Alex Chiu's Online I-Ching © 2001 Registered
with the US Copyright Office.
Advance and Retreat
What is 'Advance and Retreat'?
We have 12 dates:
earliest element | <<<< Retreat |
Advance >>>> |
latest element | ||||||||
t | c | y | m | cn | e | w | wa | s | yo | sh | h |
But the moving line must turn from water into water, or from wood into wood, in order to call it an 'advancing line' or a 'retreating line'. For example:
This is an advancing line:
First Hexagram 2nd Hexagram
R y -------> R m
Here we have a R y wood line turning into a R m wood line. This is an advance. Because y is an earlier element, and m is a later element.
But this is not an advance:
First Hexagram 2nd Hexagram
R y -------> K s
Although y is an earlier element of s, but these 2 are not the same element. One is wood, and one is metal. So we do not call this an 'advancing line'.
This is also not a retreating line:
First Hexagram 2nd Hexagram
K m -------> P yo
You got it? If it is wood turning into wood, or fire turning into fire, it could be a retreating line or an advancing line. But if wood turns into metal, that's not it.
Here is a retreating line:
First Hexagram 2nd Hexagram
G c -------> G sh
earliest element | <<<< Retreat |
latest element | |||||||||
y | m | cn | e | w | wa | s | yo | sh | h | t | c |
But this is not a retreating line:
First Hexagram 2nd Hexagram
G c -------> G wa
earliest element | <<<< Retreat |
latest element | |||||||||
y | m | cn | e | w | wa | s | yo | sh | h | t | c |
Between soil c and soil wa, there is another soil (sh). You cannot skip one soil and call it a 'retreating line'. Soil is kind of special in the 5 elements because only soil has 4 characters. All other elements have only 2 characters each.
Here we have an 'advancing line'.
First Hexagram 2nd Hexagram
P cn -------> P wa
earliest element | Advance >>>> |
latest element | |||||||||
y | m | cn | e | w | wa | s | yo | sh | h | t | c |
Advance/Retreat Chart
Advancing | h > t | y > m | s > yo | e > w | c > cn | cn > wa | wa > sh | sh > c |
Retreating | t > h | m > y | yo > s | w > e | cn > c | wa > cn | sh > wa | c > sh |
So how do we use the 'advance' and 'retreat' function?
Here's an example: My friend Christian owe me lots of money. He promised to give me back part of the money in October (month of sh). But he has been making promises ever since 1 year ago. Each time he promised to give me back my money, he delayed another 2 or 3 months. I wonder if this time he will try to delay again. So I tossed the coins and got [Hide] and [Too much].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
s | yo - Viii | t & s |
Hide | Too much | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | o | P | wa | -- | |||||
B | s | - | U | B | yo | - | ||||
R | w | - | K | h | - | |||||
B | s | - | B | yo | - | |||||
R | w | x | J | K | h | - | ||||
P | cn | -- | P | c | -- |
I worried. I worry that Christian will break his promise again this October (month of sh). So what is my appointed star? Is it money? No. I am not asking about money because he told me he will give me back the money in October. My question is will he break the promise again this time. So my appointed star is P. P represents 'happening'. If you ask, "Will something happen?", your appointed could be P. If you ask, "Will George Bush declare a war on China?", the appointed could be P. If you think a lot about money, then of course you should take the G money star as your appointed. But I know I was not thinking about money when I threw the coins. I was worrying that he would break the promise again.
Anyway, the 6th line P is my appointed. 6th line P sh turns into a P wa. That's a retreating line. That means it will not happen. Which means Christian will not break his promise in the month of sh. P also represents worry. A retreating sh P means my worry disappears in the month of sh.
Result: He sent me the money in the month of sh. If the 6th line was an advancing line, my worry will probably grow. But since the P star retreated, my worry disappeared.
A man tossed the coins asking can he become a government official this winter. He received [Finish] and [Need] from the Lord.
