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Which law is more important?

I think the most important law is this:  If a 6 strike turns into a 6 match, things definitely will happen no matter what.

A man tossed the coins on April 17th (day s) asking when will he find a new roommate.    He got [Kan] and [Finish].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  cn s - Vii   t & c


6 strike
6 match
B t -- J B t --
R sh - R sh -
P s -- P s --
G w -- U R c --
R cn - K m -
K y x G e -

A 6 strike turns into a 6 match.  At first, he will have trouble finding a roommate.  But at the end, somebody will show up.  Nothing will happen before April 21 (day t) because both J and U are empty.  One Super I-Ching law stated that things definitely will not happen if J and U are empty in your first toss.  But a 6 strike turning into a 6 match guarantees that something will happen.  I say that the 6 strike turning into 6 match law is more important than the empty J and U. 

Result:  He found a new roommate on May 13.  (day h)  He didn't find a roommate immediately because the 1st hexagram is a 6 strike.

I think the 2nd most important law is this:  If both the self line and the U line have been struck by the date, nothing will happen until they regain their strength.

A student tossed the coins in March of 2003 asking when will war in Iraq properly end.   He received [Queen] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  m wa - II   cn & e


Queen Rise
P sh o B yo --
B s o K h --
R w o U P c --
B yo - B yo -
G  y K h - K h -
P c -- J P c --

Both the self line and the U line has P c.  And both the self line and the U line's P c have been struck by the date wa.  This means the war will not end until P c is saved from the struck.  P c can only be saved on day t or on day c.  Day c is only 6 days away. 

Result:  Nothing happened on day t or c of month m.  But on day t of month cn, the war ended.  Instead of waiting 6 days for the war to end, the war ended 17 days after this coin toss.  But the war still ended on day t.

Note:  If both J and U have been struck by the date, something definitely will happen even if strong enemies are killing your appointed star.   Something definitely will happen even if bad combos exist.

If both the self line and the U line have been struck by the date, something definitely will happen even if there is a permanent 6 strike.

I asked can a certain stock reach $40 a share within 6 months.  I got [Kan] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  cn yo - Viii   t & c


6 strike
B t x J K m -
R sh - G e -
P s -- R wa --
G w -- U K m --
R cn o G e --
K y -- R wa --

Both the self line and the U line's K m has been struck by the date.  Something definitely will happen although there is a permanent 6 strike.

Result:  The stock value reached $40 a share on the 1st day of month sh.

The next strongest things are the combos and the repellers.

For example, a 'retreating B combos' or 'retreating K combos' are more important than the empty lines which lie between J and U.

I tossed the coins asking will I be able to find a publisher or an agent who is willing to accept my book.  God showed me [Step] and [Trapped].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
s m m - Viii   w & wa


Step Trapped
B sh o B wa --
K s - J K yo -
P w - G h -
B c -- P w --
R m - U B cn -
P e o R y --

I got a retreating K combo meaning there is no happiness.  Although the 1st line moves bounding to the retreating K star, the 1st line has no power to pull back the retreating K star becuase the 1st line is too far away from the K star.  (If the moving P e is on the 3rd line, it has the power to save the 5th line's retreating K star.   If the moving P e is on the 2nd line, it has no power to save the retreating K star.)

Result:  I didn't find an agent nor a publisher within a year.

Remember that not just the retreating B or retreating K combos are more important than the 2 empty lines which lie between J and U.  All other combos are also more important than the 2 empty lines which lie between J and U.  If you see that strong enemy is destroying your appointed star, don't expect that the empty lines which lie between J and U can somehow save you.

Let's say this is your first toss.  If powerful enemies are killing your appointed stars from four sides, don't expect any good news even if the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty.

A man bought some stocks, but the stocks' value dropped.  He has held on to his stocks for many years already, but the stock value just would not go up.  He is about to give up.  He tossed the coins for the very last time asking can he break even within 6 months, and he got [Hurt] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
w s yo - Viii   t & c


Hurt Extreme
P yo -- R wa --
B h x P yo -
R c x J B h -
G  w B h - R cn -
R c x K y -
K m - U B t -

The U line is moving because the date strikes with U line's K m thus made it move.   So both J and U are moving empty lines.  When the emptiness fulfills, things shall happen.  But since the 'killing and producing law' is more important than any other law, I say nothing will happen when the emptiness fulfills because the B star (money killer) is just too powerful.  The money star is hiding, and there is no way that the money star can survive in this sign.

Result:  He did not break even within 6 months. 

Summary:  The 2 empty dates will only work if the rest of the sign looks promising.  If a bad combo, a bad repel, or a strong enemy exists, you are still out of luck.

The empty dates' law is more important than the strike loose law.

When an element is being struck by the date, it becomes a loose line and therefore cannot move.

