Alex Chiu's Online I-Ching © 2001 Registered
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Element Combos
Those close to 30 Chinese I-Ching books that I have read only taught me about 1 or 2 types of combos. Not knowing all of the combos left me stranded on a no man's island especially when a very important matter occured but I didn't understand what the moving lines meant. I have discovered these different types of combos the hard way; Find out the result after it happened. I think this chapter is the heart of this entire book. These combos are so important that leaving them behind means blind-folding your eyes. You must remember these combos because they are accurate everytime. They are your road map to success!
A combination appears when the first and the 3rd line move. Combination also appears when the 4th and the 6th line move. See the following sign for an example.
R y - S R y - G t - - G t - - B sh - - B sh - - S K s O U B cn - - P w - R y - - B cn X G t - U
s, t, and cn water combo!
The first and the 3rd line moved. The first line is cn turning into t. The third is s turning into cn. This is s, t, and cn water combination. You will see lots of this kind of combination in the future. Not just the first and the 3rd line, the 4th and the 6th line moving might also form a combination.
If one throws the coins concerning a job or a promotion, a R combination is a lucky sign. R represents control, power, or possession. The R combo means you will be promoted or will get a job.
If the combination is a fire combination, and the R star in your hexagram has a fire element, that fire combination is a R combination.
For example:
Little Much | Hurt | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | x | U | G | y | - | ||||
B | s | -- | K | t | -- | |||||
R | w | o | P | sh | -- | |||||
P | c | -- | J | P | c | -- | ||||
G | m | - | G | m | - | |||||
R | e | - | R | e | - |
The 4th line and the 6th line form a fire combination (y, w, and sh). The R star happens to be a fire element. Therefore, this combination is a R combination.
If the R combination is produced by the month or by the date, your position is high or you will be highly promoted. If there is a G combination in your hexagram, it's also lucky for a job or for promotion related questions because G produces R.
If you throw the coins asking about love, a strong R or a strong G combo is a lucky sign if the self line is one of the elements of the combination. If the U is one of the elements of your G or R combo, another person will jump in and grab your woman because the U line represents your opponent. If a combination in the hexagram produces the self line or produces the appointed, it's a lucky sign. If the combination produces your opponent or produces the enemy line, it's a bad sign. If one of the elements of the combination is empty, the combination cannot be established until the emptiness is fulfilled. If asking about a job or about a promotion, having a R combination producing the self line is a sign that you will get the job or will be promoted. If the R combination is producing the U line, another person will fill the position which you want. If asking about money, G combo producing the self line means that you will make a profit. If G combo produces the U line, others will profit. When asking about business, a combination means a group of people have already formed an organization.
The fire, water, wood, and metal combo can eliminate a 6 strike if the self line is part of the combo.
Two villages are declaring war on each other because of border dispute. A man was concerned about it. He asked Wild Crane and got [Li] and [Quen].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
m | e - iV | t & c |
Li 6 strike |
Quen 6 strike |
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | e | o | J | G | yo | |||||
K | wa | -- | h | |||||||
G | yo | o | K | c | ||||||
R | h | o | U | P | m | |||||
K | c | -- | e | |||||||
P | m | o | K | wa |
The 6 strike has been eliminated because the self line and the 4th line formed a G combo. The U line and the 1st line formed a P frustration combo. Luckily, the U line's frustration combo is repelling away from the self line. (If one element strikes with another element, they repel each other. The host of the P combo is P m. And P m repels away from the self line's G yo.) That means there is nothing to worry about at the end.
Result: Nothing happened. Someone came in and pulled both sides apart.
A guy wants to know if he can become the manager of his company. He tossed the coins and received [Well] and [Finish].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
s | h - II | s & yo |
Well | Finish 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | t | -- | P | t | -- | |||||
G | sh | - | J | G | sh | - | ||||
R | s | -- | R | s | -- | |||||
R | yo | o | G | c | -- | |||||
P | h | - | U | B | m | - | ||||
G | c | x | K | e | - |
If a combo surrounds the U line P h, the U line is considered a moving line. The U line B m moves and kills the self line. The self line's advantage star G sh got killed by the loneliness star B m. This is not good.
Result: Somebody else took the position.
My friend has shipped me a very valuable item. I tossed the coins asking when will I receive the package. I got [Look] and [Same].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | s - V | y & m |
Look | Same | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | m | - | P | sh | - | |||||
R | e | - | B | s | - | |||||
P | wa | x | J | R | w | - | ||||
G | m | x | K | h | - | |||||
R | e | -- | P | c | -- | |||||
P | wa | x | U | G | m | - |
The self line P wa is linked to the 1st line P wa. So the 1st line is the self line. The 3rd line and the 1st line form a G combo. If the 1st line is included in the combo, the self line is also included in the combo. A G combo represents money or gain. If the self line is being included in the G combo, I shall receive the package. Right now, the 3rd line G m is empty. But on day yo, yo strikes with the 3rd line G m. When the 3rd line G m is being struck, it will no longer be empty. So I could receive the package on day yo. The emptiness could also be fulfilled on day m. But I don't think I will receive the package that late. So I concluded that I will receive the package on day yo.
Result: The package came on day yo as predicted.
One man asked about a possible government position. Will he get it? He got [Combine] and [Revolution].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | h - iV | w & wa |
P wa - - P wa - - B yo - U B yo - K h - K h - G m X K h - R e - - J P c - - P wa X G m -
In the lower gua, the 1st line and the 3rd line move forming h, m, and wa wood combo. The wood combo is producing the self line R. The man will definitely get a decent position. Now, P wa is empty. Wait for month of wa and you shall be granted the position!
Result: The man got the position in month wa.
A water combo dies if both the month and the date are soil elements. So you still must measure the strength of the month and the date even if you have a combo.
For example: Mr. Hapoel is going to fight someone in the court. He tossed the coins asking who will win. He got [Big storage] and [Little much].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | sh - III | w & wa |
Big Storage | Little Much | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | y | o | B | sh | -- | |||||
G | t | -- | U | K | s | -- | ||||
B | sh | x | P | w | - | |||||
B | cn | - | K | s | - | |||||
R | y | o | J | P | w | -- | ||||
G | t | o | B | cn | -- |
The 3rd line is actually a moving line because it is being struck by the date. So the 3rd line and the 1st line form a G combo.
If one asks who will win, R is the winner and K is the loser. Now U line is the enemy. U line G t turns into a K star, and then G t produces the self line. So the enemy will lose. The self line has an R star, so the person who tossed the coins will win. This indicates that Mr. Hapoel will win some money?
Result: Nobody won. Mr. Hapoel was disappointed with the result. The reason why Mr. Hapoel didn't win is because the money star G t is totally dead. Both the date and the month are killing the money star. A dead money star cannot produce the self line. A dead money star cannot form a money combo. This means Mr. Hapoel also cannot gain a cent. The enemy did not win, but Mr. Hapoel also didn't gain anything.
One of my students showed me an example and asked me a question.
Let's say the month is e and the date is also e. And we have a metal combo.
3rd line R c x P yo -
Self line G e o R c --
My student said, "This is a P metal combo, and the 3rd line's P yo is the host. This combo is dead because both the month and the date are killing this metal combo. But I don't think that P yo is really dead since R c moved to produce P yo. So is this combo really dead or not?"
ANSWER: This P combo is an empire established by P yo. The 3rd line P yo has already conquered its neighbors. So R c doesn't really exist. G e also doesn't exist. Only P yo survived. Although R c did move to produce P yo, the P combo still is dead if both the month and the date are fire elements. So this P combo is still dead.
As long as the host of the combo does not die, a combo cannot die.
The host of a fire combo is the fire star. The host of a water combo is the water star. For example: The host of a fire R combo is R w. The host of a water G combo is G t.