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | e - X | w & wa |
Finish 6 match |
Need | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | t | -- | B | t | -- | |||||
R | sh | - | R | sh | - | |||||
P | s | -- | U | P | s | -- | ||||
R | c | x | R | cn | - | |||||
K | m | - | K | y | - | |||||
G | e | - | J | B | t | - |
Hey! This is a great sign. 6 match means you will succeed. The 3rd line R c which moves bounding to the self line B t represents the job that you want. (R represents power and control.) The 3rd line R moves and advances. The 2nd line K is the job killer. So that's your main enemy. The 2nd line K is retreating. You will definitely become a government official. The 3rd line is actually moving and bounding to the self line's B t. So in month h, h strikes the self line causing the self line to move. The self line moves turning into B t which bounds to the 3rd line R c. So in month h, you shall be hired.
Result: He got the job in the month of h.
Another example: My credit card processor wanted to cancel my merchant account for processing over the limit. They said they will call me when they have decided to cancel or not to cancel my account. I don't want that to happen. My business merchant account is very important to me. Will they really cancel my account? Oh my God. I hope not. So I tossed the coins and got [Big profit] and [Quarrel]:
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | yo - Viii | t & c |
Big profit | Quarrel | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | e | - | U | R | e | - | ||||
P | wa | -- | P | wa | -- | |||||
R | yo | - | B | yo | - | |||||
P | cn | o | J | P | c | -- | ||||
G | y | - | G | m | - | |||||
K | t | - | R | e | - |
Will they cancel my account? Again, if your question is, "Will that happen?", your appointed is most likely P. The appointed star P is sitting on the self line. It moves and made a retreat. P retreats means nothing will happen. P also represents worry. The self line P retreats means my worry will disappear. The self line P cn changed into P c. But right now, c is empty. So it cannot retreat at this moment. But in day c, when c is no longer empty, P shall retreat. And on day c, my worry shall disappear!
Result: I was close. They called me on day t and told me that they will not cancel my account which made me extremely happy. Why day t? Because day t are just 1 day away from day c. When t and c are empty, both of them can be fulfilled on day t. So an empty c could actually be fulfilled on day t. On day t, c is no longer empty. Therefore I received a good news on that day.
A woman asked Wild Crane when can she have a son. She got [Fog] and [Finish]:
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
y | sh - Vii | y & m |
Fog |
Finish 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | t | -- | B | t | -- | |||||
R | sh | - | U | R | sh | - | ||||
P | s | -- | P | s | -- | |||||
R | cn | -- | R | c | -- | |||||
K | y | x | J | K | m | - | ||||
B | t | - | G | e | - |
She wants a son. The 2nd hexagram [Finish] is a 6 match. I say most of the time when somebody got a 6 match, his/her wish will come true. So K is her main character here. K represents child. K also represents happiness. She will be very happy to have a son. The self line K is her appointed star. It is advancing. Advancing child star means she will have a son. But now, y and m are empty, so K y cannot advance yet. In the month of y or m, she shall bore a son!
Result: She gave birth to 2 sons (twins) in the month of y. In the month of y, both y and m are fulfilled and are not empty anymore.
A boy said that he received a letter from his father. His father is coming back home. (Back in those days, people rode horses. It took many days to travel only a few miles.) The boy wants to meet his father on his way home. Will he be able to catch his father on his way home? He tossed the coins and got [Difficulty] and [Travel].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | sh - III | w & wa |
Difficulty | Travel | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | t | x | R | e | - | |||||
P | sh | o | P | wa | -- | |||||
B | s | x | J | B | yo | - | ||||
B | s | - | B | s | - | |||||
R | w | -- | R | w | -- | |||||
P | cn | -- | U | P | cn | -- |
The boy worries that if he tries to meet up with his father on his way home, he might miss his father. The self line moves and advances. That means the boy will leave home probably on day e. It could also mean he will leave home today at hour s.
Result: The boy caught his father on his way home on day wa.
If the month or the date is bounding to the retreating star, it cannot retreat. You have to wait until the bondage is broken in order to see it retreat.
