Alex Chiu's Online I-Ching © 2001 Registered
with the US Copyright Office.
Empty Dates
A Chinese calendar looks like the following:
Feb |
14 |
c |
X |
Mar |
16 |
wa |
X |
On the Chinese calendar, the upper dates and the lower dates are used
together. For example:
(Click here to see the Chinese calendar.) |
Feb |
15 |
y |
I |
Mar |
17 |
s |
I |
Feb |
16 |
m |
II |
Mar |
18 |
yo |
II |
Feb |
17 |
cn |
Mar |
19 |
sh |
Feb |
18 |
e |
iV |
Mar |
20 |
h |
iV |
Feb |
19 |
w |
V |
Mar |
21 |
t |
V |
Feb |
20 |
wa |
Vi |
Mar |
22 |
c |
Vi |
Feb |
21 |
s |
Vii |
Mar |
23 |
y |
Vii |
Now look at the following chart.
Upper Dates | I | II | III | iV | V | Vi | Vii | Viii | iX | X | Empty | |
Lower Dates | sh | c | y | m | cn | e | w | wa | s | yo | sh | h |
s | h | t | c | y | m | cn | e | w | wa | s | yo | |
w | yo | sh | h | t | c | y | m | cn | e | w | wa | |
cn | wa | s | yo | sh | h | t | c | y | m | cn | e | |
y | e | w | wa | s | yo | sh | h | t | c | y | m | |
t | m | cn | e | w | wa | s | yo | sh | h | t | c |
You understand it now? If yes, let's move on.
In an I-Ching hexagram, the lines that have the empty character will remain inactive or ineffective until it is fulfilled. When the year, month, date, or time of the empty character is reached, the empty character is no longer empty and thus becomes active. The empty character can also become active if a year, month, date, or time strikes it.
For example, let's say w and wa are empty.
A line that has the character w will not be empty anymore in year w. (or month of w, or day of w)
Sometimes, the line w can also be fulfilled in year t because t strikes w. Thus w will no longer be empty in the year t.
Let's see a few examples.
Somebody owe me around $2000 for nearly 2 months. I called and faxed him several times, but he has been avoiding me. So I threw coins asking when will he finally respond to me. "When will I make him pay?" I got [Fog].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
m | s - iX | sh & h |
Fog | ||||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | t | -- | ||||||||
R | sh | - | U | |||||||
P | s | -- | ||||||||
G w | R | cn | -- | |||||||
K | y | -- | J | |||||||
B | t | - |
I am the self line, and that guy is the U line. He is hiding from me. He owes me money, and he doesn't want to pay me back. So he is a thief. The R star on the U line represents a thief, a robber, a criminal, etc. The self line's K star represents the police. So I am the police who is catching a thief. The date strikes the self line K star. So the self line K y moves killing the U line R sh. I think I will catch him and make him pay the money. But right now, the U line is empty so the self line cannot kill the U line yet. But on day sh, the U line will not be empty anymore. That's the day I shall make him pay.
Result: I faxed him saying that he only needs to give me half of the money which he owes me. Then, on day sh, he faxed me his credit card info allowing me to charge his credit card for the amount of $1700. He has been hiding from me for nearly 2 months, and now he finally responded. I didn't get the full amount of the money, but $1700 is just enough to satisfy me.
Another example: Someone threw coins asking if he can make a profit from a business trip. He got [Big Storage].
Year | Month | Date | Empty |
t | h - Viii | y and m |
R y - G t - - U B sh - - B cn - R y - J G t -
Wild Crane said, "I see that both the month and the date are water. Even the U line is water. U line represents the place where he is heading to make money. The U line G (money) is producing the self line R. This means that the place where he is heading shall be profitable for him. The U line, the month, and the date all represent G (money). All three of them are producing the self star R. So I know that his business trip will be extremely successful. He will earn lots of money on this trip. Now the self line is empty so that the U line cannot produce the self line. 2 month later, which is the y month, the empty character of the self line y will appear. So I concluded that he will earn big money in month y. The U line G t does produce the self line R y. But the U line is not a moving line. But in month w, U line G t shall move to produce the self line. In month w, you will earn even more money."
Result: He went to Xin Jang for trading. In both month y and m, he earned lots of money. He earned even more in month w.
Wild Crane said, "Sometimes, if you are not sure by reading just one hexagram, you can throw the coins once more to obtain a more affirmative reading."