The host of water G combo is G t. Then B cn and K s are the companions of the water G combo. If a companion of the combo is dead, the entire combo still survives. So a combo is pretty hard to kill. Even if the host is extremely weak, the entire combo still survives.
A strong combo brings noticeable result. A weak combo brings little result. If a companion is dead, there still will be some kind of result, but the result won't be a too noticeable. But no matter how weak a combo is, it will always bring some kind of result.
A man tossed the coins asking will the tax collector bring him trouble for evading tax. He tossed and received [Little much] and [Hurt].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
yo | s - I | s & yo |
Little Much | Hurt | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | x | U | G | y | - | ||||
B | s | -- | K | t | -- | |||||
R | w | o | P | sh | -- | |||||
P | c | -- | J | P | c | -- | ||||
G | m | - | G | m | - | |||||
R | e | - | R | e | - |
The U line and the 4th line form a R combo which produces the self line. This indicates the tax collector will not give you any trouble because the U line's R combo is producing the self line. But the U line's G y is dead. If one of the elements of a combo is dead, is the entire combo dead?
Result: The tax collector canceled the investigation just a few days after month y has passed. If this man was asking about money, he will receive only a small amount of money because one of the companions of the R combo is dead. But since this man is asking will there be trouble, a weak combo which produces the self line can mean only one thing: There will be no trouble.
A man asked can he have sex with a certain girl, and he received [Rot] and [Strong].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | sh - I | sh & h |
Rot | Strong 6 strike |
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | y | o | U | G | sh | -- | ||||
P | t | -- | R | s | -- | |||||
G | sh | x | K | w | - | |||||
R | yo | - | J | G | cn | - | ||||
P | h | - | B | y | - | |||||
G | c | x | P | t | - |
A K combo formed killing the self line R yo. The K loser combo kills the self line winner star. This is not a good sign. Although the self line R yo turned into G cn which bounds back at R yo, G cn is pretty loose because both the month and the date are striking at G cn. The 1st line G c (hope) moves turning into P t (disappointment).
Result: He didn't have sex with that girl. From this lesson, we learned that a combo usually carries a serious message. Although the K combo in this sign is weak and can hardly damage the strong R star, the message is not weak. At the end, he didn't have sex with her.
Two soccer teams are battling for the UEFA cup. It's Hapoel vs. Milan. My student Shai tossed the coins asking will Hapoel win the soccer game. (He wants Hapoel to win.) He got [Family] and [Look].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
y | e - Vi | sh & h |
Family | Look | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | m | - | B | m | - | |||||
K | e | - | U | K | e | - | ||||
G | wa | -- | G | wa | -- | |||||
P | h | o | B | m | -- | |||||
G | c | -- | J | K | e | -- | ||||
B | m | o | G | wa | -- |
The U line represents Milan, and the self line represents Hapoel. The strong U line produces the self line. So Hapoel should win the game. But my only concern is the B combo, which is surrounding and killing the self line's gain star. The self line is in the lower gua, and the B combo which kills the self line is also in the lower gua. The self line's gain star is being hurt very badly. That's not good. You see? Gain star = benefit. Gain star being killed = no benefit. If there is no benefit, how can Hapoel (self line) win?
Result: Hapoel lost. The B combo which surrounds the self line has damaged the self line too badly.
A man asked, "Will number 7 be one of the winning evening Georgia Cash3 numbers?" He got [Combine] and [Hurt].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
wa | e - X | w & wa |
Combine | Hurt | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | wa | -- | B | yo | -- | |||||
B | yo | o | U | K | h | -- | ||||
K | h | o | P | c | -- | |||||
G | m | x | K | h | - | |||||
R | e | -- | J | P | c | -- | ||||
P | wa | x | G | m | - |
The 1st line and the 3rd line form a strong money combo which produces the self line R e. Number 7 is represented by the money combo because if he wins the lottery he will win money. So number 7 will definitely be one of the winning numbers.
Result: This is what the man wrote later: "Winner was 579, and I played 279. That was pretty kewl for the first try." The game was on day w. The reason why number 7 showed up on day w is because the G combo's P wa was empty until day w. But on day w, the G combo was no longer empty.
If a R combo surrounds and strikes with the self line, the self line will receive the R combo.
A man tossed the coins asking when can he sell his car. He got [Extreme] and [Little Storage].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | t - III | s & yo |
Extreme | Little Storage | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | wa | x | R | m | - | |||||
K | yo | - | J | P | e | - | ||||
G | h | o | B | wa | -- | |||||
B | cn | - | B | cn | - | |||||
R | y | - | U | R | y | - | ||||
G | t | - | G | t | - |
A R combo formed on the top gua surrounding the self line. Although the R combo does not directly link to the self line, the self line has received the R combo since R combo has totally surrounded the self line and is striking with the self line. The R combo is a winner combo. This means he will sell his car one day.
Result: He advertised his car for $4000. On day yo, a man came by for a test drive. Coincidentally, the car's engine failed on that very day. He was forced to sell it for just $700 on that day.
A man tossed the coins asking, "Will my favorite team Deportivo win?" He got [Big storage] and [Strong]. This is not his first toss.
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
yo | e - X | w & wa |
Big Storage | Strong 6 strike |
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | y | o | B | sh | -- | |||||
G | t | -- | U | K | s | -- | ||||
B | sh | x | P | w | - | |||||
B | cn | - | B | cn | - | |||||
R | y | - | J | R | y | - | ||||
G | t | - | G | t | - |
This is not his 1st toss. So the permanent 6 strike has no meaning. The U line's G t gain star does produce the self line. But unfortunately, the U line G t has been surrounded by a P combo. The P combo also strikes with the U line G t. This means the U line G t gain star has turned into a P frustration star. The U line G t can no longer produce the self line.
Result: Deportivo did not win. The game was a tie game.
Root of the Combo
Let's say the top line and the 4th line formed a P combo. The 5th line is G t turning into K s.
Big Storage | Little Much | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | y | o | B | sh | -- | |||||
G | t | -- | U | K | s | -- | ||||
B | sh | x | P | w | - | |||||
B | cn | - | K | s | - | |||||
R | y | o | J | P | w | -- | ||||
G | t | o | B | cn | -- |
The 5th line is called 'the root of the combo'. The P w combo is hurting the U line G t because P w strikes with G t. (But the P w combo cannot kill the U line's K s.) This makes it harder for the money star G t to produce the self line R y.
Here is a real example: A mother tossed the coins asking about her missing child. She got [Bite] and [Travel].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
h | wa - Viii | sh & h |
Bite | Travel 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | e | - | K | e | - | |||||
G | wa | -- | J | G | wa | -- | ||||
R | yo | - | R | yo | - | |||||
G | cn | x | R | s | - | |||||
B | y | -- | U | K | w | -- | ||||
P | t | o | G | cn | -- |
The kid is the K star. K has the element e. And e is the South-East.
Result: The child was found in the South-East direction by the police on day sh. He was brought back home on day c. If you didn't learn about the root of the combo, you would have made a wrong prediction because a P combo represents frustration.
I tossed the coins asking is it safe for me to place a bet on a certain sports team. God showed me [Rich] and [Joy].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
w | m - II | t & c |
Rich | Joy 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | sh | -- | R | sh | -- | |||||
P | s | -- | J | P | s | -- | ||||
G | w | - | G | w | - | |||||
B | h | o | K | m | -- | |||||
R | c | -- | U | G | e | -- | ||||
K | m | o | R | wa | -- |
Since I have tossed the coins on day II, the element t and c might not be empty. The U line R c turns into G e money star which bounds to the self line. But too bad that a K combo formed killing R c so that R c cannot turn into G e. That means G e money star cannot bound to the self line. So it's not good to bet on this team.