For example:  I tossed the coins asking in what month will I receive more money from my business partner.  God gave me [Commander] and [Cover].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  y m - II   t & c


Commander Cover
P yo x U K y -
B h -- B t --
R c -- R sh --
G w -- J G w --
R cn - R cn -
K y -- K y --

The month and the date are both producing the self line money star.   So I will definitely receive another payment from my business partner.  But date m is striking at the U line P yo.  So the U line is loose.  The U line will only move in month cn or in month yo because it is now loose.  The 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty.  So when the emptiness fulfills, I will be paid. 

So which law should I follow? 

Based on my experience, the empty law is more important than the strike loose law.  The emptiness will be fulfilled in month t or in month c.  So I will be paid in month t or in month c. 

Result:  I received the money in month c.

The switch on my projector short-circuited.  So I tossed the coins asking can I fix my projector, and I received [Commander] and [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  h cn - iX   w & wa


Commander Bride
P yo -- U R sh --
B h -- P s --
R c x G w -
G w -- J R c --
R cn - K m -
K y x G e -

The 4th line R c winner star moved linking to the empty self line G w.   This means I will fix it.  But right now, the self line is empty.  So I probably will fix it when the emptiness fulfills, which is on day w.

Result:  The switch broke down on day wa, and I fixed it on that day.   I was surprised that I could fix it on day wa because day wa is supposed to strike R c loose.  If R c is loose, how can R c link to the self line?  But the fact is that I fixed it on day wa.  So I guess that an empty element is much more important than the struck loose star.  The self line's empty G w fulfilled on day wa.

A bounded up star is more important than an empty star if they link together.

I was waiting for my employee to send me my merchandise for a long time already.   I tossed the coins asking when will I receive a news saying that he has already ship out the merchandise to me.  I received [Revolution] and [Same].  I expected to hear a good news within a week.

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  m m - Viii   w & wa


Revolution Same
R wa x R sh -
P yo - P s -
B h - J G w -
B h - B h -
R c -- R c --
K m - U K m -

The top line R star represents 'You got something'.  The top line moves and advances, and it is bounding to the self line's G star.  I shall hear a good news soon.  It will not happen before day w because the self line's G w is empty.   The top line R wa is also empty.   Right now, the top line R sh is bounding to both the month and the date.  But on day yo, the bondage shall be broken so that the top line will move again.  Although the top line is dead, it is advancing so it cannot die.   So the top line is still alive!  I will receive a good news on day yo.

Result:  My employee phoned me on day yo telling me that everything was shipped to me.  You see?  It didn't happen when the emptiness fulfilled.  But it happened on day yo when the bondage was broken.  So the bondage law does go on top of the empty law.

The bondage law could be even more important than the 2 empty lines which lie between J and U.  The bondage law could be more superior than the empty J and U law.

A politician tossed the coins asking in which year will his province approve his proposal.  He got [Look] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
e m w - I   w & wa


Look Unsettled
G m - R e -
R e o P wa --
P wa x J B yo -
G m -- R w --
R e x P cn -
P wa -- U G y --

Both J and U are empty, but both J and U have the same element P wa.  This means things will happen when the emptiness fulfills.  So his proposal shall be accepted in year w or in year wa?

Result:  His proposal was not accepted until year t.  But right after the proposal was accepted, it was turned down again a few months later.  The reason why nothing happened even when the emptiness of J and U was fulfilled is because both J and U are bounding to the date w.  When J and U bound to the date, nothing will happen even when the emptiness fulfills.  Year t broke their bondage allowing things to fulfill.  

If both lines which lie between J and U are bounding to the date, you might have to wait until the bondage is broken.  

Let's see an example:  I fired my employee because he tried to blackmail me.   But after I fired him, he confiscated my merchandise and put them in his own house.   I told my partner to go to his house to pick up the merchandise.  Then I tossed the coins asking when will my X-employee give me back my merchandise.  I got [Bride] and [Bite].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  m wa - II   cn & e?
w & wa?


Bride Bite
P sh x U R e -
B s -- P wa --
R w - B yo -
P c -- J P cn --
G m o G y --
R e - K t -

The U line represents my employee.  The 2nd line G m, which is right beside the self line, represents my merchandise.  Although the 2nd line G m moves and bounds to the U line, the 2nd line is retreating so that the 2nd line and the U line cannot bound.   Besides, the 2nd line and the U line are too far apart.  The 2nd line is also retreating.  So the U line and the 2nd line G star are actually separating.   This means my employee will soon give me back my merchandise.  This sign told me that my employee will soon lose control over my merchandise because the 2nd line G star is retreating away from the U line.   But now, the U line R e is empty.   Does this mean that my employee will hold on to my merchandise until day e?

Result:  I got my merchandise back on day t.  After this experience, I realized that w and wa could still be empty if I tossed the coins on day wa - II.  