Important stuff: If the 2 lines which lie between the J and the U are empty, you have to wait for the emptiness to fulfill before things can happen.
Actually, I think this part could be the most important part of my book. If the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty, just wait for them to fulfill and things will happen.
For example: Some guy asked when can he be paid by his client who has been hiding from him for many months. He tossed the coins and got [Arrive] and [Hollow].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | wa - Vi | t & c |
Arrive | Hollow | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | yo | x | R | m | - | |||||
G | h | x | U | P | e | - | ||||
B | c | -- | B | wa | -- | |||||
B | c | -- | B | c | -- | |||||
R | m | - | J | R | m | - | ||||
P | e | - | P | e | - |
The 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. I don't even have to look at other lines. If these 2 lines fulfill, he will receive the money. So I concluded that he will receive the money on day t. Why day t? Because the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. On day t, they won't be empty anymore. Although the date is striking the 2 empty lines which should fulfill the emptiness, but they still are quite empty. Based on my experience, even if the date is striking the 2 empty lines, things won't happen before the emptiness fulfills. Let's talk about this hexagram a little more. The top gua is striking back. When a gua strikes back, it means that there are hesitation. The guy who owe you money is hesitating. You guys must have talked about this for a long time already. The 6th line R yo produces the U line G h. But since they are gua striking back, your client is hesitating. He doesn't know if he should pay you or not.
My friend then said, "That's right! We have talked about the money for awhile already. He said he will mail me $3000, but he broke that promise. Now I told him that I am going to sue him. So I hope he would send me some cash."
"Anyway, you will receive in on day t.", I told him.
Few days later, he tossed the coins again. He got [Wonderful] and [Rot].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
s | yo - Viii | t & c |
Wonderful 6 match |
Rot | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | yo | x | U | R | y | - | ||||
G | h | -- | G | t | -- | |||||
B | c | -- | B | sh | -- | |||||
B | cn | - | J | K | yo | - | ||||
R | y | - | G | h | - | |||||
G | t | o | B | c | -- |
Again! What a coincidence! The Lord has made his message very clear to you. You will be paid in day t. When the 2 lines between the U and the J are empty, you don't have to look at any other line. When their emptiness fulfills, things will definitely happen. But there is just one thing bad about this sign. The 1st line G t money star moves and bounds to B c, and B c kills and bounds back at the G t. I don't think your client will pay you the full amount. The client would probably pay just a little bit.
The next day, the guy requested to throw the coins once more. This time, he got [Arrive].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
s | sh - iX | t & c |
Arrive |
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | yo | -- | ||||||||
G | h | -- | U | |||||||
B | c | -- | ||||||||
B | c | -- | ||||||||
R | m | - | J | |||||||
P | e | - |
Again! The lines between J and U are empty. Trust me dude! You will receive the money in day t. God will not lie!
Result: He got paid in day t, but he only received one tenth of the money he expected.
If both lines which lie between J and U are empty, when they fulfill, things will happen. So when I do a reading, the first thing that I do is check the lines which lie between J and U. Are they empty? If not, I will start looking at other parts of the hexagram.
Only 1 line that lies between J and U is empty doesn't count. Both lines between J and U must be empty in order to fulfill this special law.
Another example: Someone tossed the coins asking when will he receive some money. He was in extreme worry when he tossed the coins. He expected the money within 10 days. He got [Cup] and [Commander].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | c - Vi | w & wa |
Cup | Commander | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | e | o | G | yo | -- | |||||
K | wa | -- | U | R | h | -- | ||||
G | yo | o | K | c | -- | |||||
G | yo | o | B | w | -- | |||||
R | h | - | J | K | cn | - | ||||
K | c | -- | P | y | -- |
The 3rd line is empty. But what about the 4th line? Since the 4th line is not empty, this law doesn't apply? Wrong. The 4th line is actually empty. Why? Take a closer look. The 3rd line has G yo. The 4th line also has G yo. Therefore, the 3rd line is linked to the 4th line. In this case, if the 3rd line is empty, the 4th line is also empty. If these 2 lines are linked together, emptiness on only one line makes both lines empty. So when will this man receive the money? When the emptiness fulfills, (day w or day wa) he shall receive the money. Although the self line R turns into a K star, this man will still receive the money because the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. Besides, this man was in extreme worry when he tossed the coins. The self line turning into K probably means that his worry will soon disappear. The K does not mean he cannot receive the money.