Result: The team I was thinking about betting on lost the game.
Timing of a combo:
Usually, if none of the elements of a combo is being struck loose or is empty, the timing depends on one of the two elements of the 1st hexagram.
For example:
Combine | Hurt | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | wa | -- | B | yo | -- | |||||
B | yo | o | U | K | h | -- | ||||
K | h | o | P | c | -- | |||||
G | m | x | K | h | - | |||||
R | e | -- | J | P | c | -- | ||||
P | wa | x | G | m | - |
Let's look at the G combo formed by the 1st line and the 3rd line. If none of the elements of G combo is being struck loose by the date or is empty, the G combo will become active either on day m or on day wa. Why? Because the 3rd line's 1st hexagram's element is m, and the 1st line's 1st hexagram's element is wa. The elements on the 1st hexagram usually are the activators of a combo.
Let's say you tossed the coins on day e and you got the above sign. The 3rd line's K h is loose. Then the combo could be activated on day h or on day y because day h or day y can save the loose element K h. Let's say that w and wa are empty. Then the G combo shall become active on day w or on day wa because the 1st line P wa is empty. When the 1st line P wa fulfills itself, the G combo will become active. Let's say the self line R e is empty, and you are expecting to receive some money from someone. You should receive the money on day e. The G combo (money) is producing the empty self line. But the empty self line cannot receive the money until it fulfills itself. If the date is w, it will bound to the first line P wa. Then the G combo (1st and 3rd line) might not become active until the bondage is broken on day t.
The above are combos established by ancient I-Ching masters. I also want to introduce to you some other new combos and links that I have established.......
B & K Combo
If the self line is a troubled K star, a nearby moving B star will guarantee you success. If you ask about sports, your team will win. If you ask about the stock market, the stock value will rise. If you ask about a lawsuit, you will win.
How to qualify for this law?
For example: Some guy tossed the coins asking will Mikaelian beat Ostrovskaya. (soccer teams) He got [Quarrel] and [Bride].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
e | c - X | y & m |
Quarrel | Bride | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | e | o | B | sh | -- | -- | ||||
B | wa | -- | K | s | -- | -- | ||||
K | yo | - | J | P | w | - | - | |||
B | c | -- | B | c | -- | -- | ||||
R | m | - | R | m | - | - | ||||
P | e | - | U | P | e | - | - |
He wants Mikaelian to win. So Mikaelian is the self line, and Ostrovskaya is the U line. The self line K yo turned into P w which kills back at itself. So the self line K star is in trouble. The top line B sh moved to produce the self line. So the self line, Mikaelian, will be the victor.
Result: Mikaelian won.
If the K star did not turn into a P star which kills back at itself, the month and the date must be damaging the K star in order for you to apply this law.
For example: Luke asked, "Who will win in the Detroit Redwings vs. Colorado NHL game? I want Redwings to win." He got [Quen] and [Bride].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
m | y - Vii | w & wa |
K yo -- J B sh -- U G h -- K s -- B c X P w - R m -- U B c -- J P e X R m - B wa X P e -
The self line is the Redwings. The self line K star is being struck by the month and is very weak under the date. Although the self line K yo turns into B sh which produces back at itself, B sh is dead. So the self line K star is in trouble. A troubled K star indicates worry and anxiety. It does not represent a loser. The powerful 1st line B moves to produce the self line K. Another powerful 4th line B also moves to produce the self line K. So there will be great happiness. Redwings shall be victorious. Luke asked who will win. Luke did not ask "Will Redwings win?" So a permanent 6 strike in this sign does not mean Redwings will lose. The 6 strike doesn't mean anything.
Result: Victory for the Redwings.
A man bought some stocks. He wants to know the stock market trend for the entire year. He tossed and received [Strip] and [Unsettled].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | sh - iX | t & c |
Strip | Unsettled | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | y | - | R | e | - | |||||
K | t | -- | J | P | wa | -- | ||||
P | sh | x | B | yo | - | |||||
G | m | -- | R | w | -- | |||||
R | e | x | U | P | cn | - | ||||
P | wa | -- | G | y | -- |
The self line K t is in serious trouble because both the date and the month are killing it. The self line K t also turns into a P star which kills back at itself. Luckily, the 4th line strong B yo moves to support the self line K t. Right now, K t is empty. So the strong B yo cannot help the self line until the emptiness fulfills in month t. So in month t, the stock value will go up.
Result: The stock value climbed to the highest peak in month t.
Caution: Do not apply this law if your self line K is healthy.
Here is why: I tossed the coins asking for the stock market trend for the entire year, and the Lord showed me [Fog] and [Abide].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | wa - X | s & yo |
Fog | Abide | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | t | -- | R | wa | -- | |||||
R | sh | - | U | P | yo | - | ||||
P | s | x | B | h | - | |||||
R | cn | -- | R | cn | -- | |||||
K | y | -- | J | K | y | -- | ||||
B | t | - | B | t | - |
The self line K star is not strong and not weak. So we all can agree that the self line is not in trouble. The forceful 4th line P s moved turning into B h which produces the self line K y. Is this a good sign? Right now, the 4th line P s cannot move because P s is empty. But in month s, the 4th line shall move. So B h will produce the self line K y in month s.
Result: The stock value dropped so sharply in month s. From this lesson, we learned that a healthy self line K star does not need the help of a B star. If the B star moves helping a healthy self line K star, the B star is the enemy. The B star will only destroy your money. If you ask about sports, your team will lose. If you ask about business, you will lose money. But if you ask about your own illness, you will be cured since the appointed star is actually the K star. If you ask about life safety, you will be safe.
The B & K combo will also work on the U line!
Let's say the U line is not a moving line but is producing the self line.
For example: I tossed the coins asking will the stock value drop in month h. God showed me [Trapped] and [Too much].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | c - II | sh & h |
Trapped 6 match |
Too Much | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | wa | -- | P | wa | -- | |||||
B | yo | - | B | yo | - | |||||
K | h | - | U | K | h | - | ||||
R | w | x | B | yo | - | |||||
P | cn | - | K | h | - | |||||
G | y | -- | J | P | c | -- |
First of all, the self line and the U line are the most important lines in a hexagram. The U line K h produces the self line's money star. So the U line must be the source of money. My money comes from the stock market. So the U line is the stock market, and the self line is my money. The U line K h does not move but is producing the self line G y. The U line K h is dead. So apparently, the U line is in great trouble. That means the stock market is not performing well at this moment.
The U line K h is in danger because both the month and the date kill it. But luckily, the 3rd line B yo moves producing K h saving it from danger. Right now, K h is empty. So B yo cannot produce K h yet. But K h won't be empty anymore in month h. So the 3rd line B yo can produce K h in month h. When K h has been produced by B yo in month h, the stock market will perform well.
What a coincidence? I asked God will the stock value drop in month h, and God told me that the stock market will be strong in month h.
A few hours later, I grew concerned about this case. (Afterall, the powerful moving B yo does look kind of scary.) So I tossed the coins again and received [Trapped] and [Combine]. I still asked "What will happen to the stock market in month h?"
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | c - II | sh & h |
Trapped 6 match |
Combine | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | wa | -- | P | wa | ||||||
B | yo | - | B | yo | ||||||
K | h | - | U | K | h | |||||
R | w | -- | G | m | ||||||
P | cn | o | R | e | ||||||
G | y | -- | J | P | wa |
The U line still is K h, and the self line still is G y. So the U line represents the source of money, which is the stock market. And the self line represents my money. Both the month and the date are still killing the U line K h. So K h is still in great danger.
