is the lucky line because the G gain star moved and got produced back by the strong K w happiness star.  But too bad that the self line repelled it away.   There is no happiness.

Result:  He waited until year t to be cured.

The killing & producing law for 'gua bounds back' is the same as a regular moving line. 

If a soil line moves turning into a fire line which produces back at itself, the soil line can move to produce another metal line.  The soil line can also move to kill another water line.  The fire line cannot kill nor produce other lines because the fire can only produce back at the soil.

For example:

Little Storage Chen
6 strike
B m - G sh -
K e - R s -
G wa x U K w -
G cn - G cn -
B y - B y -
P t - J P t -

The 4th line G wa moves turning into K w which produces back at G wa.   K w cannot kill nor produce any other line because K w can only produce back at G wa.  So K w is dedicated to G wa.  But G wa can produce or kill other lines.

One I-Ching scholar said, "If G wa moves turning into K w, that line cannot move because they bound to each other.  But that line can move when their bondage is broken in month t or in month c."  That is not true!  What he said is nonsense.  Do not believe in that theory.  If G wa moves turning into K w, their bondage will not hinder their movement.  Even if K w does bound back at G wa, G wa can still move to kill or produce other lines.  You don't need to wait for month t to break open their bondage.  In fact, that line will become loose in month t because month t will strike that line loose! 

That means the 4th line G wa shall move to kill the self line P t most likely in month w or in month wa.  The 4th line G wa will most likely stop moving in month t or c because month t or c will strike the 4th line loose.

See this example. Some boy asked Mr. Wild Crane about his father's recent illness.   He got [Chen] and [Little Storage].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  cn s - V   y & m
             P   sh  - J     G   m   -
             E   s   -       R   e   -
             R   w   O       P   wa  - - U
             P   cn  - U     P   cn  -
             G   y   -       G   y   -
             K   t   -       K   t   - J
             6 strike

The 4th line R w disease star moves and bounds to the frustration star P wa.  So the 4th line is the enemy.  But on day t or day c, the 4th line shall be struck loose.  When the 4th line has been struck loose, your father will recover from his illness.

Result: The father got out of bed on day c.  The 4th line's R disease star was the enemy.  When the enemy line has been struck loose, the disease also disappeared.

If K cn moves turning into G yo, G yo can produce or kill other lines.  But K cn cannot produce or kill other lines because K cn can only produce G yo.  Which means, K cn is dedicated to G yo.

If R m moves turning into B sh, R m can kill or produce other lines.  B sh can also kill or produce other lines.

Duplication of a hexagram

When a hexagram duplicates itself, it is called 'duplication of a hexagram'.  For example, [No Way] and [Strong].

             G   sh  O       G   sh  - -
             R   s   O       R   s   - -
             K   w   - J     K   w   - J
             G   cn  X       G   cn  -
             B   y   X       B   y   -
             P   t   - U     P   t   - U

The above has both the upper gua and the lower gua duplicated in the second hexagram. Most of the time, you get only either the top or the bottom gua duplicated.  In ancient books stated that duplication means worry and anxiety.  My way of looking at it is that you get either a lower gua duplicated or an upper gua duplicated in 70 % of the times.  So 70 % of the time, someone is worrying about something or is anxious about something?   I don't think so.  In ancient text, it says that if the upper gua duplicates, your opponent is worrying about something.  If the inner gua (lower) duplicates, you or your family members are worried.  Based on my personal experience, a hexagram which has both the top and the bottom guas duplicated truly has an important meaning.  A hexagram with both the top and the bottom guas duplicated means that it's difficult for you to advance or retreat.  If you are negotiating with someone, both sides don't give in.   If you are traveling, you will be frustrated.  If it's about trading in the stock market, you are tied up and thus cannot sell or buy.  If asking about illness, there is no improvement.  If asking about love, there is no progress. Every time I get this kind of full hexagram duplication, I get one of the results mentioned above. I personally think that a bottom gua or a top gua duplication means nothing because I see it very often. 