Result: The money was received on day wa. If the 3rd line did not link to the 4th line, this law cannot apply. Again, if only one of the lines is empty, you cannot apply this law.
I tossed the coins asking on what day can I receive my pay check. I got [Little much] and [Consolidate].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | h - X | t & c |
Little Much | Consolidate 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | x | G | y | - | |||||
B | s | -- | K | t | -- | |||||
R | w | o | J | P | sh | -- | ||||
B | s | - | K | h | - | |||||
R | w | -- | P | c | -- | |||||
P | cn | x | U | G | m | - |
The 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. What? Are they? Please examine the hexagrams carefully.
If the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty, things will happen when the emptiness fulfills. So I will receive my pay check on day t or on day c.
Result: I received my pay check on day t.
Okay enough about the 2 lines which lie between J and U. Let's move on.
Let's say that you are expecting something or someone. And let's say that the self line has the appointed star. If the self line is empty, things will happen when the emptiness fulfills.
Someone tossed the coins asking when will his boss pay him salary. He was expecting to receive the money within a few days. He got [Commander].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | m - Viii | w & wa |
Commander | ||||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | yo | -- | U | |||||||
B | h | -- | ||||||||
R | c | -- | ||||||||
G | w | -- | J | |||||||
R | cn | - | ||||||||
K | y | -- |
The money star G w is the appointed star. It is empty, and it is sitting on the self line. The money star is quite strong. Since the strong and empty money star is on the self line, this man shall receive the money when the emptiness fulfills. So on day w or on day wa, he shall receive the money.
Result: He got the money on day wa. Remember, the appointed star must be strong and empty. If a weak and empty appointed star sits on the self line, nothing will happen. If you expect to find a job, an empty, strong R star sitting on the self line means you will find a job when the emptiness fulfills.
Let's say this is your first toss. If both J and U are empty, and both are not moving, your wish cannot come true.
The self line (J) and the U line are the most important lines in a hexagram. If you ask "When can I become a millionaire?", empty J and U appearing in your first toss means you don't have that kind of luck. The U line is the source of your luck, and the self line is supposed to receive the energy which comes from the U line. Empty J and U means the connectivity between J and U is weak. If the connectivity is weak, things will not happen or things won't be as perfect as how you have expected. If you ask about money, you cannot receive the money or you can only receive a small amount of money. If you ask about lawsuit, the case will be dropped because nothing serious will happen. If you ask about a fight, there will be only argument but no fight. But if J and U are the same character, this rule might not apply. (For example: If U is wa and J is also wa, things might happen in the month of wa or on the day of wa.) If both J and U are empty, but they both are moving lines, this law also does not apply.
For example: My old business partner has went to the court of Michigan and filed a lawsuit against me. I wonder if the judge will rule against me and order me to pay my partner money. I threw the coins and got [Big profit].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
s | t - Vii | cn & e |
Big Profit | ||||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | e | - | U | |||||||
P | wa | -- | ||||||||
B | yo | - | ||||||||
P | cn | - | J | |||||||
G | y | - | ||||||||
K | t | - |
Both J and U do not move and are empty. The self line (J) represents me, and the U line represents the guy who is suing me. Even if he does sue me, he can't win. Nothing too serious will happen because the connectivity between J and U is weak.
Result: He attempted to lure me to Michigan to attend the trial, but what ever he did, nothing worked. His attorney said he has no case against me and left him. But even after his attorney left him, he still didn't give up. Finally, the judge dropped the case because he and I didn't sign any contract. Also, I live in California. A Michigan judge has no jurisdiction over me.
Someone tossed the coins asking if his friend will return all of his money to him. He got [Feed] and [Return].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | m - II | t & c |
Feed | Return 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | y | o | R | yo | -- | |||||
P | t | -- | P | h | -- | |||||
G | sh | -- | J | G | c | -- | ||||
G | cn | -- | G | cn | -- | |||||
B | y | -- | B | y | -- | |||||
P | t | - | U | P | t | - |
This is his first toss. Both J and U are not moving. Both are empty. No! Your friend will not give you back all of the money. He might only give you back a small portion of the money that he owes you when the emptiness of J and U fulfills. But he won't give you back the full amount because the connectivity between J and U is bad. The emptiness of J and U shall be fulfilled in month t or in month c.