Result: The stock market remained pretty strong in month h. His stocks worth $15 a share in month sh, and it jumped up to around $18.50 in month h. The moving B star in the first sign fools many beginners. If you don't want to be fooled in the future, keep your eyes on the U line. If the U line is a non-moving K star which produces the self line's G star, the U line must be the source of money. If the U line is in trouble, a moving B star is a lucky sign.
Lily tossed the coins asking will her company's representatives perform well at a new products expo. She received [Big storage] and [Break].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | sh - V | cn & e |
Big Storage | Break | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | y | - | R | y | - | |||||
G | t | -- | U | G | t | -- | ||||
B | sh | -- | B | sh | -- | |||||
B | cn | o | B | c | -- | |||||
R | y | - | J | R | m | - | ||||
G | t | - | P | e | - |
Of course Lily hopes that her company will pull in lots of potential customers at the expo. The U line G t produces the self line and is the source of money. But too bad G t is dead. This means there will be no money.
Result: Her company actually performed better than all other companies at the expo.
A man lost some money in month m. He tossed the coins asking about his business for the month of cn. "Will business improve in month cn?" He got [Abide] and [Unsettled].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
m | s - III | cn & e |
Abide | Unsettled | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | yo | x | P | e | - | |||||
G | h | -- | U | B | wa | -- | ||||
B | c | x | K | yo | - | |||||
B | c | -- | P | w | -- | |||||
R | m | - | J | B | cn | - | ||||
P | e | o | R | y | -- |
Although this is not a B K combo, I still want to show you this sign.
The U line G h money star does not move but produces the self line R m. So the U line is the source of money. This man is asking about his business. So the U line G h represents his business, and the self line represents himself who receives money from his business. The U line G h is in trouble because G h turns into B wa which kills back at G h.
Result: Business increased quite a bit in month cn. Business was the best in month e because the 6th line's P e was empty. But in month e, the 6th line's P e was not empty anymore. Therefore, the K combo activated in month e saving the money star of the U line.
If the U line K star is not in trouble, a moving B star will become your worst nightmare!
For example: A boy asked can he receive 1400 points on his exam. He got [Trapped] and [Too much].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
yo | t - Vii | cn & e |
Trapped 6 match |
Too Much | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | wa | -- | P | wa | -- | |||||
B | yo | - | B | yo | - | |||||
K | h | - | U | K | h | - | ||||
R | w | x | B | yo | - | |||||
P | cn | - | K | h | - | |||||
G | y | -- | J | P | c | -- |
The U line K h does not move but produces the self line G y. So the U line represents the exam that the boy is about to take. And the self line represents himself.
Result: The boy received only 1340 points.
How do I know that my K star is in trouble?
If you don't know if your K star is in trouble or not, just pick up the coins and toss again.
I tossed the coins asking in which month will Nasdaq stocks drop to the lowest prices so I can purchase some cheap stocks. God gave me [Strip] and [Unsettled].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | yo - Viii | t & c |
Strip | Unsettled | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | y | - | R | e | - | |||||
K | t | -- | J | P | wa | -- | ||||
P | sh | x | B | yo | - | |||||
G | m | -- | R | w | -- | |||||
R | e | x | U | P | cn | - | ||||
P | wa | -- | G | y | -- |
The self line's K t is in trouble because it turned into P wa which kills back at itself. This means the stock value will not drop because my wish will not come true. But luckily, the 4th line's strong B yo is rescuing the troubled self line K t. So my wish will come true after all, and the stocks shall drop to the lowest point. Right now, B yo is bounding to the date yo. So the 4th line B yo cannot rescue K t yet. But month m will break their bondage allowing the 4th line B yo to move. So the stock prices will be the lowest in month m.
Result: All tech stocks fell to the bottom peak in month m.
Overheating Combo
Hey, check this out! This is the direct opposite of a B & K combo.
A man tossed the coins asking will Sally continue to date him after their first date? He got [Strip] and [Stop].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | sh - I | sh & h |
Strip | Stop 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | y | - | P | sh | - | |||||
K | t | x | J | B | s | - | ||||
P | sh | x | R | w | - | |||||
G | m | -- | G | m | -- | |||||
R | e | -- | U | R | e | -- | ||||
P | wa | -- | P | wa | -- |
The self line's K t is too strong because it moved turning into B s which produces back at itself. This is not good. If the engine sits in the snow, it will freeze. But if the engine overheats, the car also cannot run. The self line is overheating.
Result: They met again on day t.
Here is a 'reversed overheating combo'.
I asked should I buy a certain stock now. I got [Same] and [Consolidate].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | cn - III | t & c |
Same | Consolidate 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | sh | - | U | P | y | - | ||||
G | s | o | R | t | -- | |||||
B | w | o | K | sh | -- | |||||
R | h | - | J | R | h | - | ||||
K | c | -- | K | c | -- | |||||
P | m | - | P | m | - |
This sign looks confusing at first. But then, I have switched it around and viewed it this way:
Consolidate | Same | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | y | - | U | K | sh | - | ||||
R | t | -- | G | s | o | |||||
K | sh | -- | B | w | o | |||||
R | h | - | J | R | h | - | ||||
K | c | -- | K | c | -- | |||||
P | m | - | P | m | - |
The 5th line's R t winner star is overheating because it has been produced back by G s. The 4th line's K sh moves to kill the 5th line's overheating R t. This is good. So I should buy this stock right now.
Result: I bought it at 16 cents per share. Right after I bought it, it went up to 25 cents a share. This lesson proves that you can switch the hexagrams around if you don't understand the sign.
The following is also an overheating combo:
G h --
K s --
B c x
P w -
You should notice that the overheating G h money star is being cooled by the moving B c. This is a good sign meaning you will earn money.
A troubled self line being spared.
Let's say the self line is in trouble, but the enemy has been killed or is retreating. The self line has just been spared.
For example: A man tossed the coins asking will AC Milan beat Inter Milan. (Soccer game) He received [Need] and [Compare].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
e | cn - Vii | s & yo |
Need | Compare | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | t | -- | G | t | -- | |||||
B | sh | - | B | sh | - | |||||
K | s | -- | J | K | s | -- | ||||
B | cn | o | R | m | -- | |||||
R | y | o | P | e | -- | |||||
G | t | o | U | B | wa | -- |
This man said, "The self line represents AC Milan because AC Milan is my favorite team. The self line cannot lose since the 2nd line R y moves and turns into P e which bounds to the self line. So the self line received the R winner star."
Result: It was a draw. If the 3rd line B cn didn't get killed back but moved and retreated, the U line still has been spared by the 3rd line.
Another example of this phenomena: I miscauculated the trend of a certain stock. I bought, and it dropped. So I tossed the coins asking when will the price bounce back to where I bought it. God showed me [Joy] and [Little much].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
yo | m - Viii | w & wa |
Joy 6 match |
Little Much | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | sh | -- | G | sh | -- | |||||
R | s | -- | R | s | -- | |||||
K | w | - | U | K | w | - | ||||
B | m | x | R | s | - | |||||
K | e | -- | K | w | -- | |||||
G | wa | -- | J | G | cn | -- |
The self line's money star is in trouble because it is retreating. But luckily, the 3rd line's B money killer moved and got killed back by R s. This means the self line has been spared by the 3rd line's B m. When the emptiness of the self line fulfills on day w or day wa, the price shall go up.
Result: On day w, the price dropped sharply. I got scared and sold my shares. But on day wa, the price all of a sudden rose back to the price where I bought it. I have learned a big lesson from this sign: If I cannot even trust God, I cannot accomplish anything. I should have waited at least until day wa.
Other 'troubled self line' combos
A girl said her friend owe her lots of money. She wanted to know when will her friend give her back all of the money. She received [Cup] and [Same].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | h - X | t & c |
Cup | Same | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | e | - | K | sh | - | |||||
K | wa | x | U | G | s | - | ||||
G | yo | - | B | w | - | |||||
G | yo | - | R | h | - | |||||
R | h | o | J | K | c | -- | ||||
K | c | x | P | m | - |
The U line G s money star moves producing the self line's R winner star. This means you will received the money.