Somebody threw the coins asking about his own illness. He has been sick for a long time, and he feels that he won't live too long. He got [Chen] and [Extreme].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | wa - II | w & wa |
Chen 6 strike |
Extreme | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | o | J | P | wa | -- | ||||
B | s | - | B | yo | - | |||||
R | w | - | K | h | - | |||||
P | cn | - | U | P | cn | - | ||||
G | y | - | G | y | - | |||||
K | t | - | K | t | - |
Wild Crane said, "If you have been sick for a long time, 6 strike means there is no cure." The guy got 6 strike, and he said he has been sick for a long time. He won't live too long. The self line moves and retreats. That means he will soon leave this world and go to the spiritual world. Right now, the self line P wa is bounding to the date because the same elements could bound to each other. Actually, the month is also bounding to the retreating self line. But since the date is stronger than the month, the bondage of the date is more serious. So we ignore the bondage of the month and focus on the bondage of the date. Since the retreating self line is bounding to the date, it cannot retreat until the bondage is broken. In month c, c will break up the bondage allowing the self line to retreat. He shall die in month c.
Result: The guy died in month c.
If the month or the date is bounding to an advancing line, that line also cannot advance. The bondage must be broken in order to see it advance.
If one asks about money, a retreating B star means that person will receive the money.
A woman tossed the coins asking when will her X-husband send her the monthly child care expense. She expected her X-husband to drop the check in the mail within 3 days. She received [Break] and [Look].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | sh - III | w & wa |
Break | Look | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | y | - | U | R | m | - | ||||
G | t | x | P | e | - | |||||
B | sh | -- | B | wa | -- | |||||
B | c | -- | J | R | m | -- | ||||
R | m | o | P | e | -- | |||||
P | e | o | B | wa | -- |
The money star is the appointed if someone asks about money. The 5th line money star is completely dead. Do not expect your X-husband to drop the money in the mail within 3 days. But look at the 4th line. The 4th line is a retreating B star. When someone asks about money, a retreating B star means that person will receive the money. Right now, the 4th line's B wa is empty. But on day wa, the 4th line will no longer be empty. That's the time the 4th line shall retreat, and that's the time you will receive the money. Another reason why you will receive the money on day wa is because day wa will strike the self line B c causing it to move and turn into the R star. The R star represents 'You got something.' If the self line moves and turns into an R star, you will receive the money.
Result: Her X-husband did not drop the check in the mail within 3 days. But about a week later, her X - husband's secretary sent her the money using overnight express. She received the money on day wa. I know that the 4th line B star is very powerful. But sometimes, things like this will still happen. So if I were you, I would toss the coins again if I received this kind of sign.
A retreating line can still bound to the self line if it is located nearby. (The self line must also be moving.)
I wanted to know when will I talk to a radio show host who promised to interview me. I got [Abide] and [Strong].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | wa - Viii | sh & h |
Abide | Strong 6 strike |
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | wa | -- | U | G | sh | -- | ||||
R | yo | o | R | s | -- | |||||
P | h | - | K | w | - | |||||
G | cn | x | J | G | cn | - | ||||
B | y | x | B | y | - | |||||
P | t | - | P | t | - |
The 2nd hexagram is a 6 strike. But if the date or the month bounds to the self line, or if a moving line bounds to the self line, the 6 strike doesn't count. The 5th line R yo moved bounding to the self line. The 5th line R yo is only 2 lines away from the self line, so it is quite near. R represents 'You got something'. So that means I will speak with the radio host. But what scares me is that the 5th line is retreating. In the ancient text, it has stated, "If another line moves bounding to the retreating line, that line cannot retreat." The self line cn moves bounding to the 5th retreating line. The date is also producing the retreating line. Looks like the 5th line will not retreat. Looks like I will talk to the radio show host for sure.
Result: The radio show host himself phoned me and interviewed me in the cn hour. In the sign, both the 5th line R and the self line cn are moving and are bounding to each other. That means things will happen earlier than I expected. In the cn hour, both the 5th line R yo and the self line G cn move bounding to each other. Therefore I got interviewed.
A retreating line cannot bound to another line if it is located far away.