Let's say this is your first toss.  The empty elements are s and yo.  The self line has an empty s, and the U line has an empty yo.  Your dream cannot come true or things definitely will not happen.   But if J and U are both yo, and s does not appear on J and U, your dream will definitely come true.

I tossed the coins asking the Lord when will I rent out my apartment.  I got [Commander] and [Rise].  (my first toss)

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  s y - V   s & yo


Commander Rise
P yo -- U P yo --
B h -- B h --
R c -- R c --
G w x J P yo -
R cn - B h -
K y -- K c --

This is my first toss, and both J and U are empty.  Does that mean I can never rent out my apartment?  Wrong.  If U has s, and J has yo, I probably can never rent out my apartment.  But in this sign, both J and U are yo.  The empty element s is not on J and U.  When the emptiness fulfills, I still can rent out the apartment.

Result:  A family rented my apartment on day yo.  I was lucky because both J and U contain only the empty yo.  If the empty s and yo both appear on the self line and on the U line, I would not have rented out my apartment.

Let's see another example:  I want to go to a party, but I don't want to go there by my self.  So I tossed the coins asking will my friend Ken go to the party with me, and God showed me [Cup] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh s - iX   sh & h


Cup Wonderful
6 match
B e o G yo --
K wa -- U R h --
G yo o K c --
G yo - K cn -
R h - J P y -
K c x R t -

Both the self line and the U line contain the empty element h.  But the other empty element (sh) does not appear on the self line nor on the U line.  This means things will happen.  Which means, Ken will go to the party with me tomorrow.   When the emptiness of J and U fulfills, things will definitely happen.

Result:  My friend Ken called me at hour y of day yo confirming that he will go to the party with me.  From this lesson, we learned that if the self line has been struck, the U line is also being struck if the self line links to the U line.

Lets say the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty, and at least one of them is dead.  The dead line must be revived in order for things to happen.

My employee has threatened me for a long time already.  If I don't continue hiring him, he might confiscate my merchandise which he has stored in a public storage locker under his own name.  Ever since I hired that man, I did not eat right and did not sleep well.   I tossed the coins asking when will the terror end.   I received [Cover] and [Gen].  I expected to hear a good news within a week.

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  m m - Viii   w & wa


Cover Gen
6 strike
P y - P y -
R t -- R t --
K sh -- J K sh --
B w x G s -
K cn o B w --
P y -- U K cn --

The 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty, and the 2nd line K cn is dead.   But since K cn moves turning into B w which produces back at itself, it cannot die.   The 2nd line K cn moves linking to the self line.  This means I will become happy soon.  Usually, things will happen when the emptiness of the 2 lines which lie between J and U fulfills.  But since the K star is dead, even if the emptiness of the 2 lines are fulfilled, the K star still cannot move.  We have to wait for day yo or day cn in order to see the K star move because only day yo or day cn can revive K cn.

Result:  My business partner helped me took back the merchandise on day yo.   My worries totally disappeared on that day.  Although the two lines which lie between J and U are empty, things did not happen when the emptiness fulfilled.  Instead, things happened when the K star regained its strength.  This case proved that things will not happen until the dead star regains its strength even if the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty.

If the self line does not move, but an empty line moves bounding to the self line, the self line is also considered empty.

A man asked when will he buy a house.  God gave him [Consume] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  s sh - Vii   y & m


Consume Extreme
B t -- U R wa --
R sh - P yo -
P s x B h -
B h - J R cn -
R c x K y -
K m - B t -

The 4th line P s moves linking to the self line.  The P star means 'something happening'.  So the P star is the appointed.  But since the empty 2nd line K y moves bounding to the self line, the self line is also considered empty.  Therefore, he has to wait until year y if he wants to buy a house.  But won't year y strike the 4th line P s loose?  No, because the 4th line P s is bounding to the month s.   Year y can actually help break the bondage.

Result:  He bought a house in year y. 

If two empty stars are linking together, a strike on either one of the empty stars will fulfill the emptiness of both empty stars.

This law only works if:

A guy asked when will his friend's mother die.  He said he wants his friend's mother to die.  God showed him [Bride] and [Big storage].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
w w h - Viii   y & m


Bride Big Storage
P sh x U G y -
B s -- K t --
R w o P sh --
P c x J P cn -
G m - G y -
R e - K t -

The 4th line and the U line form an R combo.  Since he wants his friend's mother to die, the R combo which produces the self line means his wish shall come true.    The advancing self line P star also indicates that he will hear a good news.    The mother shall die. 

Result:  His friend's mother died in month yo. 