Result: In month t and c, her friend gave her back a small portion of the full amount. If R h was not killed back by K c, she would have received even more money.
I sold short at $31. Bur right after I sold short, the price began to go up. I tossed the coins asking will I lose money, and I got [Rise] and [Rich].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
w | sh - iX | t & c |
Rise | Rich | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | yo | -- | G | sh | -- | |||||
P | h | -- | R | s | -- | |||||
G | c | x | J | K | w | - | ||||
R | yo | - | P | h | - | |||||
P | h | o | G | c | -- | |||||
G | c | x | U | B | m | - |
Both J and U have G c. So the self line is the U line. The U line's G c money star received a frustration star P h, and it also has been killed back by B m. But luckily, the self line's K w produces back at G c. So G c has been rescued by K w. Right now, the U line B m is bounding to the date. So both J and U cannot move until the bondage is broken on day cn.
Result: The price dropped back down to where I sold short sometime between day cn and day e.
I applied for a credit card merchant account. I tossed the coins asking when will I be approved, and God told me that I will be approved on day h. But I tossed the coins again to confirm it, and I got [Family] and [Little storage].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
y | cn - V | sh & h |
Family | Little Storage | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | m | - | B | m | - | |||||
K | e | - | U | K | e | - | ||||
G | wa | -- | G | wa | -- | |||||
P | h | - | G | cn | - | |||||
G | c | x | J | B | y | - | ||||
B | m | - | P | t | - |
The U line represents the credit card company. The U line is producing the self line. I think they will approve my application. But the problem is that the self line G star moves and turns into a B star which kills back at itself. So I won't be approved? Don't worry. On day h, h can bound away the enemy B y. Day h can also strike the U line K e causing K e to move and produce the self line. The troubled self line will be rescued by the U line on day h.
Result: I was approved on day h. If the self line G star moves and turns into a B star which kills back at the G star in your first toss, it is an extremely unlucky sign. But since this is not my first toss, and God has already told me in my first toss that I will be approved on day h, I have concluded that this sign is also pointing to day h.
A guy asked when will the stock price of a certain stock drop to $22 a share, and he got [Advance] and [Joy].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | sh - I | sh & h |
Advance | Joy 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | e | o | P | sh | -- | |||||
P | wa | -- | B | s | -- | |||||
B | yo | - | J | R | w | - | ||||
G | m | -- | G | m | -- | |||||
R | e | -- | R | e | -- | |||||
P | wa | -- | U | P | wa | -- |
The self line's B yo is the money killer. But luckily, B yo got killed back by R w.
Result: When this man tossed the coins, the price was at $25.30. The price dropped to just $24.60 on day cn. Then it started climbing back up.
A guy tossed the coins asking can he receive 1400 points on his exam, and the Lord gave him [Queen] and [Lawsuit].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
yo | c - Vii | cn & e |
Queen | Lawsuit | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | - | P | sh | - | |||||
B | s | - | B | s | - | |||||
R | w | - | U | R | w | - | ||||
B | yo | o | R | w | -- | |||||
K | h | - | P | cn | - | |||||
P | c | -- | J | G | y | -- |
The self line's frustration star P c got killed back by a gain star G y. This is very good.
Result: He received only 1340 points.
In the future, you will often see stuff like this:
3rd line R yo o K w --
Self line G c -- J B y --
If you ask can you be promoted to be the manager of your company, the answer is 'No' because the 3rd line R yo winner star moved and turned into a loser star K w. But if you ask when will the stock market reach the highest peak so you can sell short and make a profit, the answer is the stock market will reach the highest peak when the 3rd line K w moves to produce the troubled self line's G c.
A man asked will he earn money if he buys a certain stock. He got [Little storage] and [Well].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
e | c - Viii | cn & e |
Little Storage | Well | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | m | o | P | t | -- | |||||
K | e | - | G | sh | - | |||||
G | wa | -- | U | R | s | -- | ||||
G | cn | - | R | yo | - | |||||
B | y | - | P | h | - | |||||
P | t | o | J | G | c | -- |
The self line P t frustration star moved and got killed back by a G c money star. This means frustration turns into joy. But too bad that the U line G wa moves turning into R s which rescued the self line's troubled frustration star P t. (The U line G wa moved because it was struck by the date.) If the self line's P t has been rescued by the U line, frustration cannot disappear. He shall lose money again this time.
Result: He didn't buy that stock after he heard my explanation. On day wa, the stock value dropped sharply. It dropped on day wa because the U line G wa moved on day wa.
My friend Ken has lost almost $3000 in sports gambling within a month. He tossed the coins asking will he lose money again today. He got [No way] and [Trade].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
w | y - V | s & yo |
No Way 6 strike |
Trade | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | sh | - | B | m | - | |||||
R | s | - | K | e | - | |||||
K | w | o | J | G | wa | -- | ||||
G | cn | -- | G | cn | -- | |||||
B | y | -- | B | y | -- | |||||
P | t | - | U | P | t | - |
The self line K w moved turning into a strong G money star. A beginner would have said that Ken won't lose money today. But since I am not a beginner, I won't say such a thing.
Result: He lost money again at hour e.
Note: The following pattern is the direct opposite of the above hexagram. But in this pattern, G wa cannot move to rescue R s because R s is in the 2nd hexagram. That means trouble goes away for sure.
B | m | - | G | sh | - | |||||
K | e | - | R | s | - | |||||
G | wa | x | K | w | - | |||||
A woman tossed the coins asking will she earn money in her investment. She got [Beg Profit] and [Everlasting].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
e | e - Viii | s & yo |
Big Profit | Everlasting | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | e | o | U | P | sh | -- | ||||
P | wa | -- | B | s | -- | |||||
B | yo | - | R | w | - | |||||
P | cn | - | J | B | yo | - | ||||
G | y | - | K | h | - | |||||
K | t | o | P | c | -- |
The self line P cn has turned into B yo money killer. This means she will lose money. But luckily, the 4th line B yo has turned into a strong R w which kills back at B yo. So the self line has reached a dead B yo after all. This means she will earn money.
Result: She lost lots of money in month h. The top line's R e was bounding to the date. So the top line could not have moved until month h broke the bondage.
Remember this folks: The more trouble the K star is, the more valuable the rescuer. If the K star is in small trouble, a rescuer will bring a good news. If the K star is in serious trouble, a rescuer will bring a very good news!
yo & cn Combo
If the self line has K cn, and a moving line which is right next to the self line has G yo, a 'yo & cn' combo is formed. An 'yo & cn' combo forms and becomes a metal element. An 'yo & cn' combo could also appear on the U line. If the U line has K cn, and a line which is right next to the U line has a moving G yo, a 'yo & cn' combo could also form.
A man tossed the coins asking God will he become a government official in year h, and God told him that he shall become a government official in year h. He tossed the coins again asking the same question and got [Li] and [Feed].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
m | sh - III | w & wa |
Li 6 strike |
Feed | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | e | - | J | P | y | - | ||||
K | wa | -- | R | t | -- | |||||
G | yo | o | K | sh | -- | |||||
R | h | o | U | K | cn | -- | ||||
K | c | -- | P | y | -- | |||||
P | m | - | R | t | - |
There is a 6 strike. Does this mean he cannot become a government official? Not exactly. Look at the self line. The self line is B e. This man was asking about year h. Year h happens to strike with the self line B e causing the self line to move. When the self line B e moves, it turns into P y which bounds to the U line's moving R h. So in year h, the self line will bound to a moving R star. Bounding to a moving R star means he shall become a government official. But wait a minute! The U line's R star is completely weak, and it is being killed back by K cn. Is the U line's R star still alive? Is it still usable? I say it is still alive because the 4th line G yo moves and bounds to the U line. A yo & cn combo is formed on the U line. A yo & cn combo forms, and the combo is a metal combo. The metal combo is producing the U line's R star. So U line's R h is very much alive. In year h, the self line will move and will bound to U line's R star. So in year h, this man shall become a government official.