The most popular bottom gua duplication has moving 2nd and 3rd line.   The 2nd line is y, and the 3rd line is cn.  See this example: 

Abide Extreme
G wa -- U G wa --
R yo - R yo -
P h - P h -
G cn x J G cn -
B y x B y -
P t - P t -

Here are the rules for this type of bottom gua duplication:

(The above rule will only work for the bottom duplicated guas.  Do not apply this rule on other type of signs.)

I threw the coins asking on which day will I be approved for a loan.  I got [Abide] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  y cn - V   sh & h


Abide Extreme
G wa -- U G wa --
R yo - R yo -
P h - P h -
G cn x J G cn -
B y x B y -
P t - P t -

The self line's G star represents money.  A loan is money.  The 2nd line B star moves killing the self line money star.  Does this mean that I cannot be granted the loan?  Not exactly.  The self line money star G cn moves and turns into another G cn.  If an element moves turning into the same element, that line is as solid as a rock.  So the self line G cn is as solid as a rock.  But the 2nd line B y can help break open that rock.  When B y moves, the rock of the self line shall be broken.  When the rock is broken, I shall be granted the loan.  

Result:  I was granted the loan on day h.  The 2nd line B y can move on day h because h bounds to y.  I know that this phenomena is weird.  But don't worry.   The duplication of hexagrams does not happen very often.  The reason why that the 2nd line B y did not kill my money star is because my money star is healthy.   So the B star actually helped me break open the rock.

My friend Richard invested in the stock market, but the stock market went down.   He threw the coins asking when can he break even.  He got [Abide] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  y y - V   s & yo


Abide Extreme
G wa -- U G wa --
R yo - R yo -
P h - P h -
G cn x J G cn -
B y x B y -
P t - P t -

If one asks about the stock market, a duplication of hexagram means that the stock market will stay low for awhile.  The B star is the money killer.  The 2nd line B y is as strong as hell.   If this B star moves, the self line's money star shall be destroyed without a doubt.  Right now, B y cannot move because both the month and the date are bounding to B y.  But month s can break open the bondage causing B y to move killing the money star.  This time, the self line G cn is not a rock because it is as weak as a piece of paper.  B y can pierce through the paper when it moves. 

Result:  Richard's stocks dropped even lower in month s.

I want to buy a 30 units apartment complex building which was listed for 2.09 million dollars.  I offered to buy it for 1.95 million dollars.  Then the seller said he will sell it at 2 million dollars.  I want to counter his offer again by asking him to pay for the city transfer tax of Oakland, which is about $30,000.  My agent urged me not to do this because he fears that by asking the seller to pay for this tax might anger the seller resulting in the break of our original deal.  I tossed the coins asking will the seller agree to pay for the city transfer tax?  I got [Fog] and [Need]:

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo c - X   y & m


Fog Need
B t -- B t --
R sh - U R sh -
P s -- P s --
R cn x R cn -
K y x J K y -
B t - B t -

This one is easy.  The 3rd line's moving R cn is healthy.  So when the 2nd line K y moves, I will receive a healthy R winner star.  Don't worry.  They will agree to pay for the transfer tax for sure.  They will respond and agree to our offer when the emptiness of K y fulfills, which is within 2 days.

Result:  They faxed back a contract agreeing to pay for the city transfer tax on day m.  I was right.

I tossed the coins asking in which month will a certain stock reach $10 a share.   I got [Compare] and [Well].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  cn c - iV   sh & h


Compare Well
G t -- U G t --
P sh - B sh -
K s -- K s --
R m x J K yo -
P e x G h -
B wa -- B c --

This sign is tricky.  I bet that a beginner will say that this stock will never reach $10 because the self line has turned into a loser star K yo.  But based on my years of experience, a gua strikes back means the expected price will be reached even if the self line got killed back by a powerful K star.  So this sign is telling me that the price will reach $10 one day.

