Alex Chiu's Online I-Ching © 2001 Registered
with the US Copyright Office.
The power of month and date
The elements of the month and the date affect all elements of a hexagram. After you have identified the appointed star, you must immediately look at the relationship between the appointed star and the month and date. If the month element and the date element are producing the appointed star, the appointed star is considered strong. If the month and the date are the same element as the appointed star, the appointed star is also strong. If the month and the date are killing or burying the appointed, the appointed star is weak. If the appointed star is very weak under the month's and the date's element, the appointed is weak. For example, you threw the coins asking for money. The appointed star is G. If the appointed star G is strong, you have the money luck. You will therefore be successful with money. If the appointed star G is being killed by the month and the date, being buried, or is weak under the month and the date, it is an indication that you don't have any money luck. If the G star is weak, but there is a line in the hexagram which moves to produce the appointed G star, you might still have a chance to earn that money.
By now, you should know that if the date strikes with a quiet line, that line becomes a moving line. But what happens if the date is s and the line is y? Date s is striking at line y, but it is also killing line y. Is line y still strong enough to move? I say it all depends on the month. If the month is helping line y, line y is a moving line. If the month is hurting line y, line y becomes an inactive line.
For example: Mike tossed the coins asking when will his girlfriend visit him. He got [Combine].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
y | yo - X | sh & h |
Combine | ||||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | wa | -- | ||||||||
B | yo | - | U | |||||||
K | h | - | ||||||||
G | m | -- | ||||||||
R | e | -- | J | |||||||
P | wa | -- |
The G star represents Mike's girlfriend. The date is striking with the 3rd line G star. The month is the same element as the G star. The G star is strong, and it will move when the time comes. In month m, the G star shall move to produce the self line. Mike's girlfriend will show up in month m.
Result: Mike's girlfriend visited him in month m.
Another example: A man tossed the coins asking about his entire year's money luck. The Lord gave him [Break].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | w - I | w & wa |
Break | ||||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | y | - | U | |||||||
G | t | -- | ||||||||
B | sh | -- | ||||||||
B | c | -- | J | |||||||
R | m | - | ||||||||
P | e | - |
The G star is the money star. The date w is striking it, so it is actually a moving line. But too bad that the month is killing it. Therefore, it is no longer a moving line but an inactive line. You don't have any money luck this year. In fact, you might lose some money in month w.
Result: He was sued by somebody in month w and lost $25,000. The reason why he lost money in month w is because the money star G t is already very weak. Month w struck it and further damaged it.
What happens if a weak line is being struck?
I say it depends on how weak the line is. If both the month and the date are killing a line, that line is totally dead. Therefore, that line is useless. If both the month and the date are not helping a line but also are not hurting that line, that line might still move. My suggestion is if you are not 100% sure, toss the coins again to get a clearer answer from the Lord.
For example: My X-employee has been keeping my merchandise for a long time already. He promised to give the merchandise back to me, but he kept delaying and delaying. I tossed the coins asking when will I finally hear a good news about my merchandise. I expected to hear a good news within a week. I got [Same].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
m | y - Vii | w & wa |
Same | ||||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | sh | - | U | |||||||
G | s | - | ||||||||
B | w | - | ||||||||
R | h | - | J | |||||||
K | c | -- | ||||||||
P | m | - |
I am worrying about my merchandise. I sell stuff on the internet, and the merchandise that I sell is like money to me. Therefore, this is a money related question. The 5th line G s represents the good news because G represents money and it could produce the self line. G s is being struck by the date. Therefore, it is actually a moving line. G s moves to produce the self line, and that's a good sign. But look at both the month and the date. None of them are helping the 5th line G s. G s is pretty weak. Can G s still move and produce the self line? If it still is strong enough, I shall receive a good news on day s.
Result: Nothing happened on day s. I didn't get all of the merchandise I asked for. My business partner kept most of it. The employee has stolen money from my company and left. Apparently, the G star in this sign is not strong enough to benefit the self line.