Result: He became a government official in year h.
For example: A man tossed the coins asking will he earn money by investing in a certain business. He got [Cup] and [Commander].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | cn - Vii | s & yo |
Cup | Commander | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | e | o | G | yo | -- | |||||
K | wa | -- | U | R | h | -- | ||||
G | yo | o | K | c | -- | |||||
G | yo | o | B | w | -- | |||||
R | h | - | J | K | cn | - | ||||
K | c | -- | P | y | -- |
Is this a bad sign? The self line R h is buried by the date, and it also turned into a K star. So there is no success for him? Not exactly. The 3rd line and the 4th line's G stars are bounding to the self line K cn. The 3rd line and the self line have formed an 'yo & cn' combo. This means that he still can earn money. You see? The 3rd line and the 4th line's G star saved him. Although the self line turned into a K star, the G stars move and bound to the self line means he still can make money. But what about the 3rd line? The 3rd line's G star moves and turns into the B star which kills back at the G star. Is this bad? I don't think so. The 3rd line G yo can still bound to the self line's K cn even if it turns into a B star which kills back at itself. Based on my years of experience, I know for sure that the B star cannot affect the bondage between the self line and the 3rd line. Right now, G yo is bounding to the date. So it cannot move. But in month m or in month sh, the bondage shall be broken. So in these 2 months, he can earn money from this business. He can also earn money in month yo because both lines which lie between J and U are empty. But in month yo, the emptiness will be fulfilled and things will definitely happen.
Result: He started earning money somewhere between month yo and month sh. Why did it happen somewhere between month yo and month sh? Because the empty 3rd line and the empty 4th line are bounding to the date. In month yo, their emptiness fulfilled. In month sh, their bondage was broken. So things happened somewhere between these 2 months.
A moving R yo bounding to the U line's G cn cannot form a 'yo & cn' combo.
Only a moving G yo bounding to the self line K cn or to the U line's K cn can form a 'yo & cn' combo.
The G & B Link
The G & B link is like this: A G star moves turning into a B star which links to the self line.
For example: A man asked in which month will he receive some money from his friend. God gave him [Look] and [Difficulty].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
yo | yo - Vi | y & m |
Look | Difficulty | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | m | o | K | t | -- | |||||
R | e | - | P | sh | - | |||||
P | wa | -- | J | B | s | -- | ||||
G | m | x | B | s | - | |||||
R | e | -- | R | w | -- | |||||
P | wa | -- | U | P | cn | -- |
This sign looks scary, but it's actually a lucky sign. The 3rd line G m is empty. But since the date yo strikes with G m, the 3rd line G m is no longer empty. The top line's G m is also not empty anymore. The top line G m links to the 3rd line G m. So the top line G m is the 3rd line G m. Those two G stars are actually the same star. G m moves turning into a powerful K t which produces back at G m. Although both the date and the month are killing G m, G m is very strong because a powerful K star is producing back at G m.
Result: The money was received in month sh. Although he did not receive all of the money that he was expecting, he received enough to satisfy him.
If you want your country to invade another country, the G star represents 'gain'. If the self line receives a healthy G star, your country shall invade another country fulfilling your wish. If you want to accomplish something, the G star also represents 'gain'. If the self line receives a strong G star, you will succeed.
The B star which kills back at the G star looks scary at first. But realize that B s is linking to the self line meaning that the self line will receive the G star. This is called a 'G & B link'.
The disadvantage of a 'G & B link' is that your wish cannot be completely fulfilled immediately. If you ask when can your friend give you back all of the money he owes you, you can only receive a small portion of the money. Then your friend might pay you back the rest of the money later on. If you ask when can you accomplish something, you will soon accomplish only a portion of your project. The rest of your project could be completed later. If you ask when will your country invade another country, tension will increase between the two countries. But they won't declare war until a few years later. So if you got a 'G & B link', you can only accomplish a part of your plan.
y & h Combo
This is a 'y & h' combo.
3rd line | P | h | o | G | cn | -- | |||
Self line | G | c | -- | J |
B | y | -- | ||
1st line | B | m | - | P | t | - |
The 3rd line P h moved bounding to the self line's B y. The 'y & h' combo functions just like the notorious 'yo & cn' combo. But 'y & h' combo rarely appears.
When a 'y & h' combo occurs, the self line actually received the P h frustration star. The P h frustration star is no longer being killed back by G cn because the self line's B y is bounding with P h saving P h from being damaged by G cn.
So basically, a 'y & h' combo's host is h. This means the entire combo acts like a giant P h frustration star.
Everytime I got a 'y & h' combo, something bad happened.
For example: I suspects that my dentist chipped my filling causing me to have a new cavity. So I want to go to the dentist and demand him to fix my cavity for free. I tossed the coins asking "Will he fix my cavity for free?", and I received [Family] and [No way].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | yo - Viii | t & c |
Family | No Way 6 strike |
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | m | - | G | sh | - | |||||
K | e | - | U | R | s | - | ||||
G | wa | x | K | w | - | |||||
P | h | o | G | cn | -- | |||||
G | c | -- | J | B | y | -- | ||||
B | m | - | P | t | - |
The self line's B y and the 3rd line's P h form a 'y & h' combo because the 3rd line moved bounding to the self line. Something bad will happen if this combo appears.
Result: I got rejected by the dentist on the next day.
Another example: I tossed the coins asking will my reputation be ruined for something which I said. God gave me [Family] and [Fog].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | wa - X | s & yo |
Family | Fog | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | m | o | P | t | -- | |||||
K | e | - | U | G | sh | - | ||||
G | wa | -- | K | s | -- | |||||
P | h | o | G | cn | -- | |||||
G | c | -- | J | B | y | -- | ||||
B | m | - | P | t | - |
The 3rd line P h moves bounding to the self line's B y. So 'y & h' combo has been formed. Something bad will happen.
Result: My reputation was ruined just few hours after this toss.
If the 'y & h' combo is dead, nothing bad will happen.
I tossed the coins once asking will I regret a few days later for selling my stocks now. I got a sign which had a dead 'y & h' combo. (Both the month and the date are killing P h.) This means nothing bad will happen.
Result: The price went down after I sold my stocks.
'e & wa' Combo
This is what an 'e & wa' combo looks like:
2nd line R e x
P cn -
U line P wa -- U
G y --
Basically, the 2nd line's R e star is too busy producing the 2nd line's P cn star. So the 2nd line R e star cannot rescue the U line's P wa star from being killed back by the U line's G y star. This means the P wa frustration star has successfully turned into the G y gain star. This is good!
2nd line K e x
G cn -
Self line G wa -- J
B y
Basically, the 2nd line's K e star is too busy producing the 2nd line's G cn star. So the 2nd line K e star cannot rescue the self line's G wa star from being killed back by the self line's B y star. This means the self line's G wa money star has permanently been killed back by a B y money killer.. This is very bad.
For example: My friend Anthony tossed the coins asking when will he meet a girl. He received [Look] and [Cover].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | c - Viii | cn & e |
Look | Cover | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | m | - | G | y | - | |||||
R | e | o | K | t | -- | |||||
P | wa | -- | J | P | sh | -- | ||||
G | m | -- | R | w | -- | |||||
R | e | x | P | cn | - | |||||
P | wa | -- | U | G | y | -- |
Anthony wants to meet a girl. The self line's advancing P frustration star is not a good sign.