Result:  The price reached $10 in month e.

The most popular top gua duplication has moving 5th and 6th line.   The 5th line is s, and the 6th line is sh. 

Usually, the 5th line s cannot move before the 6th line sh moves.  I know this because I have never seen the 5th line s move before the 6th line sh unless the 5th line s is empty or has been struck loose.

I tossed the coins asking in which month will my business partner give me back my money.  I got [No way] and [Zen]. 

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  e t - III   sh & h


No Way
6 strike
6 strike
G sh o G sh --
R s o R s --
K w - J K w -
G cn -- G cn --
B y -- B y --
P t - U P t -

The hexagram duplicates itself.  This means that I won't be receiving the money anytime soon.  The double 6 strike also suggests that I won't receive the money very soon.   I have to wait a little bit longer.  The 5th line R star represents 'You got something'.  So the R star could be my appointed star.  But I think that the 6th line G sh is more important than the 5th line R s because G sh represents money.  Afterall, I am asking about money.  Therefore, I won't receive the money until the emptiness of the 6th line G sh fulfills.  When the emptiness of G sh fulfills in month sh, I shall receive the money.

Result:  I got the money in month sh. 

Here comes a tricky one:  I tossed the coins asking for the stock market trend of the entire year.  God showed me [No way] and [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  t h - Viii   y & m


No Way
6 strike
6 strike
G sh o G sh --
R s o R s --
K w - J K w -
G cn x G cn -
B y x B y -
P t - U P t -

Double 6 strike.  Is this extremely unlucky?  Not quite.

You are not asking "Can I accomplish something."  You are asking only for the stock market trend of the entire year.  Therefore, a 6 strike means nothing.   The 6 strike probably means that the stock market will fluctuate very violently this year.

Result:  The stock value dropped from $18 to $9 in month s.  Then it climbed up to $19 in month sh.

I sold short Yahoo stocks at $25.  Then it started climbing up.  I was so nervous and tossed the coins asking "Will Yahoo reach $26?  I don't want Yahoo to reach $26."  Lord gave me [Step] and [No way].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  cn y - III   sh & h


Step No Way
6 strike
B sh - B sh -
K s - J K s -
P w - P w -
B c -- B cn --
R m o U R y --
P e - G t -

I was in great fear when I got this sign.  If Yahoo continues to climb up, I could lose everything that I've got.  So the self line's K star is the lucky star, and the U line's retreating R star is the evil spirit which shall fade away one day.  Right now, the U line's R y is bounding to the date y.  So the evil spirit cannot fade away immediately.  But on day s, the bondage shall be broken allowing the evil spirit to fade.  So Yahoo shall drop sharply on day s.

Result:  On day m, Yahoo reached $26.  Then it dropped back down to $25 on day cn.  On day s, Yahoo dropped to $24.50.

I tossed the coins asking on which day can I sell my stocks.  I got [No way] and [Bride].  This is not my 1st toss.

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  cn t - III   s & yo


No Way
6 strike
G sh o G sh --
R s o R s --
K w - J K w -
G cn -- G c --
B y x B m -
P t - U K e -

This is not my first toss, so the 6 strike has no meaning.  The top line G sh should move first.  But since the 5th line R s is empty, R s could actually move before G sh moves. 

Result:  I sold on day y because day y has struck with R s and fulfilled its emptiness.  The 2nd line's B y moves and advances because I sold and lost some money on day y.

If the top gua or the bottom bua duplicates itself, all 3 lines in the gua form an alliance.  If one of these 3 lines is empty or is bounding to the date, none of these 3 lines can move!