I asked when will a certain stock reach $32 per share. I got [Consolidate].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | y - III | sh & h |
Consolidate 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | y | - | ||||||||
G | t | -- | ||||||||
B | sh | -- | U | |||||||
G | h | - | ||||||||
B | c | -- | ||||||||
R | m | - | J |
There are 2 money stars in this sign. One is the 3rd line G h, and the other is the 5th line G t. The 3rd line G h represents water vapor, and the 5th line G t represents pure water. (The element t is more dense than the element h.) So G t is the real appointed star. But G t is so weak. Will G t really move to produce the self line in month w?
Result: The stock reached $32 in month w. In this sign, the weak G t still moved in month w. So be careful when you got a single hexagram.
struck loose by the date
In ancient text, it says that if the date strikes a moving line, the moving line is loose. A loose line is a useless line. But a loose line can still move under the following conditions:
For example:
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | yo - iV | cn & e |
P m O R t - - J B e - J K sh - K wa - - G s - - B w - - B w - - U K cn - U K cn - P y - - P y - -
The 6th line P m is a moving line. P m is being struck by the date yo. Therefore, the 6th line is loose.
Let's see another example:
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | w - V | t & c |
P m O R t - - J B e - J K sh - K wa - - G s - - B w - - B w - - U K cn - U K cn - P y - - P y - -
The date w strikes with the 6th line's R t. Since the date is striking at a moving line, is the 6th line a loose line? No, because R t is empty. When an empty element is being struck, the emptiness has been fulfilled. Therefore, the 6th line's R t is not considered empty anymore. Therefore, the 6th line can move in month m or in date sh. So if an empty element of a moving line has been struck by the date, that moving line is not a loose line.
Let's see another example:
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | w - I | w & wa |
P m O R t - - J B e - J K sh - K wa - - G s - - B w - - B w - - U K cn - U K cn - P y - - P y - -
The 6th line's R t has been struck by the date w. But this time, R t is not empty. So is the 6th line a loose line? Yes it is. Therefore, the 6th line can only move on day t or on day c. Day t can save R t from the stroke, and day c bounds to R t, which can also save it from the stroke. (Same with year, month, or hour t and c )
Let's see an actual case:
A man said that his father left home for a while. They didn't receive any letter from him. Is father well? He got [Separate] and [Kan].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c | yo - Viii | t & c |
P m O R t - - J B e - J K sh - K wa - - G s - - B w - - B w - - U K cn - U K cn - P y - - P y - -
Although there is a 6 strike, the top line P m moves bounding to the self line. Therefore, the 6 strike is eliminated. P m father star moves producing the self line. It turns into t water which produces back at itself. A strong t water is producing the father star P. He must be safe outside. Although the date yo is striking the P m father star, the P m father star is still healthy because it turned into R t which produces back at itself. In month m, the father shall return. Why in month m? Because the top line P m has been struck loose by the date. It can only move in month m or in month sh. (It moves in month sh because sh bounds to m.) So the father should be back home in month m.
Result: The father returned home in month m. You see? Although the top line P m was struck loose by the date, it still did move when the time came.
Important: A star can only be struck loose by the date. A star cannot be struck loose by the month!
I think that the date element is stronger than the month. Only the date can strike a moving line loose. Only the date can cause a quiet line to move. The year and the month cannot do what the date can do. The month can sometimes bound to a line. But sometimes, the month does not have the power to bound at all. But if you see the date bounding to a line, you must take that bondage seriously.
Bounding to the date, not to the month.
If a star is bounding to the date, most of the time you have to wait for the bondage to be broken in order to see effect. But if a star is bounding to the month, most of the time it's no big deal. Sometimes, an element will bound to the month, but sometimes it will not. So if you see a star bounding to the month, you can toss the coins again to get a clearer sign.
For example: A banker was trying to collect debt from a woman. He threatened to seize her house if she doesn't pay the debt on time. He told Wild Crane that he really doesn't want to seize her house because the house does not even worth as much as one third of the debt. He wanted the money, not the house. He tossed the coins asking will he end up seizing her house. He got [Lawsuit] and [Hide].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | wa - Vi | t & c |
Lawsuit | Hide | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | sh | - | K | sh | - | |||||
G | s | - | G | s | - | |||||
B | w | - | J | B | w | - | ||||
R h | B | w | x | G | s | - | ||||
K | cn | o | B | w | -- | |||||
P | y | -- | U | K | cn | -- |
The R star represents responsibility. If this banker will end up seizing the woman's house, the self line will move and turn into an R star or be linked to an R star. But in this sign, the self line is linked to the 3rd line. The 3rd line B w is linked to the 2nd line K cn. So the self line is linked to the K star. K represents irresponsibility. If the self line is linked to the K star, this man will not end up seizing her house. We know that the self line is linked to the 3rd line. Look at the 3rd line. The 3rd line B w moves and turns into the money star G s. This means the banker will receive some money. Right now, the 3rd line B w is bounding to the date. So the 3rd line cannot move. On day t, t will strike open the bondage causing the 3rd line to move and to turn into the money star. That's the time the banker will receive the money. On day t, t will also strike open the bondage for the 2nd line causing it to move. When the 2nd line moves, the self line will be successfully linked to the 2nd line's K star. So on day t, this man will become extremely happy.