Result: His friend only gave him back 1/5 of the money in month t.
Let's say both J and U are empty. If only one of them is a moving line, the connectivity is still bad.
I tossed the coins asking will a girl invite me to her dance party. I received [Separate] and [Look] from the Lord.
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | c - Viii | cn & e |
Separate | Look | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | m | - | P | m | - | |||||
B | e | - | J | B | e | - | ||||
K | wa | -- | K | wa | -- | |||||
B | w | -- | P | m | -- | |||||
K | cn | o | U | B | e | -- | ||||
P | y | -- | K | wa | -- |
Both J and U are empty. Only the U line moved. No. She won't invite me. Besides, the self line is linked to the K star. If I get a K star, I am a loser. What I needed is an R star, not a K star. R represents power and possession. K means nothingness.
Result: I wasn't invited.
Let's say both J and U are empty. If both of them are moving lines, things might happen.
The connectivity between the empty J and the empty U will improve if both of them move. Even if both J and U are empty, the connectivity is pretty strong if both of them are moving lines. If the connectivity is strong, expected things will happen or your dream can come true. If you ask for a girlfriend, you will find that perfect girl. If you want your friend to give you back the money that he owes you, he will give you back the full amount that he owes you within a short period of time. If you ask for a job, you will find the right job.
A guy asked Wild Crane if he can earn money by selling fish. He got [Big storage] and [Family].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | s - Vii | t & c |
Big Storage | Consume | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | y | - | R | m | - | |||||
G | t | x | U | P | e | - | ||||
B | sh | -- | B | wa | -- | |||||
B | cn | - | G | h | - | |||||
R | y | o | J | B | c | -- | ||||
G | t | - | R | m | - |
Both J and U lines moved. Both are empty. But since both J and U moved, things might still happen. A strong G star on the U line moves bounding to the moving self line B c. This means money is coming to the self line. He shall earn good money starting from month t.
Result: He went to Hang-Zou to sell fish in the month of t. The business turned out to be very lucrative.
Here's the conclusion: |
Let's say sh & h are empty dates. Both J and U have the element h, but the element sh is not appearing on the J line nor on the U line. Based on my experience, your wish will come true if this is your first toss EVEN IF THERE IS A PERMANENT 6 STRIKE. Everytime I got this kind of first toss, good things happened. But if you ask about trouble, trouble will also happen. Basically, only one empty element showing up on both J and U means your wish can come true. Trouble will come to you if you were asking about trouble. Things will happen when the emptiness of J and U is fulfilled. | Let's say cn & e are empty. Both J
and U contain the empty elements cn & e. If you got this kind of sign in your
first toss, your wish cannot come true or things won't happen. If you ask about
trouble, nothing serious will happen. But if you ask for success, there is no
success. If J line moved but U line does not move, things still won't happen.
If U line moves but J line doesn't move, things still won't happen. If both J and U
do not move, things will not happen. (Note: Let's say you tossed the coins on day cn - I. Both J and U have empty cn and e. Things still could happen because only element e is really empty. The element cn has already been fulfilled since you tossed the coins on day cn.)
Let's say t & c are empty, and this is your first toss. Both J and U contain the elements t & c. As long as both J and U are moving lines, things still will happen or your dream still can come true. If you ask for trouble, trouble will occur. Things happen when the emptiness fulfills. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In August of 2002, a man tossed the coins asking when will USA invade IRaq. He received [Abide] and [Look].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
e | wa | w - III | y & m |
Abide | Look | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | wa | x | U | B | m | - | ||||
R | yo | - | K | e | - | |||||
K w | P | h | o | G | wa | -- | ||||
G | cn | -- | J | B | m | -- | ||||
B | y | - | K | e | - | |||||
P | t | o | G | wa | -- |
This is his first toss. Both J and U have an empty B m. The other empty element (y) does not appear in J nor in U. This means the war will begin when the emptiness fulfills. So USA will invade Iraq in month m of the next year. (March 2003)
Result: USA invaded Iraq on March 19th, 2003. (month m)
If this is NOT your first toss, empty J and U actually means things will happen when the emptiness fulfills.
A person would usually ask a 'Yes or No' type of question for his first toss. For example: "Will something happen or not?" If the connectivity between J and U is bad because both J and U are empty, things won't turn out to be as perfect as expected.