For example: Mary, a talented high school girl, is expecting to become the president of the student body. She only has one competitor, and that competitor has a very small chance of winning. Everyone knows that Mary will be the new president. Anyways, she tossed the coins asking God, "Will my competitor somehow steal my talent and win the election?" God gave her [Bride] and [Bite].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | t - V | w & wa |
Bride | Bite | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | x | U | R | e | - | ||||
B | s | -- | P | wa | -- | |||||
R | w | - | B | yo | - | |||||
P | c | -- | J | P | cn | -- | ||||
G | m | o | G | y | -- | |||||
R | e | - | K | t | - |
After Mary saw this sign, she cried out loud, "Oh my God! My competitor will win?!" The U line represents her competitor. The U line P sh moves and turns into an R star which produces back at itself. Does this mean that the competitor will definitely win? Not exactly. Take a look at the 2nd line. The 2nd line G m represents valuable property. In this case, the G star represents talent. The U line moves bounding to the 2nd line G m. But too bad that the 2nd line is retreating. This means that the competitor does not have the talent to be a president. By the way, the G star is right beside the self line and is located far away from the U line. So the G star is her talent because it's right beside the self line. This sign means that her competitor cannot steal her talent away from her.
Result: Mary won the election.
But a retreating line will bound to an advancing line no matter how far apart they are. Which means, if an advancing line moves bounding to a retreating line, the retreating line definitely cannot retreat.
I asked "Will I see a woman who I like within 10 days?", and God showed me [Duay] and [No way].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | t - iX | y & m |
Duay 6 strike |
No Way 6 strike |
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | wa | x | J | P | sh | - | ||||
B | yo | - | B | s | - | |||||
K | h | - | R | w | - | |||||
P | c | -- | U | P | cn | -- | ||||
G | m | o | G | y | -- | |||||
R | e | - | K | t | - |
The 2nd line's retreating G star represents the woman. Although the 2nd line G m moves and retreats, the self line's advancing P sh moves bounding to G m. The self line catches the retreating G star so that G star can no longer retreat.
Result: She appeared on day w.
So remember: If an advancing line moves bounding to a retreating line, the retreating line cannot retreat. It doesn't matter how far apart they are.
I applied for a credit card merchant account. I don't know if they will approve me or not because I had some problems in the past. I worried a lot about this. Everytime I tossed the coins, God told me that I will be approved on day h. But I was too nervous, so I kept tossing. One time, I tossed the coins asking when will I become happy because they finally approved my application. I got [Feed] and [Hollow].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
y | e - Vi | sh & h |
Feed | Hollow | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | y | - | B | m | - | |||||
P | t | x | K | e | - | |||||
G | sh | -- | J | G | wa | -- | ||||
G | cn | -- | G | c | -- | |||||
B | y | x | B | m | - | |||||
P | t | - | U | K | e | - |
My question was when will I become happy because I was approved. So the K star is the appointed star. The 5th line P star moves and turns into a K star. That's good! That means my worry (P) will turn into happiness (K). But right now, K e is bounding to the date. So the 5th line cannot move. But on day h, h will strike open the bondage causing the 5th line to move. So on day h, I will become happy. But how do I explain the 2nd line B star advancing and killing the self line money star? Since my question is money related, a B star killing the money star is not a good sign.
Result: They approved my application on day h.
A retreating line cannot bound to the self line if the self line does not move.
I tossed the coins asking will my web site be listed in a certain popular search engine. God gave me [Extreme] and [Duay].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | c - Vi | w & wa |
Extreme | Duay 6 strike |
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | wa | -- | B | wa | -- | |||||
K | yo | - | J | K | yo | - | ||||
G | h | - | G | h | - | |||||
B | cn | o | B | c | -- | |||||
R | y | - | U | R | m | - | ||||
G | t | - | P | e | - |
The self line has a K star. K represents a loser. The self line's K star is very strong, so they will not list my site. But the 3rd line B cn moves bounding to the self line. This indicates that they still might list my site in their search engine because B represents friendship. If a B star bounds to the self line, someone will help me out. But too bad that the 3rd line is a retreating line. The ancient text stated that a retreating line cannot bound. But the 3rd line is very powerful because it is the same element as the month and the date. Will the 3rd line bound to the self line? Will my site be listed in their search engine?
Result: I emailed them a couple of times. They told me that their search engine is broken so they won't accept any new submission.