One of my student asked me, "Say Alex. I know that date wa is bounding to the B w. But since the month t is already striking at the B w, the bondage between the date and the B w is already broken. Right?" I replied to him, "No. The bondage cannot be broken by the month. I mean if the banker asked in what month can he receive some money, then you have to wait for a future month to break open the bondage. But just because month t is striking at the B w does not mean that the bondage is already broken."
Result: He received the money on day t.
Based on my experience, a weak element could be bounding to the month.
For example: My car needed repair. I tossed the coins asking on which day will my car be fixed. The Lord gave me [Abide] and [Consolidate].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
y | wa - iV | y & m |
Abide | Consolidate | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | y | - | B | y | - | |||||
P | t | -- | P | t | -- | |||||
G | sh | -- | J | G | sh | -- | ||||
G | cn | x | P | h | - | |||||
B | y | -- | G | c | -- | |||||
P | t | - | U | B | m | - |
The 3rd line G stands for gain. If my car is fixed, that certainly is a gain for me. So the 3rd line gain star is the appointed star. But the 3rd line P h is so weak and is bounding to the month. Will the 3rd line move? Based on my experience, if a line is not dead, it still can move. Two days later, it's day yo. On day yo, the 3rd line could move. So will my car be fixed on day yo? But the 3rd line's weak P h is bounding to the month. So will my car be fixed on day e? (e strikes open the bondage for P h.) But day e is 10 days away!!! That's impossible. How can it take 10 days for me to fix my car? So it should be day yo.
I was not so sure, so I tossed the coins again. This time, I got [Revolution] and [Rich].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
y | wa - iV | y & m |
Revolution | Rich | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | wa | -- | R | sh | -- | |||||
P | yo | o | P | s | -- | |||||
B | h | - | J | G | w | - | ||||
B | h | - | B | h | - | |||||
R | c | -- | R | c | -- | |||||
K | m | - | U | K | m | - |
P represents 'something happening'. The 5th line P yo retreats. No, my car cannot be fixed on day yo because P yo retreated. But look at the self line B h. The self line B h turns into G w. Again, G represents gain. If the self line turns into the gain star, my car will be fixed. But G w is bounding to the date, and the self line B h is bounding to the month. So on which day can my car be fixed? It could be day t because t can strike open the bondage for G w. It could also be day c because c can also strike open the bondage for G w. It could also be day e because e can strike open the bondage for the self line B h.
This is too confusing, so I tossed the coins again. Now, I got [Lawsuit] and [Trapped].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
y | wa - iV | y & m |
Lawsuit | Trapped 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | sh | o | K | wa | -- | |||||
G | s | - | G | yo | - | |||||
B | w | - | J | R | h | - | ||||
B | w | -- | B | w | -- | |||||
K | cn | - | K | cn | - | |||||
P | y | -- | U | P | y | -- |
The top line K represents happiness. It is retreating. But now, it is bounding to the date, so it cannot retreat. But on day c, c will strike open its bondage causing it to retreat. This means my car cannot be fixed on day c. The self line B w turns into R h. The B star represents loneliness, and the R star represents 'You got something'. If the B star turns into the R star, my car will be fixed. Although the self line B w is bounding to the date, I know that my car cannot be fixed before day c because the top line K will retreat on day c. The only possibility for my car to be fixed is day e. The self line R h is bounding to the month, and day e can help break open the bondage.