But a person usually would ask for a specific timing in his 2nd question if he already understood his first sign. For example, Sam has tossed the coins asking when will he find a job, and the first sign seems to say that he will find a job soon. So Sam already knew that he will find a job pretty soon. Then he tossed the coins again asking, "Exactly when can I find a job?"
Sam will find a job when the connectivity between J and U improves. When the emptiness of J and U fulfills, the connectivity improves. That means Sam will find a job when the emptiness of J and U fulfills.
Here is the conclusion: If this is NOT your first toss, empty J and U actually means things will happen when their emptiness fulfills. When the emptiness of J and U fulfills, their connectivity improves. Therefore, something will happen when their connectivity improves.
For example, I tossed the coins asking when will I receive some money. I expected to receive the money within a week. I got [Quen] and [Big profit].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | c - Vi | w & wa |
Quen 6 strike |
Big Profit | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | yo | x | J | P | e | - | ||||
G | h | -- | B | wa | -- | |||||
B | c | x | K | yo | - | |||||
R | m | - | U | B | cn | - | ||||
P | e | - | R | y | - | |||||
B | wa | - | G | t | - |
Although it's a 6 strike, The self line and the 4th line form a combo. Therefore, the power of the 6 strike is eliminated. So things still might happen. But the problem is that the money star is totally dead. But wait! The self line K moves and turns into the P star. P could represent a letter. Since my business partner will mail me a check, the P star could represent the letter. But P could also represent worry and frustration. Since I am quite nervous about this money, I cannot make a judgment based on this sign because I am not sure what P really stands for. All I know is that the 4th line and the self line form a combo. Right now, the 4th line is bounding to both the month and the date. So the 4th line cannot move at all. But on day wa, wa will strike open the bondage causing the 4th line to move. When the 4th line moves, the K combo is complete. So on day wa, something will happen.
I tossed the coins again. This time, I got [Joy].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | c - Vi | w & wa |
Joy 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | sh | -- | ||||||||
R | s | -- | ||||||||
K | w | - | U | |||||||
B | m | -- | ||||||||
K | e | -- | ||||||||
G | wa | -- | J |
J and U are w and wa, and both of them are empty. Since I already knew that something will happen on day wa, empty J and U means I will definitely receive the money when the emptiness fulfills. On day wa, the connectivity between J and U will improve. So on day wa, I should receive this money.
Result: I received the money on day wa. You see? If this sign was your first toss, things will not happen or things will not turn out to be as perfect as you have expected because both J and U are empty. But since this sign was not the first toss, and plus I already knew that something might happen on day wa, the empty J and U actually means that things definitely will happen when the emptiness fulfills.
A young man asked when will his father return home. He got [Step] and [Hollow]:
Year | Month | Date | Empty |
y | m - Viii | w & wa |
Step | Hollow | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | sh | - | R | m | - | |||||
K | s | - | J | P | e | - | ||||
P | w | o | B | wa | -- | |||||
B | c | -- | B | c | -- | |||||
R | m | - | U | R | m | - | ||||
P | e | - | P | e | - |
The self line's K star is in trouble because it turned into P e which kills back at itself. The 4th line P w moves turning into B wa which produces the self line K s. If the self line's K happiness star is being rescued by a moving B star, there will be great joy. So the 4th line B wa is the helper of the self line's K s. Although B wa is a dead star, B wa still can move to produce the self line because a powerful P w moves to produce B wa. So B wa is not hurt at all. Your fither shall return on day w or day wa.
Wild Crane allowed the boy to toss again, and this time he got [Look] and [Stop].
Year | Month | Date | Empty |
y | m - Viii | w & wa |
Look | Stop 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | m | - | P | sh | - | |||||
R | e | - | B | s | - | |||||
P | wa | x | J | R | w | - | ||||
G | m | -- | G | m | -- | |||||
R | e | -- | R | e | -- | |||||
P | wa | -- | U | P | wa | -- |
What a coincidence! In the first hexagram, B wa is empty. In this hexagram, the self line's P wa is empty. So something definitely will happen on day w or day wa.
The 4th line P (parent star) represents parent or father. It has the character wa (soil) and is now empty. It moves and turns into an empty character w (fire). The P father line is wa, and it moves turning into w which produces back at itself. When the emptiness of both w and wa are fulfilled, the father has a chance to appear.