I asked on which day will I sell my stocks.  I got [No way] and [Separate].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  e t - III   s & yo


No Way
6 strike
G sh - K e -
R s o G wa --
K w - J R yo -
G cn -- G c --
B y x B m --
P t - U P e -

The self line's K w has been struck by the date t.  So the self line K w (nothingness) is moving and turning into R yo, which represents 'You got something'.   The 5th line R s moves bounding to the self line.  Both R yo and R s are empty.  So must I wait until day s to sell?

Result:  I sold on day y.  I lost $3000 that day.

I asked should I sell my stocks today.  I got [Touch] and [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  wa sh - III   w & wa


Touch Hide
R m - U B sh -
P e - K s -
B wa x P w -
K s - J K s -
P w -- P w --
B cn -- B cn --

The 5th line P e frustration star links to the self line K s.  This is not a good sign.  The top gua bounds back.  Right now, P e cannot link to the self line K s because the 4th line is still empty.  But when the emptiness fulfills, there will be bad news.

Result:  On day c, the price went up.  The 4th line B wa has been struck open on day c.  That's why the emptiness of B wa has been fulfilled on day c.   Although P w remains empty on day c, the emptiness of P w has also been fulfilled on day c because B wa and P w link to each other.

I asked will I be able to sell my stocks at $30 a share.  God showed me [Separate] and [Feed].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  e s - V   y & m


Separate Feed
P e - R y -
B wa -- G t --
K yo o J B sh --
B c -- B cn --
R m o R y --
P e - U G t -

The 2nd line's R star moves and retreats.  But luckily, the self line's B sh moves bounding to the 2nd line's R m so that the 2nd line cannot retreat anymore.  The self line received a winner star.  This means I will be able to sell at $30. 

Result:  The price reached $30 on day h.  But I didn't sell because I over slept.

If both lines which lie between J and U are empty, their emptiness can be fulfilled when struck.

I asked at what hour will a certain stock reach the highest price tomorrow.  God gave me [Look] and [Trade].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo t - Vii   cn & e


Look Trade
G m - G m -
R e - R e -
P wa -- J P wa --
G m -- P cn --
R e -- G y --
P wa x U K t -

The self line and the U line both got P wa.  So the self line is the U line.   The U line P wa moved and received the happiness star K t.  This means I will become happy tomorrow because the price will go up.  But at what hour will the price reach the highest peak?

Result:  At hour h, the price did reach the highest peak.  I sold short at the highest peak and earned close to $3000 when the price dropped back down almost $1.50 when the market closed.

I am sure that my business partner will call me today.  But at what hour will he call me?  He better call me today, or else I will become very nervous.  I tossed the coins, and I got [Duay] and [Finish].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  m m - Vi   s & yo


6 strike
6 match
P wa -- J K t --
B yo - P sh -
K h o B s --
P c -- U P c --
G m - G m -
R e - R e -

The 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty.  When their emptiness fulfills, my business partner shall call me.  But wait a minute!  He will call me at hour s or hour yo?  I live in California.  And in California, hour s and hour yo are around midnight!  No, that's impossible.  He will never call me that late.   I think he will call me at around hour y.  Why?  Because although the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty, the 5th line B yo is no longer empty since the date m is striking with it.  That means only the 4th line B s is truly empty.  Hour y can strike open the empty 4th line B s.  When both empty lines are being struck, they will no longer be empty.  So he should call me at around hour y.

Result:  He really did call me at around hour y.

If I tossed the coins in month e asking "In which month will the stock market improve?", is a moving, empty cn star empty or not empty?

You all know by now that Super I-Ching is quite complicated.  Every little detail emits a glint of the future.  Therefore, every tiny feature and every slightest mechanism must be defined and tested in order for you to achieve pure accuracy. 

Let's say you tossed the coins in month e asking for the stock market trend of the entire year.  In another word, you want to know the performance of the stock market for these 12 months.  You see that an empty R cn moves.  Then you asked yourself a question, "Is R cn empty or not empty?"

Let's say you got [Consume] and [Intercourse].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  e t - Vii   cn & e


Consume Intercourse
B t -- U R wa --
R sh - P yo -
P s x B h -
G  w B h - J P s -
R c -- G w --
K m o R cn --

The 1st line R cn is empty.  But this month is already month e, and the emptiness of cn and e should have been fulfilled in this month.  So is R cn still empty?   Or is the emptiness of R cn already fulfilled?

If a K star moves turning into a R star, the stock value will rise.  That means when the 1st line moves, the stock value will rise.   If R cn is still empty, the stock value will rise in month sh.  If R cn is no longer empty, the stock value will not go up in month sh.

Result:  The stock value rose sharply in month sh.  This sign proved that R cn was still empty even if you tossed the coins in month e.