Result: On day yo, a guy living downstairs told me that he is a mechanic. He checked my car and told me that the alternator belt needs to be changed. He said if the belt is changed, the car will have no other problem. He charges only $20, and I have to buy the belt myself. That explains why the P yo retreated in the 2nd sign. You see, P yo also represents worry. On day yo, my worry disappeared because the mechanic told me that he only charges $20. Then I went to an auto shop to buy the belt. But they told me that they don't have that belt in stock. I placed an order for that belt, and I picked up the belt on day c. In the 2nd sign, G w was bounding to the date. On day c, the bondage of G w was broken. So on day c, I picked up the belt. The guy living downstairs has to work from Monday to Friday, so he can only fix my car on Saturday or on Sunday. He fixed my car on day e, which was Sunday.
A man asked about taking a test. He tossed the coins, and God gave him [Everlasting] and [Too much].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
s | m - X | cn & e |
Everlasting | Too Much | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | sh | -- | U | G | wa | -- | ||||
R | s | x | R | yo | - | |||||
K | w | - | P | h | - | |||||
R | yo | - | J | R | yo | - | ||||
P | h | - | P | h | - | |||||
G | c | -- | G | c | -- |
The R star represents power, control, and possession. This man is asking about taking a test. So the R star is what he wants. The 5th line's R is linked to the self line. So the 5th line is the self line. The 5th line's R is quite powerful because it is advancing and is the same element as the month. But it is being struck by the date. If a moving line is being struck by the date, it is considered loose. A loose line is a useless line? Wrong! A powerful moving line will not be afraid of being struck by the date. In month yo, you shall pass the test. Why? Because the 5th line can regain its strength in month yo. Since the element yo in the 5th line is being struck by the date m, the only month that can save it is month yo. Actually, month cn can also save it. But since month cn has already passed, your only chance is month yo.
Result: He passed the test in month yo.
struck by the month
Many books taught that if the appointed is struck by the month, the appointed can be described as a dead root with a dying stem. Even something comes to produce the appointed, the appointed cannot be saved. If something comes to hurt the appointed, the appointed can be destroyed with ease. But based on my experience, the power of the month is not as powerful as how other books described. I personally don't focus too much on the month. I mainly focus on the date. I feel that the date is much more crucial than the month. I feel that the month only has 35% of governing power, and the date has 65% of governing power. If the month favors the appointed while the date kills the appointed, the appointed star still is healthy. If the month kills the appointed while the date favors the appointed, the appointed star is strong. If both the month and the date kills the appointed, the appointed star is dead.
My employee said I promised to pay him $1000 to fix his car. He said if I don't fulfill my promise, he won't work for me anymore. But the problem is I didn't make such a promise. I tried to reason with him a several times, but I had no success. I am about to phone him again to reason with him. Before I phoned him, I tossed the coins asking will he listen to me this time. "Will he give up the $1000 this time?" I got [Difficulty] and [Hide]. I expected to speak to him within 12 hours.
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
w | y | e - Vi | sh & h |
Difficulty | Hide | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | t | x | P | sh | - | |||||
P | sh | - | B | s | - | |||||
B | s | x | J | R | w | - | ||||
B | s | - | B | s | - | |||||
R | w | -- | R | w | -- | |||||
P | cn | -- | U | P | cn | -- |
The self line turns into an R star. R represents the winner. Does this mean I will win this time? My employee will finally give in? But the self line is so weak! The month is striking the self line while the date is killing it. Will it move at all? Based on what I know, a line will move as long as it is not dead.
Result: On the next day, in the hour of y, I spoke to him once more. This time, I won. He totally listened to me and agreed not to force me to pay him $1000. It happened in the hour of y because the date e was bounding to the self line s. Therefore, the self line could not move. Hour y struck open the bondage allowing the self line to move.