Result: The father returned home on day wa.
When an empty element is being struck, it is no longer empty.
A government electrical inspector has done an inspection for my house's underground wiring conversion but said that my conversion cannot pass the exam due to lack of property clearance. He suggested me to redo the wiring conversion (which will cost me another $2000) or get a survey proving that I do have enough property clearance (which will cost me around $5000). Then I went to the city hall to obtain a copy of my neighbor's grant deed which might be able to prove that I do have enough property clearance. That only costed me $6. I want to schedule another inspection and show the inspector my neighbor's grant deed. Then I tossed the coins asking God, "Will he pass me this time based on my neighbor's grant deed which costed me only $6?" God gave me [Look] and [Compare].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
s | w - V | t & c |
Look | Compare | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | m | o | K | t | -- | |||||
R | e | - | P | sh | - | |||||
P | wa | -- | J | B | s | -- | ||||
G | m | -- | G | m | -- | |||||
R | e | -- | R | e | -- | |||||
P | wa | -- | U | P | wa | -- |
The top line's money star G m is flying strong!! This means I will save a bunch of money. The top line's K t is no longer empty because it has been struck by the date.
Result: I called the inspector, and the inspector agreed to meet me on day sh. And he passed my underground conversion on that day based on the evidence shown on my neighbor's grant deed. This hexagram proves that an empty element is no longer empty if it has been struck by the date.
A new house is under construction, just 60 feet away from my room. It's so noisy everyday. So I tossed the coins asking when will the construction end. I got [Humble].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | wa - X | s & yo |
Humble | ||||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | yo | -- | ||||||||
K | h | -- | J | |||||||
P | c | -- | ||||||||
B | s | - | ||||||||
R | w | -- | U | |||||||
P | cn | -- |
The self line K represents happiness. The self line K is being killed by both the month and the date. That means I am very upset about this, which is true. The only thing that can bring happiness back to me is the top line B yo. If B yo moves and produces the self line, I will become happy again. So in month m, they will finish constructing the house. But the self line is too weak. Can the dead self line be saved by the top line?
I was not sure, so I tossed the coins again. This time, I got [No way] and [Bite].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | wa - X | s & yo |
No Way 6 strike |
Bite | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | sh | - | K | e | - | |||||
R | s | o | G | wa | -- | |||||
K | w | - | J | R | yo | - | ||||
G | cn | -- | G | cn | -- | |||||
B | y | -- | B | y | -- | |||||
P | t | - | U | P | t | - |
6 strike means they won't finish the house that quickly. But luckily, the 5th line moves turning into G wa which bounds to the self line K w. The power of the 6 strike is eliminated. That means they will finish up the house soon. When I tossed the coins for this sign, my mentality has changed a little bit. Now I am asking when will I see result. So the self line K represents nothingness. But the self line K turns into R, which represents 'You got something'. This means I will see result. The 5th line R turns into G. G represents gain. To me, if they would just finish making noise, that's enough gain for me. So the 5th line R turning into G which bounds to the self line means they will finish up the house. But right now, the 5th line R s is empty. So they won't finish up the house yet. But in month y, y strikes the 5th line R s. So in month y, the 5th line R s will no longer be empty. The self line also turns into an empty R yo. But in month m, R yo will no longer be empty. So in month y, I will see some good result. But if the self line remains empty, I will not see the final result. But in month m, when the emptiness of the self line is fulfilled, I will see the final result. So they will finish up the house in month m. The empty R stars in this sign are very strong. Therefore, when they are being struck, they will no longer be empty. That's why I say things will happen in month y or in month m. We don't have to wait until month s or month yo because the empty stars are very strong. If an empty element is being struck, it will no longer be empty.
Result: They finished the exterior of the house in month y. That has cut down the noise dramatically. They finished the entire house in month m.
I think the trickiest day for you to throw the coins is day II. ( c - II, h - II, yo - II, wa - II, e - II, and m - II )
Usually, the empty dates should be sh and h if you tossed the coins on day c - II. But sometimes, the empty dates could still be t and c if you tossed the coins on day c - II.