A retreating line can bound to a retreating self line if they are close to each other. (Both of them must move.)
The 1st line and the 3rd line are close to each other. So if the 1st line's retreating star moved bounding to the 3rd line's retreating moving line, none of them can retreat anymore. The 1st line and the 4th line are not close to each other. So if the 1st line's retreating star moved bounding to the 4th line's retreating moving line, they still will retreat.
I got into an argument with one of my customers. He wants to return all of the products that he just ordered from me. Then, my partner told me that he has sent the products to that customer without any kind of delivery confirmation. That news terrified me. If there is no proof of delivery, that customer could just keep the products and say that we didn't send him anything. Then he could call his credit card company and charge back the money. I tossed the coins asking will that customer rip me off by saying that he didn't receive the products. I got [Extreme] and [Bride].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | m - II | t & c |
Extreme | Bride | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | wa | -- | B | sh | -- | |||||
K | yo | o | J | K | s | -- | ||||
G | h | - | P | w | - | |||||
B | cn | o | B | c | -- | |||||
R | y | - | U | R | m | - | ||||
G | t | - | P | e | - |
The self line K star means everything will be fine. The K star means I have nothing to worry about. But too bad that the self line K star moves and retreats. A retreating K star means worry will arrive. But luckily, the 3rd line B cn moves to bound to the self line. In that case, I have nothing to worry about. The 3rd line B cn produces the self line. But the 3rd line is also retreating. Can a retreating line bound to a retreating self line? I say it can because it is only 2 lines away from the self line.
Result: At hour yo, my partner emailed me telling me that he did insure the package. He said the customer needs to sign in order to accept the package. It happened at hour yo because both the self line and the 3rd line could move at hour yo. This proves that the 3rd line's B c was not empty. Receiving my partner's email gave me a big relief.
If a neighboring line moves to produce a retreating line, that retreating line cannot retreat.
(A neighboring line is the line which lies right next to the retreating line. For example: The 4th line is the neighboring line of the 3rd line.)
An author asked "When will I become a famous author and become wealthy?" He received [Feed] and [Trade].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | m - iV | sh & h |
Feed | Trade | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | y | - | B | m | - | |||||
P | t | x | K | e | - | |||||
G | sh | -- | J | G | wa | -- | ||||
G | cn | -- | G | cn | -- | |||||
B | y | -- | B | y | -- | |||||
P | t | - | U | P | t | - |
He wants to know if he can become a famous author. So the self line of course is himself. But what does the U line represent?
Result: He became rich from his books in year c.
Some guy asked when will he find his lost cat. He received [Big profit] and [Consume]. This is not his 1st toss.
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
h | s - III | cn & e |
Big Profit | Consume | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | e | o | U | K | t | -- | ||||
P | wa | x | P | sh | - | |||||
B | yo | o | B | s | -- | |||||
P | cn | - | J | K | h | - | ||||
G | y | o | P | c | -- | |||||
K | t | - | G | m | - |
Both J and U are empty. But since this is not his 1st toss, empty J and U actually means something will happen when the emptiness fulfills. The 4th line's retreating B star means his lost property will come back to him. So his cat will be found.
Result: His cat came back at hour cn.
A man asked, "Will Irland Win against Georgia?" (soccer game) He received [Arrive] and [Feed].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
m | sh - V | cn & e |
Arrive | Feed | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | yo | x | R | y | - | |||||
G | h | -- | U | G | t | -- | ||||
B | c | -- | B | sh | -- | |||||
B | c | -- | B | cn | -- | |||||
R | m | o | J | R | y | -- | ||||
P | e | - | G | t | - |
The self line represents Irland because that's his favorite team, and the U line represents Georgia. The U line's G star is quite powerful because the top line R yo moves to produce it. The U line's G h advances producing and bounding to the top line's R y.
Result: Irland won.
If a neighboring line is producing an advancing or a retreating line, that line cannot advance or retreat until the neighboring line can move.