But sometimes, you get stuff like this:

One man tossed the coins asking in which month can he earn money by selling horses.   He received [Abide] and [Solution].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
w s t - III   s & yo


Abide Solution
G wa -- U G sh --
R yo o R s --
P h - K w -
G cn -- J K w --
B y x G cn -
P t o B y --

The 5th line R yo represents success, and it moves and retreats.  The 5th line R yo moves bounding to the self line.  A retreating R star bounding to the self line means he will lose money.  The 1st line's P t frustration star also links to the self line.  This further indicates that his business venture won't be too successful.    Right now, the self line cannot bound to R yo because the self line's K w has been struck loose by the date.  But month w can save K w from the stroke allowing the self line to move.  The 1st line is linking to the 2nd line, and the 2nd line links to the self line.  So the 1st line is linking to the self line.   Right now, the 1st line cannot move because the first line's P t is bounding to the date.  If the 1st line cannot move, the self line also cannot move since they link together.  The bondage of the 1st line shall be broken in month w allowing the 1st line to move.  When the 1st line moves, the self line also moves.  And when the self line moves, the retreating R yo will bound to the self line.  So everything should happen in month w.

But wait!  The 5th line R yo and R s are empty.  This month is already month s.  So is the emptiness of the 5th line fulfilled in this month?  Maybe the emptiness of the 5th line can be fulfilled in month yo, which is next month?  If the emptiness of the 5th line cannot be fulfilled in this month or in the next month, the emptiness of the 5th line shall be fulfilled in next year's month s or month yo.  (12 months away from now)  

Result:  He went to the South to sell horses in month w.  But he didn't make a profit because lots of his horses died on the trip.

Based on the traditional empty dates chart, s and yo are empty if you toss the coins on day sh - I.  And t and c are empty if you toss the coins on day y - I.  But I found out that the old empty dates chart is flawed.  So I have changed the empty dates chart a little bit, and now it's working fine.  I don't know why nobody challenged the flawed old chart for so many centuries.  But I kept noticing that the old chart is certainly flawed.  Maybe people just don't have the guts to challenge tradition.  But what is flawed is flawed.  If there is an error, it is everyone's duty to point it out.

For example:  One day, my server is down due to technical difficulty.  (My domain name cannot be found.)  So I tossed the coins asking at what hour will my server be back up again.   I got [Separate] and [No way].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  w sh - I   sh & h


Separate No Way
6 strike
P m - K sh -
B e - J G s -
K wa x B w -
B w -- K cn --
K cn o U P y --
P y x R t -

Based on the traditional method, the empty dates should be s and yo if I have tossed the coins on day sh - I.  But based on my experience, the true empty dates are sh & h.  If we look at this sign using the traditional method, my server will be back up at hour s because the self line B e turns into an empty G s.  (G s money star represents my server because my business depends on my server.)  But I don't believe the traditional method.  I trust my own method.  So I say my server cannot be back up at hour s but will be back up at hour h because h strikes with the self line B e causing the self line B e to move and to bound to G s.  The 6 strike is eliminated because the self line B s bounds to G s.

This sign is not clear enough.  So I decided to toss again.  This time, I got [Intercourse] and [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  w sh - I   sh & h


Intercourse Travel
6 match
P wa x U R e -
B yo o P wa --
K h - B yo -
B s - J B s -
R w -- R w --
P cn -- P cn --

Based on the traditional method, my server will be back up at hour s or hour yo because the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty.  Based on my own method, the server will be back up at hour h because the 4th line K h is empty, and the 4th line K h is linked to the 5th line B yo.  So both lines which lie between J and U are still empty based on my own method.  I concluded that my server will be back up at hour h.

Few hours later, I got nervous and tossed the coins again asking at what hour will my server be back up.  God gave me [Lawsuit] and [Advance].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  w sh - I   sh & h


Lawsuit Advance
K sh - B e -
G s o K wa --
B w - J G yo -
B w -- P m --
K cn o B e --
P y -- U K wa --

The 5th line G s money star (my server) moves turning into K wa (happiness) which bounds to the self line B w.  This is a great sign because this sign indicates that I will become happy soon.  But based on my experience, nothing will happen until the self line B w moves.  When the self line B w moves, it moves to bound to the 5th line K wa.  So when the self line moves bounding to the happiness star K wa, there will be good news.  The only hour which will cause the self line B w to move is hour t.   But that's strange!  In the previous 2 signs, God has told me that my server will be back up at hour h.  How come God is now telling me that my server will be back up at hour t?  Hey, maybe God wasn't saying that my server will be back up at hour h.  Maybe God meant my server will be back up on the next day (day h).  So could my server be back up on day h at hour t?

Result:  I turned on my computer at hour s to check on my server.  My server was not up yet.  I then checked at hour h again, and my server was still down.   Then I got very nervous and tried to transfer my domain name to another web host.   As I was transferring my domain name, my server went back up.  I checked the clock, and it was hour t.  So my server went back up at exactly hour t of day h.   Is this amazing or what?