For example!!  A man tossed the coins asking when will his wife come back home and received [Compare] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  s s - I   s & yo


Compare Look
G t x U R m -
B sh - P e -
K s -- B wa --
R m -- J R m --
P e -- P e --
B wa -- B wa --

A beginner would have said that the wife will come back on day t.  But I noticed that the bottom gua duplicates.  The 2nd line P e is bounding to the date.   Therefore, the entire bottom gua cannot move until the bondage on the 2nd line is broken. 

Result:  The wife came back home on day y because day y helped break the bondage on the 2nd line.

Another example!!  A man asked when will his business stop losing money.  He received [Intercourse] and [Little much].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo sh - III   w & wa


Intercourse Little Much
P wa -- U P sh --
B yo o B s --
K h - R w -
B s - J B s -
R w -- R w --
P cn -- P cn --

The retreating B money killer links to the self line.  This means his business is about to turn loss into profit.  But nothing will happen until the 2nd line's emptiness fulfills because the entire bottom gua forms into an alliance.  If the 2nd line cannot move, the self line cannot link to the retreating B star.

Result:  The business has turned loss into profit in month w.

Stable and unstable

If you look at the hexagram chart, you see hexagrams that are stable and hexagrams that are unstable. In ancient text, it says that if you get an unstable hexagram, you move around a lot. If you want something to last, it just doesn't last. You hesitate and cannot make up your mind. If asking about your entire life's luck, you will not have a stable, happy home for life. If asking about an awaited person, there is no certainty about his return. If asking about your home, you will move around a lot. If asking about a burial spot, the spirit will not rest in peace.

Wild crane said, "You must focus at the appointed before you concern about the unstableness. Without identifying the strength of the appointed and make a conclusion that things are unstable can bring you immediate failure." If you have a hexagram that's stable, you do not move. Everything is hard to accomplish. A stable hexagram is the direct opposite of an unstable

Too many lines move!

If 4 lines move, too many lines are moving.  Ancient saints said that too many lines moving indicates bad luck.  Actually, I find it true.  Everytime I got myself a hexagram that has 4 lines or more moving, it always resulted something bad.   (This must be your first toss.  If this is your 2nd toss, 4 or 5 lines move does not mean anything.) 

But whenever I got a hexagram that has so many lines moving, I would just grab the coins and toss again.  I mean I can't read what's going on if so many lines all move together.  It's just too complicated and too hard to read.  I know that too many lines moving indicates bad luck.  But I can't read a thing because it's just too messy.   So go ahead and toss those coins again to get yourself a clearer message from the Lord. 

For example:  A woman tossed the coins asking will she soon become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child.  God showed her [Queen] and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  c cn - III   t & c


Queen Quen
6 strike
P sh o B yo --
B s o K h --
R w o U P c --
B yo o G m --
K h o R e --
P c -- J P wa --

There is a 6 strike, and too many lines are moving.  This is a very unlucky sign.   It would be safe for you not to get pregnant recently.  You should wait another 2 or 3 years.  The 2nd line K h represents the fetus.  Both the month and the date are killing the fetus star K h, and K h moves turning into R e, which represents death.  Even if you become pregnant, the fetus shall die in your womb.   Since both the month and the date are soil elements which kill the fetus star K h, another soil month will bring death upon the fetus.

Result:  She did not listen and got pregnant in month y.  She had her miscarriage in month wa.

A man asked will Barbara Brezigar become the new president of Slovenija.  (Only two persons are running for president, and he wishes that Brezigar will win.)  He got [Cup] and [Finish].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  h wa - II   cn & e


Cup Finish
6 match
B e o R t --
K wa x U K sh -
G yo o G s --
G yo o K c --
R h - J P m -
K c x B e -

Too many lines move.  Things won't be smooth.

Result:  Brezigar lost the election.

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Written by Alex Y.C. Chiu

If you would like to write your own I-Ching book after you have mastered I-Ching, please ask the author for permission to use all of our element symbols, date symbols, calendar indications, charts, and the names of the hexagrams.  We encourage an unification of English I-Ching symbols so more people can learn about I-Ching. 