Result: Amazingly, Anthony became sick on day e and stayed home. Elsa came by to see him on that day.
The reversed 'e & wa' Combo
This is what a reversed 'e & wa' combo looks like:
2nd line P cn x
R e -
Self line G y -- J
P wa --
The self line G y money star turned into a frustration star P wa. This is a bad sign. But for some reason, the self line P wa will disappear when the 2nd line moves. That means there will be no more frustration. So this combo actually is a good combo.
2nd line G cn x
K e -
Self line B y -- J
G wa --
The self line B y reached a G wa money star. This is good. But for some reason, the self line G wa money star will disappear when the 2nd line moves. So this combo is actually a bad combo.
For example: I sold short at $31. But right after I sold short, the price went up. I tossed the coins asking when can the price drop back down so I won't lose so much money. God showed me [Trapped] and [Combine].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
w | sh - iX | t & c |
Trapped 6 match |
Combine | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | wa | -- | P | wa | -- | |||||
B | yo | - | B | yo | - | |||||
K | h | - | U | K | h | - | ||||
R | w | -- | G | m | -- | |||||
P | cn | o | R | e | -- | |||||
G | y | -- | J | P | wa | -- |
When the 2nd line moves, the self line's P wa frustration star shall disappear. But right now, the 2nd line cannot move because P cn has been struck loose by the date. But on day cn, the 2nd line shall move again.
Result: Price dropped back down to where I sold short sometime between day cn and day e.
The 'c & y Combo'
For example:
K c x P y -
B c x R y -
Or in reverse:
P y \x K c -
When you see stuff like this, just ignore the element y. Only element c can survive. So if the element c is a lucky star, you're lucky. If element c is an enemy, there is misfortune.
For example, a lady tossed the coins asking about her husband's luck. "Will my husband be promoted to become the police chief?" She got [Li] and [Wonderful].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
w | w - I | w & wa |
Li 6 strike |
Wonderful 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | e | o | J | G | yo | -- | ||||
K | wa | -- | R | h | -- | |||||
G | yo | o | K | c | -- | |||||
R | h | - | U | K | cn | - | ||||
K | c | x | P | y | - | |||||
P | m | - | R | t | - |
A 6 strike turns into a 6 match. That means first failure, then success. But forget about that. Let's look at the R star. Since it's a woman asking about her own husband, the R star does not represent power, control, and success anymore. The R star simply represents her husband. The husband star R is the 3rd line. It turned into its own grave. The date and the month are producing the grave. The grave is totally burying the R star.
Result: The husband was arrested for accepting bribery from gangsters. He became a gun target.
Retreating Combos
Here is a special combo which mainly appears in stock market predictions: The retreating B combo.
6th line P wa X
P sh -
5th line B yo -
B s -
6th line P sh O
P wa --
5th line B s -
B yo -
Everytime you see these 2 combos, you will earn money or the price that you are hoping for will be reached. If you want the stock price to drop so you can buy in cheaply, it will drop. If you wish that the price will go up so you will earn money from your existing shares, price will go up. I know that this combo looks dangerous because the advancing P star is producing the retreating B star so that the B star may not retreat. But trust me! I've seen this and have been fooled by this too many times. Everytime I got this stuff, good things happened.
For example: I tossed the coins asking "Will I lose money if I buy on day sh or on day h?" I got [Combine] and [Hide].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | yo - X | sh & h |
Combine | Hide | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | wa | x | P | sh | - | |||||
B | yo | - | U | B | s | - | ||||
K | h | - | R | w | - | |||||
G | m | x | B | s | - | |||||
R | e | -- | J | R | w | -- | ||||
P | wa | -- | P | cn | -- |
A retreating B combo exists. I will earn money. The 3rd line's money star G m moved turning into B s which bounds to the self line.
Result: On day h, the price dropped to $24.11 and immediately climbed back up to $24.70. On the next day, it rose to $25.30. I regret that I did not buy. I should have trusted this sign. I got scared and didn't buy because the retreating B combo does look dangerous.
Here is another special combo: The retreating K combo.
6th line B wa X
B sh -
5th line K yo - J
s --
6th line B
sh o
B wa --
5th line K s - J
K yo -
When ever you see these combos, your self line's happiness star is retreating. These 2 combos both mean you are out of luck.
I planned to build a medical device that might be able to eliminate scars. So I tossed the coins asking will this device really work, and God gave me [Step] and [Extreme].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
w | h | w - I | w & wa |
Step | Extreme | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | sh | o | B | wa | -- | |||||
K | s | - | J | K | yo | - | ||||
P | w | - | G | h | - | |||||
B | c | x | B | cn | - | |||||
R | m | - | U | R | y | - | ||||
P | e | - | G | t | - |
The 3rd line represents now. And the top line represents the future.
Result: The machine seemed to work, but it still turned out to be another failed prototype.
Let's play ball!!! Somebody asked, "Will Texas Longhorns beat Oklahoma Sooners?" He got [Step] and [Abide].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
w | yo | sh - Vii | y & m |
Step | Abide | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | sh | o | B | wa | -- | |||||
K | s | - | J | K | yo | - | ||||
P | w | - | G | h | - | |||||
B | c | -- | B | cn | -- | |||||
R | m | o | U | R | y | -- | ||||
P | e | - | G | t | - |
This guy wants Texas Longhorns to win. So Texas Longhorns is the self line. The top line and the self line formed a retreating K combo. This is not good because the happiness star is retreating.
Result: Texas Longhorns lost to Oklahoma Sooners by many points.
The 'yhtc combo'
Usually the 'yhtc' combo means the y star is the ultimate winner. For example, I tossed coins asking when will I receive some money from my friend. I got [Need] and [Too much].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | y - I | y & m |
Need | Too Much | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | t | -- | B | wa | -- | |||||
B | sh | - | K | yo | - | |||||
K | s | x | J | G | h | - | ||||
B | cn | - | K | yo | - | |||||
R | y | - | G | h | - | |||||
G | t | o | U | B | c | -- |
When one asks about money, the R possession star is very important. On the 1st and the 2nd line, the 'yhtc combo' has been formed. The 'yhtc combo' always has a moving t turning into a c. The reversed 'yhtc combo' always has a moving c turning into a t. The y star is always the ultimate winner. This sign means I will receive the money.
Result: I got the money on day t because the 1st line G t moved.
A man said he and his crew will go to France for a business meeting. He wonders if they will reach an agreement with the French. He tossed the coins and got [Big profit] and [Cup].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
wa | e - X | w & wa |
Big Profit | Cup | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | e | - | U | R | e | - | ||||
P | wa | -- | P | wa | -- | |||||
B | yo | - | B | yo | - | |||||
P | cn | - | J | B | yo | - | ||||
G | y | - | K | h | - | |||||
K | t | o | P | c | -- |
See the 'hytc combo'? The 2nd line G y money star is the winner. The negotiation will go very smoothly with the French.
Result: The man came back in September and said to the I-Ching master, "You are all so accurate. We went to France in the month of wa, and the French were eager to talk immediately. And of course we signed a contract with them."
The 'y & c' combo
2nd line R y o
B c --
Self line G t -- J
R m --
2nd line B c X
R y -
1st line R m -
G t -
When you see stuff like this, the moving c star is killing the t star. So the c star is the ultimate winner.
A man tossed the coins asking when will his illness be cured. He was thinking that the illness could be cured within a few months. God gave him [Big Storage] and [Consolidate].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | y | yo - iV | cn & e |
Big Storage | Consolidate 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | y | - | R | y | - | |||||
G | t | -- | U | G | t | -- | ||||
B | sh | -- | B | sh | -- | |||||
B | cn | - | G | h | - | |||||
R | y | o | J | B | c | -- | ||||
G | t | - | R | m | - |
The 'y & c' combo appears on the self line. The gain star has been killed by B c. No luck for this man.