I applied for a credit card merchant account.  I tossed the coins many times asking on which day will I be approved.  And in each sign, God told me that I will be approved on day h.  I tossed the coins again asking will I be approved on day h because I was nervous.  This time, I got [Lawsuit] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  y sh - I   sh & h


Lawsuit Look
K sh - P m -
G s - B e -
B w o J K wa --
B w -- P m --
K cn o B e --
P y -- U K wa --

If I tossed the coins on day sh - I,  the correct empty dates should be sh & h.  But the old empty dates chart states that the empty dates are s and yo if I tossed the coins on day sh - I.    Examine the hexagrams very carefully.

Since this is not my 1st toss, empty J and U actually mean things will happen when the emptiness fulfills.  Today is already day sh, and tomorrow is day h.  Today, the emptiness is half-way fulfilled.  The emptiness will be completely fulfilled tomorrow.  So they must approve my application no later than tomorrow. 

I became more nervous, so I tossed the coins once more.  This time, God gave me [Duay] and [Lawsuit].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  y sh - I   sh & h


6 strike
P wa x J P sh -
B yo - B s -
K h - R w -
P c -- U R w --
G m - P cn -
R e o G y --

I have a 6 strike.  But since this is not my 1st toss, a 6 strike might not mean anything.  So I am not worried about the 6 strike at all.  I think I will be approved on day h as predicted. 

Today is day sh, and the emptiness is already half-way fulfilled.  Tomorrow is day h, and the emptiness will be completely fulfilled by tomorrow.  So tomorrow, I definitely will be approved.

Result:  I was approved on day h.   You see?  If I read these two signs using the old empty dates chart, (s & yo are empty) it won't make sense anymore.  But luckily, I have been practicing I-Ching for many years.  So I already noticed this phenomena.

One of my employee turned out to be a crook.  He kept my merchandise in a storage locker that he rented with my money.  Then he threatened me to continuing on hiring him.  If I don't, he might confiscate my merchandise.  I called my business partner to go to that storage locker and relocate the merchandise back to his house where it's safe.  I tossed the coins asking on which day shall I hear the news that my partner has already moved the merchandise out of the storage locker.  I got [Big storage] and [Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  m w - I   w & wa


Big Storage Little Storage
R y - R m -
G t x U P e -
B sh -- B wa --
B cn - B cn -
R y - J R y -
G t - G t -

The U line's G star represents money, and it represents my merchandise.  The G star moves to produce the self line.  Although the G star is quite weak, it is not dead.  So it still can move to produce the self line.  According to the old empty dates chart, the empty dates should be cn & e if I tossed the coins on day w - I.  If we read this sign using the old chart, I will not hear any news until day cn or day e because the 5th line P e is empty.  The 5th line's emptiness cannot be fulfilled before day cn or day e.  But based on my experience, the real empty dates for date w - I should be w & wa.   Therefore, the 5th line is not empty at all.  So the 5th line G t shall move on day t.  I shall hear good news on day t.

I tossed the coins again to reconfirm the date.  I got [Solution] and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  m w - I   w & wa


Solution Quen
6 strike
G sh -- R yo --
R s -- U P h --
K w o G c --
K w -- B m --
G cn o J K e --
B y -- G wa --

If we use the old empty dates chart, nothing will happen before day cn or day e because the self line is totally empty.  But I know that the real empty dates are w & wa.  The self line is not empty at all.  The 4th line K w moves to produce the self line's money star.  This is a great sign.  Right now, the 4th line is bounding to the date.  So we must wait until day t to strike the bondage open. 

Result:  I called my partner on day t, but nobody answered the phone.  But on that day, I received an email from him which told me that he has already relocated all of our merchandise back to his house.  The prediction was accurate.

If the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty, things will definitely happen.  But if they are not empty, beware!!!

It's Hawaii vs. Tulane.  Which team will win?  (I want Hawaii to win.)   I got [Arrive] and [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  t cn - V   sh & h


Arrive Bride
K yo -- B sh --
G h -- U K s --
B c x P w -
B c -- B c --
R m - J R m -
P e - P e -

The self line is Hawaii, and the U line represents Tulane.  Both lines which lie between J and U have B c.  The U line G h produces the self line.  If both lines which lie between J and U are empty, the self line definitely will win when the emptiness fulfills.

But too bad that's not the case.  The two lines which lie between J and U are not empty.  The powerful B c moves killing the U line's G h.  So G h can no longer produce the self line.  This is an unlucky sign for the self line.

Result:  Hawaii lost the game.