A government official asked about fame and glory. He got [Gen] and [Look].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
w | m - X | cn & e |
6 strike R y - J R m - G t X P e - B sh - - B wa - - J K s O U R m - - P w - - P e - - B cn - - B wa - - U
The wood y R star is on the self line. R represents power, control, and responsibility. The U line s metal moves striking and killing the self line R. By the way, the U line moves and turns into R m. R m links to the self line. That means the self line will receive a K star. The person who threw the coins is a government official. K is a bad luck sign for such a person. What he wants is a promotion, fame, or glory. He wants P and G. P stands for power and control, and G stands for public support and popularity. K means demotion or getting fired because K represents nothingness. In month s, the man must beware of trouble. The man asked what's up. Wild Crane said, "The U line moves killing the self line. It must be your enemy." "What about my fame and glory?", the man further asked. Wild Crane replied, "Since the self line R is strong because it is the same element as the date, you will not be fired. Since the U line is weak, your enemy cannot hurt you too much. I think you will be demoted from your recent position in month s." The man understood a little bit I-Ching. He argued with Wild Crane, "But the 5th line water moved to produce the self line R. The enemy metal produces the helper water, and the helper water produces the self line wood. This looks like that I shall be promoted instead of being demoted." Wild Crane laughed and said, "Look carefully and you will realize that the 5th line is totally weak! The water t is so weak under the date m and is being struck by the month w. There is only an enemy moving, but there is no helper. By the way, the hexagram Gen is a 6 strike hexagram. 6 strike means that you cannot succeed no matter how strong your appointed is."
Result: In the month of s, his opponent has proposed to his supervisor to demote him. He was demoted. Right after it happened, he came and threw the coins again. He asked when will he be promoted back to his old position again. He got [Arrive].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
y | cn - III | t & c |
K yo - - G h - - U B c - - B c - - R m - J P e -
Wild crane said, "Yeah, I heard that the government decided to allow the state police to stay. You probably won't get the higher rank back recently. You must wait for year t in order to get this position back." The man asked, "Why not? The h U water is producing the self line R. R represents the position, and U represents the government. Doesn't that mean that the government favors me?" Wild crane replied, "Look here! The weak to death h water is bounding and producing the month y. If U, which represents the government, goes and bounds to somebody else, you get nothing. Another person will get the position. You must wait until year t. In year t, the water is the most strong. There will be enough water to produce both the other person and you at the same time. Another reason why I said you could get your job back in year t is because the middle lines are empty. (Middle lines are the 2 lines which are sandwiched between the J and the U.) In ancient text, it stated, "If the middle lines are empty, dreams will be fulfilled when the emptiness fulfills." Now, t and c are empty. But in the year t, both t and c will no longer be empty. Therefore you get your job back most likely in year t."
Result: He was promoted back to his old rank in the year of t. But three years after the man got his old job back (year m), Wild Crane encouraged him to quit his job in the year of cn. Wild crane explained, "Let's recall the first hexagram you have received from God.
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
w | m - X | cn & e |
6 strike R y - J R m - G t X P e - B sh - - B wa - - J K s O U R m - - P w - - P e - - B cn - - B wa - - U
The s metal moved killing the self line. Water t also moved. But water t was empty, was struck by the month w, and was disappearing under the date m. It could not produce your self line R. That's why you have gotten into trouble in the month of s, a few years ago. Although the water t was weak, it still did move. Thus I told you that you will not be fired but will only be demoted. I was right.
Result: The man didn't listen. In the March of year cn, he was charged for a crime and was fired from his job.
If a star is dead, it's hard for it to move because it simply has no energy.
If both the month and the date are killing a star, that star is dead.
For example:
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
h | t |
Queen | Chen 6 strike |
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | - | P | sh | - | |||||
B | s | - | B | s | - | |||||
R | w | - | U | R | w | - | ||||
B | yo | - | P | cn | - | |||||
G y | K | h | - | G | y | - | ||||
P | c | x | J | K | t | - |
Both the month and the date are water, and both of them are killing the U line's fire R w. So R w is a dead star. If nothing is supporting R w, R w does not even exist on the hexagram. R w cannot move. R w cannot kill nor produce other lines. It simply doesn't exist.
A guy asked when can he have sex with a girl who he likes. He got [Touch] and [Rot].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | sh - I | sh & h |
Touch | Rot | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | m | - | U | R | y | - | ||||
P | e | o | G | t | -- | |||||
B | wa | -- | B | sh | -- | |||||
K | s | - | J | K | yo | - | ||||
P | w | x | G | h | - | |||||
B | cn | -- | B | c | -- |
If one asks about money or about woman, an advancing K star sitting on the self line definitely means no money or no woman. The 5th line P e links to the woman star G t. Then the 5th line P e links back to the self line K s. That means the self line K s is linking to G t. But the woman star G t is dead. Even if the self line links to the woman star, a dead woman star means the woman star does not even exist. There is no way for this guy to have sex with this girl. The 2nd line P w moves turning into an empty G h. The 2nd line P w represents worries, and G h represents hope. If the P star moves turning into a G star, there still will be hope. Right now, P w is buried under both the month and the date. Only a strike will reactivate the heavily buried P w. So something good will happen on day t because t strikes with P w. But at the end, there will be no sex because the woman star G t is dead. Even if G t is not dead, an advancing K star on the self line also indicates that he cannot have that woman.