Which means, the table could look like this sometimes:
Just sometimes. Not all of the time. | ||
Upper date | II | Empty dates |
Lower dates | c | t & c |
h | sh & h | |
yo | s & yo | |
wa | w & wa | |
e | cn & e | |
m | y & m |
Why is day II the trickiest? Let's see an example:
I use an old and dusty digital projector to watch TV. I love it so much that I want to use it for life. One day, I tossed the coins asking will my projector ever break. I got [Step] and [Separate].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | m - II | t & c? y & m? |
Step | Separate | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | sh | - | R | m | - | |||||
K | s | - | J | P | e | - | ||||
P | w | o | B | wa | -- | |||||
B | c | -- | P | w | -- | |||||
R | m | - | U | B | cn | - | ||||
P | e | o | R | y | -- |
The 1st line P e moves meaning 'Something happening'. P e is quite powerful because R y produces back at P e. P e is linking to the self line K s. So when P e moves, the self line K s will receive P e. Again, P e means something will happen. P e moves bounding to the self line K s. That means my projector will break one day. But the problem is I don't know which elements are actually empty.
I tossed again, and God gave me [Need] and [Unsettled].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | m - II | t & c? y & m? |
Need | Unsettled | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | t | -- | G | t | -- | |||||
B | sh | - | B | sh | - | |||||
K | s | -- | J | K | s | -- | ||||
B | cn | - | G | h | - | |||||
R | y | o | B | c | -- | |||||
G | t | - | U | R | m | - |
The self line still has the lucky star K! Does that mean I still will be lucky even if my machine breaks down on me? The K star moved bounding to the self line in my 1st sign and sat on the self line in my two other signs. But God has also told me that my machine shall one day break. This scenario confuses me more and more.
Result: My projector broke on day s!!! God is sometimes very tricky. I expected my projector to break a few months later. I thought that it will either break in month t, y or s. But it broke on day s! So these signs proved that the actual empty elements are still y & m. But what made me laugh is that after my projector broke, I pulled the machine apart in an attempt to fix it. I assembled the parts back together in the middle of my job because I failed to separate the bottom portion of the machine. Miraculously, my projector worked again after I have reassembled it. Maybe a wire was loose, and I accidentally reinserted that loose wire when I dismantled the machine. My machine was fixed right after it broke because the self line has a strong K star or because a strong K star moves bounding to the self line.
But you will run into this sometimes:
I tossed the coins asking when will I receive a package. I got [Revolution] and [Well].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | e - II | y & m |
Revolution | Well | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | wa | -- | B | t | -- | |||||
P | yo | - | R | sh | - | |||||
B | h | o | J | P | s | -- | ||||
B | h | - | P | yo | - | |||||
R | c | x | B | h | - | |||||
K | m | o | U | R | c | -- |
Both the 3rd line and the self line are B h. So the 3rd line is actually the self line. The U line K m moves pushing the 2nd line R c toward the self line. The R star represents 'You got something.' If the R star is being pushed toward the self line, I will receive the package. But right now, the U line K m is empty. Does that mean I won't receive the package until day m? (Day m is 10 days later.) Actually, I could also receive the package on day yo because day yo will strike with the empty K m. If the empty K m is being struck on day yo, it won't be empty anymore. (Day yo is 4 days later.)
You know what? Since I got this sign on day e - II, the empty dates could still be cn and e. If K m is not empty at all, I could receive it on day sh because K m will move on day sh.
Result: I received the package on day yo. So K m was empty after all.
You see? Day II is the trickiest day for you to toss the coins. I suggest that if you got a sign on day II, toss the coins again a few days later just to reconfirm because the empty dates might or might not be empty. 50 percent of the time, the empty dates are cn and e. And 50 percent of the time, the empty dates are y and m. So be careful when you toss the coins on day II.
Throughout the years, I have tested, proven, and established many new laws which allow an I-Ching reader to generate more accurate and more precise predictions. Hopefully, the mystery behind this 'fluctuating empty dates of date II' can be solved in the near future. I-Ching is just like a nuclear bomb. Nobody has invented the nuclear bomb. A whole bunch of scientists throughout the centuries have contributed to the study and physics of nuclear technology. This scientist contributed a little bit, and that scientist discovered a new method to use the nuclear power. Maybe you can help establish a few more laws or help discover the true mechanism which functions behind the fluctuating empty dates for date II. Don't depend everything on me. After a few years of study, you will become a professional too. It's also your responsibility to map out the complete mechanism of I-Ching.
Empty Dates
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