A man asked, "Will I be able to sell my stock shares in month c?"  God gave him [Everlasting] and [Rich].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  w cn - V   sh & h


Everlasting Rich
G sh -- U G sh --
R s -- R s --
K w - K w -
R yo - J P h -
P h o G c --
G c x B m -

Although the U line is empty, it is being struck by the date so it cannot be considered as an empty line.  The self line is linked to a moving, empty P h which represents "Something happening."  The emptiness of P h shall be fulfilled in month h.  So does that mean this man will not sell in month c but will sell in month h?

He tossed the coins again asking can he sell in month c and received [Too much] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  w cn - V   sh & h


Too Much Unsettled
G wa -- P t --
R yo - G sh -
P h o J R s --
R yo - P h -
P h o G c --
G c x U B m -

The two lines which lie between J and U are empty.  So things will happen when the emptiness fulfills.  The emptiness shall be fulfilled most likely in month h.   So he definitely will not sell in month c.  If he is going to sell, he must sell in month h.  There is no way that he will sell in month c.  So should we just tell him that he will sell in month h?

Wrong!  This is the trickiest part of I-Ching where lots of scholars got confused. 

If this man asked "In which month can I sell my stocks?", he will sell in month h because an empty P h links to the self line.  If he did not ask about a specific month, month h is the month which he shall sell.

But too bad that this man's question is very precise.  He asked only about month c.  So if you don't see any possibility for month c, you can only say "Sorry.   You cannot sell in month c."  You cannot say "I think you will sell in month h because an empty P h is linking to the self line."  This is the part where most scholars make mistakes.  When someone is asking will something happen in a specific month, date, or year, you can only answer him either "Yes" or "No". 

If you suspect that he might sell in month h, you must tell him to toss the coins again asking about month h.

On the next day, the man tossed the coins asking can he sell in month h, and the Lord showed him [Arrive] and [Need].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  w e - Vi   sh & h


Arrive Need
K yo -- G t --
G h x U B sh -
B c -- K s --
B c x B cn -
R m - J R y -
P e - G t -

In month h, the money star G h shall move turning into a super powerful B star which kills back at itself.  This proves that he cannot sell in month h. 

Result:  He did not sell in month h because the stock value did not rise high enough.  He also was not able to sell in month t.

Remember!  If someone asked will something happen in a specific month, you can only give him a "Yes or No" answer.  If you suspect that things will happen in another month, you have to make him toss the coins again asking about another month.

Let's do some more practice on timing.

A woman asked will she receive financial aid from the government in month t.  (The government official told her that she should receive the money in month t.)  The Lord showed her [Stop] and [Revolution].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh h - Viii   y & m


6 match
P sh o U P wa --
B s - B yo -
R w - K h -
G m x J K h -
R e -- P c --
P wa x G m -

She asked will she receive the money in month t.  But the self line and the 1st line form an empty G combo.  The emptiness of the self line cannot be fulfilled before month m.  This clearly means she won't be able to receive the money before month m.  So there is no way that she can receive the money in month t.  The self line G m moved turning into K h which bounds to the date h.  Month e can help break that bondage.  And when the bondage is broken, the G money combo which embraces the self line could truly be established.  But since she asked "Can I receive the money in month t?", I cannot tell her that she will receive the money in month e even if I suspect that month e is highly possible.  I can only give her a "Yes or No" answer.

So I told her, "Money will not come in month t, but month e is highly possible."  Then I asked her to toss the coins asking about month e.  So she tossed the coins asking will she receive the money in month e, and God gave her [Same] and [No way].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh h - Viii   y & m


Same No Way
6 strike
K sh - U K sh -
G s - G s -
B w - B w -
R h o J K cn --
K c -- P y --
P m - R t -

This is her first question about month e.  A 6 strike clearly indicates that she cannot receive the money in month e.  On top of that, the self line R winner star moved turning into a loser star K cn.  Right now, the self line R h is bounding to the date h.  So the self line R h cannot turn into the loser star yet.  But in month e, the bondage shall be broken allowing the self line R h to turn into the loser star.  What a coincidence?  She asked can she receive the money in month e, and the sign indicates that the self line R winner star will turn into a loser star in month e.   So God basically told her that she cannot receive the money in month e.

Then she tossed the coins on the next day asking exaclty when can she receive the financial aid.  This time, she received [Solution] and [Everlasting].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh t - iX   y & m


Solution Everlasting
G sh -- G sh --
R s -- U R s --
K w - K w -
K w x R yo -
G cn - J P h -
B y -- G c --

The 3rd line K w moved turning into R yo which bounds to the self line G cn.  If the self line receives the R winner star, she will receive the money. 

Right now, K w has been struck loose by the date t.  So the 3rd line K w cannot move.  But in month w, the 3rd line K w shall be revived and shall move turning into R yo which bounds to the self line.  So the money shall come in month w.  But there will be disappointment since the loser star reached the self line.

Result:  She really did receive the financial aid in month w, but she only received half of the amount that she asked for.