Result: That girl called him on day t, and they went out on that day. But they never met after that date, and they never had sex.
A guy tossed the coins asking will he be hired by a company which has just interviewed him. He got [Break] and [Little storage].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
wa | cn - iX | w & wa |
Break | Little Storage | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | y | - | U | R | m | - | ||||
G | t | x | P | e | - | |||||
B | sh | -- | B | wa | -- | |||||
B | c | x | J | B | cn | - | ||||
R | m | - | R | y | - | |||||
P | e | - | G | t | - |
The 5th line G t moved bounding to the self line. But too bad that the money star G t is dead.
Result: He found out that he was not hired on day s.
A girl tossed the coins asking can she win the top 3 prizes in a race. She got [Same].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | wa - iV | y & m |
Same | ||||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | sh | - | U | |||||||
G | s | - | ||||||||
B | w | - | ||||||||
R | h | - | J | |||||||
K | c | -- | ||||||||
P | m | - |
Usually, if the self line has an R, she should win a prize. But too bad that both the month and the date are killing the self line. The date wa strikes with the 2nd line K c causing K c to move and to kill the self line. The self line is dead. She can't win anything.
Result: She didn't win anything.
A dead element still can kill back!
A man asked will he earn money if he buys a certain stock. He got [Hollow] and [Break].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | c - II | sh & h |
Hollow | Break | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | m | - | R | y | - | |||||
P | e | o | G | t | -- | |||||
B | wa | -- | J | B | sh | -- | ||||
B | c | -- | B | c | -- | |||||
R | m | - | R | m | - | |||||
P | e | - | U | P | e | - |
The self line's money killer B star is advancing. This is not good because this means he can't earn money. The U line P e is producing the self line's advancing B star making his problem more serious.
Result: He earned money on day h. So the dead G t still managed to kill back at P e.
A dead element cannot kill back anymore if another line's element in the 2nd hexagram links to it.
I asked God on which day will I receive my paycheck. I got [Shun] and [Big storage].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
e | c - Viii | cn & e |
Shun 6 strike |
Big Storage | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | m | - | J | B | y | - | ||||
K | e | o | P | t | -- | |||||
G | wa | -- | G | sh | -- | |||||
R | yo | - | U | G | cn | - | ||||
P | h | - | B | y | - | |||||
G | c | x | P | t | - |
The date c struck with the 4th line's G wa. So the 4th line's G money star moves and advances bounding to the self line. This means I will receive my paycheck on day wa.
Result: I got my paycheck exactly on day wa.
Right after I bought a certain stock, it began to drop. I tossed the coins asking when will I stop worrying. I got [Difficulty] and [Rise].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
wa | wa - X | s & yo |
Difficulty | Rise | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | t | -- | B | yo | -- | |||||
P | sh | o | K | h | -- | |||||
B | s | -- | J | P | c | -- | ||||
B | s | - | B | yo | - | |||||
R | w | x | K | h | - | |||||
P | cn | -- | U | P | c | -- |
The 2nd line R w moves to kill the self line. Since I am in fear, a R star that kills the self line must represent stress. So the 2nd line R w is the fear star. Although the 2nd line R w moved turning into K h which kills back at R w, the 2nd line K h is linking to the 5th line K h. Since both K h are in the 2nd hexagram and are linking to each other, they canceled each other out. So K h can no longer kill back at R w. This means something horrible still will happen.
Result: The price dropped some more when the market gegan on the next day. But at the end of the day, the price actually climbed up a lot.