For example: I tossed the coins asking will a certain stock reach $29 a share. The Lord gave me [Everlasting] and [Intercourse].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | c - iV | sh & h |
Everlasting | Intercourse | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | sh | -- | U | G | wa | -- | ||||
R | s | x | R | yo | - | |||||
K | w | - | P | h | - | |||||
R | yo | - | J | R | s | - | ||||
P | h | o | K | w | -- | |||||
G | c | -- | G | cn | -- |
The self line has a retreating R star. This means the price cannot reach $29 even if the 6 strike has been eliminated or even if the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty.
Result: The price went to $29 in month e.
If a retreating element has moved turning into an element which produces back at itself, the retreating element cannot retreat.
A woman wrote rumors about me on her web site and submitted her web site to mainstream search engines. The defamatory she wrote about me affected my business a little bit. So I sent her an email asking her to delete what she wrote about me in exchange for some of my products as gifts. Then I tossed the coins asking will she accept my offer, and God showed me [Cup] and [Gen].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
h | s - V | y & m |
Cup | Gen 6 strike |
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | e | - | P | y | - | |||||
K | wa | -- | U | R | t | -- | ||||
G | yo | o | K | sh | -- | |||||
G | yo | - | G | s | - | |||||
R | h | o | J | B | w | -- | ||||
K | c | -- | K | cn | -- |
There is a 6 strike, and nothing is bounding to the self line. So the 6 strike is permanent. She will not take my offer.
Result: She did not take my offer. But a few days later, I contacted her web host threatening to sue the web host if they don't shut down her web site. And the web host did listen to me and helped me shut down her site on day m. She didn't take my offer because I got a permanent 6 strike. But her web host helped me shut down her site because the gain star moved to produce the self line.
If the date or the month bounds to a moving, retreating line, that line cannot retreat yet. But when their bondage is broken, that line definitely will retreat. Or when the helper is removed, that line definitely will retreat. So in the long run, the month or the date cannot prevent a retreating line from retreating.
A guy's mother had a stroke. She practically cannot move. The guy tossed the coins asking about her stroke and received [Same] and [Solution].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | m - Vi | s & yo |
Same | Solution | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | sh | o | U | K | sh | -- | ||||
G | s | o | G | s | -- | |||||
B | w | - | B | w | - | |||||
R | h | o | J | B | w | -- | ||||
K | c | x | K | cn | - | |||||
P | m | o | P | y | -- |
In this hexagram, 5 lines out of 6 moved. When too many lines move, situation is not good. The self line R h moves bounding to the 1st line retreating P y. So the 1st line P star cannot retreat because another line moves bounding to it.
Result: His mother died somewhere between month c and month y.
A German tossed the coins asking which soccer team will win. (Bovina vs. Weingärtner) He got [Everlasting] and [Little much].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
e | cn - III | t & c |
Everlasting | Little Much | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | sh | -- | U | G | sh | -- | ||||
R | s | -- | R | s | -- | |||||
K | w | - | K | w | - | |||||
R | yo | - | J | R | s | - | ||||
P | h | o | K | w | -- | |||||
G | c | -- | G | cn | -- |
He wants Bovina to win, so the self line is Bovina. The U line is Weingärtner. The self line has an R winner star. The date cn bounds to the self line R yo. The date strikes the U line causing the U line to move to produce the self line. Although the 2nd line K star moves to kill the self line, the self line is being bound by the date cn. Under the protection of date cn, the self line won't easily be damaged. So the 2nd line cannot hurt the self line. But can a retreating R star on the self line win this game?
Result: Bovina won the game on the same day. This case proves that if the date bounds to a retreating line, that line cannot retreat. Bovina won the game on day cn because the self line's R yo could not have retreated on that day. If the game is to be held on day sh or on day m, Bovina could have lost the game because day sh or day m could have broken the bondage allowing the self line to retreat.
If the G money star is retreating, and nothing is bounding to the retreating G star, you cannot earn money. If the R star is retreating but nothing is bounding to the R star, your wish cannot come true.
I feel that a retreating line which does not have another line bounding to it is kind of like a permanent 6 strike. For example:
I tossed the coins asking when will I go to the dentist and have my cavity fixed. I received [Rise] and [Strip]. (I was expecting to go to a dentist within a week.)