Result: The man carried the disease for many years after the coin toss.
The time wasting combo
Whenever you see stuff like these, somebody will waste your time, and nothing will be accomplished at the end.
R y o
P w --
G t o
B cn --
Or in reverse.....
P w o
R y --
B cn o
G t --
Or this next sign:
I suspects that my dentist chipped my filling causing me to have a new cavity. So I want to go to the dentist and demand him to fix my cavity for free. I tossed the coins asking "Will he fix my cavity for free?", and I received [Little Much] and [Extreme].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | yo - Viii | t & c |
Little Much | Extreme | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | -- | P | wa | -- | |||||
B | s | x | B | yo | - | |||||
R | w | - | J | K | h | - | ||||
B | s | - | P | cn | - | |||||
R | w | x | G | y | - | |||||
P | cn | x | U | K | t | - |
The bottom portion of the hexagram represents an earlier time, and the top portion represents a later time.
Result: I got their at around noon. And the receptionists told me that the dentist went to lunch and will probably be back 2 hours later. The receptionists were extremely rude to me. They would not even help me exchange a dollar for some quarters so that I can pay for my parking meter. I met the dentist at 2:39 PM (California time), which was at hour m. He refused to fix my cavity for free although I threatened to sue him. I wasted a good 3 hours at the dentist's office and ended up being rejected.
Another example: I tossed the coins asking will I buy a certain apartment complex that I have only read about in a real estate magazine. I got [Need] and [Difficulty].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
w | e - Viii | s & yo |
Need | Difficulty | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | t | -- | G | t | -- | |||||
B | sh | - | B | sh | - | |||||
K | s | -- | J | K | s | -- | ||||
B | cn | - | K | s | - | |||||
R | y | o | P | w | -- | |||||
G | t | o | U | B | cn | -- |
The wasting time combo appears. But this apartment complex has 14 units, and all of them are 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. The price is just 1.6 million dollars. This seems like a mighty good deal for such a beautiful gated building in the heart of Oakland district. No matter what the coins say, I have to go see it first.
Result: My friend and I drove to Oakland to see this apartment complex. The building was big and beautiful. I loved it at the first sight. But the neighborhood was the worse neighborhood in the entire district. A few days later, I drove my other friend to see this building, but he refused to buy it with me. Then the loan officer turned me down for a loan on this building saying that I don't have enough equity. So I wasted a good amount of time on this property and ended up not buying it.
Another example: A man asked when will his long term illness be cured. He received [Stop] and [Strip].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | w - V | t & c |
Stop 6 match |
Strip | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | - | U | G | y | - | ||||
B | s | o | K | t | -- | |||||
R | w | o | P | sh | -- | |||||
G | m | -- | J | G | m | -- | ||||
R | e | -- | R | e | -- | |||||
P | wa | -- | P | wa | -- |
The 4th line and the 5th line form a time wasting combo. This illness is hard to cure.
Result: The man carried this disease for many years after the coin toss.
The moving GRK combo
When ever you see that G, R, and K are all moving in one gua, the R star is destined to be killed by the K star.
For example:
G | w | x | B | h | - | ||||
R | cn | o | R | c | -- | ||||
K | y | x | K | m | - |
Here is a 'reversed G, R, and K combo. This one also spells misery.
B | h | o | G | w | -- | ||||
R | c | x | R | cn | - | ||||
K | m | o | K | y | -- |
These signs indicate that the 2nd line R star will definitely lose to the 1st line's K star.
Let's see a few examples:
The governor of San-Xi province has been indicted. The governor tossed the coins asking about his political career. He received [Commander] and [Hurt].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
yo | cn - I | cn & e |
Commander | Hurt | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | yo | -- | U | P | yo | -- | ||||
B | h | -- | B | h | -- | |||||
R | c | -- | R | c | -- | |||||
G | w | x | J | B | h | - | ||||
R | cn | o | R | c | -- | |||||
K | y | x | K | m | - |
G, R, and K are all moving in one gua. The R star represents his political career. And the GRK combo guarantees the death of the R star. There will be misery. Right now, the 2nd line R cn cannot move because it bounds to the date cn. But in month sh, the bondage shall be broken allowing the 2nd line to move.
Result: The governor was demoted in the month of sh.
I have an account at a pay-per-click search engine network. I choose a few key words which are relevant to my web site, and they will review my key words. One day, I submitted a few key words that have to do with diabetes. I wondered will my key words be approved. So I tossed the coins asking, "Will they approve the key words that I submitted?" I got [Revolution] and [Trapped].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
e | cn - iX | w & wa |
Revolution | Trapped 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | wa | -- | R | wa | -- | |||||
P | yo | - | P | yo | - | |||||
B | h | - | J | B | h | - | ||||
B | h | o | G | w | -- | |||||
R | c | x | R | cn | - | |||||
K | m | o | U | K | y | -- |
The R winner star is my appointed. A reversed GRK combo also means danger to my R star. The loser star K will prevail. Right now, the 3rd line G w is still empty. But on day w, there will be bad news.
Result: They did reply to me on day w. They disapproved all of my key words.
Some guy asked can he earn at least half a million dollars from a certain stock that he bought. This time, he got [Kan] and [Consume].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
y | wa - iV | y & m |
Kan 6 strike |
Consume | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | t | -- | J | B | t | -- | ||||
R | sh | - | R | sh | - | |||||
P | s | -- | P | s | -- | |||||
G | w | x | U | B | h | - | ||||
R | cn | o | R | c | -- | |||||
K | y | x | K | m | - |
A GRK combo is bad.
Result: The guy didn't believe what I said. Later, his stocks dropped like a water fall.
Hesitation Combos
Usually, when you see signs like this, it's usually good.
Mr. Choi did not pay me rent for last month, and of course also not this month. So I tossed the coins asking will he be able to pay me rent. I got [Stop] and [Queen].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
e | c - X | y & m |
Stop | Queen | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | - | U | P | sh | - | ||||
B | s | - | B | s | - | |||||
R | w | - | R | w | - | |||||
G | m | X | J | B | yo | - | ||||
R | e | X | K | h | - | |||||
P | wa | -- | P | c | -- |
Based on past experiences, you see a G m move producing a moving R e, and they both form into a star which strike back, it's usually a good sign. So after this toss, I just relaxed and knew that Mr. Choi will pay up.
Result: He paid like a week later on day c.
So in the future, if you see anothing like the hexagram above or the following:
R | yo | o | J | B | m | -- |
P | h | o | K | e | -- | |
G | c | -- | G | wa | -- |
It's usually a good sign.
Sh & s combo
This is a pretty strange combo. If you are not experienced, this can scare you. When you see the top line sh and the 5th line s both move and turn into sh and s again, then there is only good news.
For example, I invested lots of money in a certain stock. But the market news was pretty bad. So I tossed the coins asking is my investment still safe. And God gave me [Chen] and [Rich]. I got this in year 2019.
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | s - IX | s & yo |
Chen | Rich | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | O | J | P | sh | -- | ||||
B | s | O | B | s | -- | |||||
R | w | - | R | w | - | |||||
P | cn | - | U | K | h | - | ||||
G | y | O | P | c | -- | |||||
K | t | - | G | m | - |
At first glance, this sign scared me. The strong B s is moving to kill the money star G star. But I sort of remember that this is some sort of combo which only brings good luck. If the top line sh and the 5th line s both move and turn into sh and s again, then there is only good news.
Result: I was right. On the very next day (day yo), the emptiness of element s is fulfilled. I got great news about the market.
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