I tossed the coins asking in which month will a certain stock reach $35 per share. God gave me [Family] and [Break].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | c - II | sh & h? t & c? |
Family | Break | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | m | - | B | y | - | |||||
K | e | o | U | P | t | -- | ||||
G | wa | -- | G | sh | -- | |||||
P | h | o | G | c | -- | |||||
G | c | x | J | B | m | - | ||||
B | m | - | K | e | - |
Since I tossed the coins on day II, the empty dates sh & h might not be empty at all.
Result: The price reached $35 a share on the 1st day of month wa.
If a line is weak, it still can move as long as it is not dead.
Few of my students thought that a line cannot move because it's weak. I say a line can move as long as it is not dead. (A dead line can still move if another line produces or supports the dead line.) A weak line can still move. But a weak moving line cannot become a good helper of the appointed star. A weak moving enemy line also cannot become a big threat.
There are a few things which you must remember:
A moving, advancing line cannot die.
I was waiting for my employee to send me my merchandise for a long time already. I tossed the coins asking when will I receive a news saying that he has already ship out the merchandise to me. I received [Revolution] and [Same]. I expected to hear a good news within a week.
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
m | m - Viii | w & wa |
Revolution | Same | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | wa | x | R | sh | - | |||||
P | yo | - | P | s | - | |||||
B | h | - | J | G | w | - | ||||
B | h | - | B | h | - | |||||
R | c | -- | R | c | -- | |||||
K | m | - | U | K | m | - |
The top line R star represents 'You got something'. The top line moves and advances, and it is bounding to the self line's G star. I shall hear a good news soon. It will not happen before day w because the self line's G w is empty. Right now, the top line R sh is bounding to both the month and the date. But on day yo, the bondage shall be broken so that the top line will move again. Although the top line is dead, it is advancing so it cannot die. So the top line is still alive! I will receive a good news on day yo.
Result: My employee phoned me on day yo telling me that everything was shipped to me.
Let's say that both the month and the date are wood. As long as a moving line has a wood element, that line cannot die. That line still can move.
I was waiting for my employee to send me my merchandise for a long time already. I tossed the coins asking when will I receive a news saying that he has already ship out the merchandise to me. I received [Little much] and [Rich]. I expected to hear a good news within a week.
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
m | m - Viii | w & wa |
Little Much | Rich | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | -- | P | sh | -- | |||||
B | s | -- | B | s | -- | |||||
R | w | - | J | R | w | - | ||||
B | s | - | K | h | - | |||||
R | w | -- | P | c | -- | |||||
P | cn | x | U | G | m | - |
The U line represents my employee. The U line P star is dead, but it moved and turned into G m which produces the self line. Can the U line still move because the P star on the U line is dead? Of course it can because the U line has a G star. If both the month and the date are G stars, the U line cannot die because one of the stars in the U line is also a G star. So the U line G star will move to produce the self line's R star. The G star represents money, and it can also represent the merchandise that I am waiting for. Right now, U line's G star is bounding to both the month and the date. But on day yo, the bondage shall be broken. I will receive a good news on day yo.
Result: My employee phoned me on day yo telling me that everything was shipped to me.
A man had a scar on his cornea for 2 years already, and it won't go away. He tossed the coins asking God when will the scar disappear, and God told him that the scar shall disappear this year's December. Then in December, the scar doesn't seem to disappear at all. So the man once again tossed the coins asking on which day will it disappear, and God showed him [Everlasting] and [Wonderful].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | h - X | t & c |
Everlasting | Wonderful 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | sh | -- | U | R | yo | -- | ||||
R | s | -- | P | h | -- | |||||
K | w | o | G | c | -- | |||||
R | yo | - | J | G | cn | - | ||||
P | h | - | B | y | - | |||||
G | c | x | P | t | - |
The self line has a strong R yo which turned into G cn that produces back at R yo. Two G c move to produce the self line R yo. Is the self line R yo a lucky star? Or does R yo represent the scar that just won't go away?
The man thinks that the self line R yo might be the disease star. And if G stars move to produce the self line's disease star, his scar will never disappear. So he tossed the coins again asking, "Will good things happen on day c?" And God showed him [Wonderful] and [Commander].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | h - X | t & c |
Wonderful 6 match |
Commander | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | yo | -- | U | K | yo | -- | ||||
G | h | -- | G | h | -- | |||||
B | c | -- | B | c | -- | |||||
B | cn | o | J | P | w | -- | ||||
R | y | - | B | cn | - | |||||
G | t | o | R | y | -- |
The self line B cn moves turning into P w which represents 'Something happening'. If P w kills back at the self line, bad things will happen. But since P w produces back at the self line, good things will happen. The 1st line R yo links to the 2nd line, and the 2nd line B cn links to the self line. This means the 1st line is linking to the self line. The 1st line's G t is still empty. So the 1st line cannot move until day t or day c. If the 1st line cannot move, the self line also cannot move.