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | sh - iX | t & c |
Rise | Strip | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | yo | x | B | y | - | |||||
P | h | -- | P | t | -- | |||||
G | c | -- | J | G | sh | -- | ||||
R | yo | o | B | m | -- | |||||
P | h | o | K | e | -- | |||||
G | c | -- | U | G | wa | -- |
The bottom gua duplicates. This means I will hesitate. The self line G star is retreating, and nothing is bounding to the self line in order to pull the self line back. This means I will quit going to the dentist.
Result: I didn't believe this sign when I got it because I have tooth ache. But for some reason, my tooth ache disappeared 2 days later. So I didn't go to the dentist within a week.
If an advancing or retreating line moves, something serious will happen!
I find that a moving, retreating or advancing line is much more meaningful than a non-moving retreating/advancing line. If a non-moving B star advances, it's probably no big deal. But if an advancing B star moved, God is telling you very earnestly that the stock market will crash! So do remember that a moving advancing/retreating line has significant meaning. When ever you see a moving advancing/retreating line, you must investigate it with tremendous care because it holds a serious message.
If the self line links to a moving, retreating R star, you will become a loser. If the self line links to a moving, advancing G star, you will earn money. If the advancing G star is very powerful, you will earn big money! If the advancing G star is weak, you will earn very little. You got it?
A man tossed the coins asking can he meet a certain girl on day cn. He received [Combine] and [Little much].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | sh - I | sh & h |
Combine | Little Much | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | wa | -- | P | sh | -- | |||||
B | yo | o | U | B | s | -- | ||||
K | h | - | R | w | - | |||||
G | m | x | B | s | - | |||||
R | e | -- | J | R | w | -- | ||||
P | wa | -- | P | cn | -- |
A beginner would say that he cannot meet that girl on day cn because a strong woman killer B star moved. But did you notice that the 3rd line's G woman star moved turning into B s which links to the 5th line's retreating B star? If the 3rd line's G star has been killed back by B s which links to a moving, retreating B star, B s has no power to kill G m at all. That means the B star will disappear soon. Right now, both the month and the date are the graves of the self line. So the self line is totally inactive. Only a strike will reactivate the self line. When the self line reactivates, the 3rd line B s will bound to the self line's R e. When the 3rd line bounds to the self line, the self line receives the woman star G m.
Result: They met on day t. (t struck with the self line R w.)
The element in the 2nd hexagram of a retreating line cannot bound to the self line nor to any other line.
For example:
G m x G y - Top line
K h -- J K h -- Self line
The top line G m moves and retreats. Although the top line G m turns into G y, G y cannot bound to the self line K h because G y is in the 2nd hexagram. The element in the 2nd hexagram of a retreating line cannot bound to other lines. Only the element in the 1st hexagram of a retreating line can bound to other lines. That means G m can bound to a line that has P sh.
The element in the 2nd hexagram of an advancing line can bound to another line.
For example:
P c x P cn - Top line
B yo -- J B yo -- Self line
The top line P c moves turning into P cn. So the top line is an advancing line. Top line's P cn is in the 2nd hexagram, but P cn can bound to the self line's B yo. P cn can also bound to any other line that has B yo.
If the self line has an advancing K star, you team will definitely lose to the other team, or you will definitely not marry the girl in your dream. It doesn't matter if a 6 strike has been eliminated or not.
For example: It's Oregon vs. Wake Forrest. A man tossed the coins asking which team will win the game, and he received [Humble] and [Gen].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | s - iX | sh & h |
Humble | Gen 6 strike |
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | yo | x | G | y | - | |||||
K | h | -- | J | K | t | -- | ||||
P | c | -- | P | sh | -- | |||||
B | s | - | B | s | - | |||||
R | w | -- | U | R | w | -- | ||||
P | cn | -- | P | cn | -- |
The self line represents Oregon because Oregon is his favorite team. I said that Oregon will win because the top line G y bounds to the self line eliminating the power of the 6 strike.
Result: I was wrong. Wake Forrest has beaten Oregon. Oregon lost the game at hour e because the self line K h moved and advanced at hour e. From this lesson, I learned that an advancing self line guarantees you failure. If you ask about money or about woman, you will get none. If you ask about a game, your team will lose. But if you ask about happiness, you will become extremely happy. If you ask about trouble, there will be no trouble. If you lost money in the stock market and would like to know when will the stock value go back up, the advancing self line's K star means you will become happy soon.