Summary:  When someone is asking "Will something happen in year t.", you can only answer him 'Yes or No'.  If you suspect that something might happen in another year, you have to make him toss the coins again asking about another year.

Some people think that you may ask only what will happen within 12 days (or 12 month, or 12 years) because there are only 12 elements in I-Ching.  That's not true.   When ever I tossed the coins asking about the stock market trend, I always ask what will happen within 20 days.

For example:  I asked will a certain stock drop to $20 a share within 20 days.   I got [Combine] and [Compare].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  cn sh - iX   t & c


Combine Compare
P wa -- K t --
B yo - U P sh -
K h o B s --
G m -- G m --
R e -- J R e --
P wa -- P wa --

I tossed the coins on day sh, which is a Friday in United States.  The 4th line's K h moves linking to the self line through B s.  So the self line is receiving a K loser star.  This means the stock price will never drop that low for me. 

Result:  The day h after the next day h was a Thursday.  And on that day, the stock value dropped to the lowest price, which was $24.11.  Then the price started climbing up.  So day h after the next day h was the lowest peak.  That's why the 4th line's loser star K h linked to the self line.  This sign proves that one can ask what will happen within 20 days, month, or years.  I-Ching does not confine to only 12 days.

Can the hour affect my sign?

Everyone knows that the date is the most effective element.  The power of the date outweighs the power of the month and the year.  But what about the power of the hour?   Can the hour affect my sign?

The answer is: sometimes.  I have seen the effect of the hour before.

For example:  A woman wrote rumors about me on her web site and submitted her web site to mainstream search engines.  The defamatory she wrote about me affected my business a little bit.   So I emailed her web host asking her web host to shut down her web site for me.  I said if they don't shut down her web site, I will sue them.  Then I tossed the coins asking will her site be shut down, and I received [Unsettled] and [Advance].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  t s - V yo y & m


Unsettled Advance
B e - U B e -
K wa -- K wa --
G yo - B yo -
B w -- J P m --
K cn o B e --
P y -- K wa --

The U line B e represents her web site.  The 2nd line K cn moves linking to the U line B e.  This means the U line is receiving a loser star.  No doubt.  She will lose her site. 

Result:  They shut down her site on day m.  So hour yo did bound to K cn.  

When exactly does the date shift occur?

According to traditional Chinese text books, the date shifts at hour t.   (11 PM of Beijing's time.)  Which means, May 24th becomes May 25th at hour t.  So day s becomes day yo at hour t.  So if I tossed the coins in California of USA, day s becomes day yo at 7 AM.   If I live in New York, day s becomes day yo at 10 AM.

But based on years of experience, I find that the day shifts at somewhere between hour h and hour t.  (Hour h starts at 9 PM of Beijing's time.)  That means May 24th becomes May 25th at somewhere between hour h and hour t.  That means if you live in California, the day probably has already shifted to May 25th at 5 AM of May 24th.   So if you tossed the coins in California at 5 AM of May 24th, you might have to record it as May 25th.

But most ancient text books taught that the date shift occurs at hour t.  So if I were you, I will avoid tossing the coins just around the border.  Try to toss the coins in the middle of the day.

So my only suggestion to you is:  Avoid tossing the coins from hour h to hour t because the date shift occurs somewhere between these 2 hours.  Nobody can say for sure when the day shift will exacly occur.  So just be careful.

Day light savings time

China does not have day light savings time.  So if you tossed the coins during day light savings time, just add 1 hour to the schedule. 

For example:  You live in San Francisco, and you are supposed to switch the date at 7 AM.  But if you tossed the coins during day light savings time, you switch the date at 8 AM.. 

I find that the hours recorded in ancient text books are still very accurate.   So the following chart must be taken very seriously.

Beijing's Time Chart
Remember!  You must convert your time to Beijing's time.
USA, California's Time Chart
A brand new day starts at around 7 am.  If you tossed the coins during date light saving's time, a brand new day starts at 8 am.
t 11pm - 1am t 7am - 9am
c 1am - 3am c 9am - 11am
y 3am - 5am y 11am - 1pm
m 5am - 7am m 1pm - 3pm
cn 7am - 9am cn 3pm - 5pm
e 9am - 11am e 5pm - 7pm
w 11am - 1pm w 7pm - 9pm
wa 1pm - 3pm wa 9pm - 11pm
s 3pm - 5pm s 11pm - 1am
yo 5pm - 7pm yo 1am - 3am
sh 7pm - 9pm sh 3am - 5am
h 9pm - 11pm h 5am - 7am

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Written by Alex Y.C. Chiu

If you would like to write your own I-Ching book after you have mastered I-Ching, please ask the author for permission to use all of our element symbols, date symbols, calendar indications, charts, and the names of the hexagrams.  We encourage an unification of English I-Ching symbols so more people can learn about I-Ching.