In contrary, an advancing R star sitting on the self line means you will definitely become a winner even if there's a permanent 6 strike. But if you ask for trouble, there could be trouble.
Let's talk about advancing lines.
A student asked me this:
ANSWER: Based on my experience, an advancing line still can advance when another line moves and bounds to it.
There are only 2 things which can stop an advancing line:
For example: I sold short Yahoo stocks at $25. Then the price started to climb up. This is bad for me because I lose money when the price climbs up since I sold short. I tossed the coins asking when will evil spirit disappear, and I got [Bite] and [Arrive].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | y - III | sh & h |
Bite | Arrive | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | e | o | R | yo | -- | |||||
G | wa | -- | J | P | h | -- | ||||
R | yo | o | G | c | -- | |||||
G | cn | -- | G | c | -- | |||||
B | y | x | U | B | m | - | ||||
P | t | - | K | e | - |
The U line's powerful B y is the money killer. It wants to kill my money. Luckily, the powerful R combo is surrounding the self line's G money star protecting the G money star from being killed by the advancing B star.
Result: The price rose up to $26.15 on day m. Then the price began to drop on day cn. It continued to drop on day e. On day s, the price has dropped to $24.63.
I tossed the coins asking on which day will my stocks reach the highest price. I got [Travel] and [Advance].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
w | sh - Vii | y & m |
Travel 6 match |
Advance | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | e | - | B | e | - | |||||
K | wa | -- | K | wa | -- | |||||
G | yo | - | U | G | yo | - | ||||
G | s | o | P | m | -- | |||||
B | w | -- | B | e | -- | |||||
K | cn | -- | J | K | wa | -- |
The self line has an advancing loser star. If the self line's loser star is advancing, the price will not reach the highest point. But luckily, the 3rd line's P m moved killing the self line so that the self line's loser can no longer advance. This means the price will reach the highest point after all. Right now, P m cannot move because it is bounding to the date. But on day cn, the 3rd line P m will be freed.
Result: The highest price was reached on day cn.
Note: The 3rd line and the 1st line are only 2 lines apart. Therefore, the 3rd line's P star can stop the 1st line's K star from advancing. Based on what I know, the 4th line's moving P star cannot stop the first line's advancing K star from advancing because the 4th line and the 1st line are too far apart.
If a nearby helper of the advancing line moved and got killed back, the advancing line can no longer advance.
Frank filed a claim with his car insurance company. He worried that the insurance company will not pay him the full amount of the damage. So he tossed the coins and received [Look] and [Strip].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
h | c - Viii | cn & e |
Look | Strip | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | m | - | G | y | - | |||||
R | e | o | K | t | -- | |||||
P | wa | -- | J | P | sh | -- | ||||
G | m | -- | G | m | -- | |||||
R | e | -- | R | e | -- | |||||
P | wa | -- | U | P | wa | -- |
The self line is an advancing P frustration star, and the 5th line's R e moves to produce the self line. But luckily, R e got killed back by K t. This means the 5th line R e can no longer produce the self line's frustration star. This means Frank's worries shall disappear because the advancing P star can no longer advance. He will be paid the full amount of the damage.
Result: He has been granted the full amount of the damage.
A far away moving line cannot prevent another retreating line from retreating. But how far is far?
I tossed the coins asking will I lose money in the stock market. I got [Stop] and [Intercourse].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
e | m - Vi | s & yo |
Stop 6 match |
Intercourse | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | o | U | P | wa | -- | ||||
B | s | - | B | yo | - | |||||
R | w | - | K | h | - | |||||
G | m | x | J | B | s | - | ||||
R | e | -- | R | w | -- | |||||
P | wa | -- | P | cn | -- |
The U line's P sh moves and retreats. This means my worries shall disappear. The self line's G m moves and gets killed back by B s, and B s is linking to the 5th line's advancing B star.
I sold my shares on day sh without losing a cent. But I also didn't make any money on that deal.
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