Result: Scar remained on his cornea for 2 years already, and it did not reduce in size at all. but all of a sudden, the scar reduced to just 1/4 of the original size on day c. Then on day m, his condition improved even more. Then few days later, his scar completely disappeared. I think that if the 6th line K yo is not so weak, his scar would have completely disappeared on day m when K yo moves bounding to the self line. But too bad that K yo was quite weak.
Let's say the self line is a dead soil element. If it turns into fire which produces back at itself, it cannot die.
A man asked God when can he become a very wealthy man, and God gave him [Rise] and [Everlasting].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | m | y - V | s & yo |
Rise | Everlasting | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | yo | -- | G | sh | -- | |||||
P | h | -- | R | s | -- | |||||
G | c | x | J | K | w | - | ||||
R | yo | -- | R | yo | - | |||||
P | h | -- | P | h | - | |||||
G | c | - | U | G | c | -- |
Although the self line G c money star is dead because both the month and the date kills it, G c moves turning into a powerful K w which produces back at itself. So G c money star cannot die. In fact, the money star is quite strong. The self line G c shall move in year c. You will become very wealthy in year c.
Result: He became a millionaire in year c.
If a dead water star turns into a metal star which produces back at itself, the water star cannot die.
I asked will I earn some money in the stock market next week. I got [Rise] and [Little Much].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
cn | c - II | sh & h |
Rise | Little Much | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | yo | -- | G | sh | -- | |||||
P | h | -- | R | s | -- | |||||
G | c | x | J | K | w | - | ||||
R | yo | - | R | s | - | |||||
P | h | o | K | w | -- | |||||
G | c | -- | U | G | cn | -- |
The 2nd line's P h moves turning into K w which links to the self line. Right now, the 2nd line cannot move because P h is empty. But on day h, the emptiness will be fulfilled and the 2nd line shall move. When the 2nd line moves, the self line's G c money star will also move and will be produced back by K w. When the money star G c has been produced back, I will earn money.
Result: I earned some money on day h.
If a nearby line moves and produces the self line, the self line cannot die. If an extremely strong element bounds to the self line, the self line also cannot die.
A teenage boy said, "My city's baseball team is playing today. Will they win?" He got [Bite] and [Strong].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
m | m - Xiii | w & wa |
[Bite] [Strong] K e O G sh -- G wa -- J R s -- R yo - K w - J G cn X G cn - B y X U B y - P t - P t - U 6 strike
The self line is killed by both the month and the date, and the opponent line is very healthy. But the 6th line's extremely strong K e moves and bounds the self line. So the self line is still alive. There is a 6 strike. But luckily, the 6th line Ke moves and bounds to the self line. So the power of the 6 strike is eliminated. The self line has turned into an R star. Although the opponent line is very powerful, it is a B star. The B star represents loneliness or lost of wealth. The opponent line has a strong B which kills the self line does not necessarily mean the opponent is the winner. It might mean that the opponent is a lonely loser. If one asks about a game, the K star and the B star are bad luck signs. A K star, weak or strong, sitting on the self line means you will lose. A B star represents loneliness, and it is no better than the K star.
Result: His city team won by 10 - 5. (The self line won.)
The grave of h and t is cn.
The grave of y and m is wa.
The grave of e and w is sh.
The grave of s and yo is c.
The ancient saints said the grave of soil elements (c, cn, wa, sh) is cn. But I think it's ridiculous to assign cn as the grave of soil. A grave itself is soil. How can soil elements have a grave? Besides, I have never seen the grave of soil in action before in my 5 years of practice. Based on my experience, the grave of soil elements (cn) is totally ineffective. Therefore, I say that soil elements have no grave.
A grave does damage to an element. The only grave which does not damage an element is the grave of metal (c). The reason why c does not damage s and yo is because c is a soil element which produces s and yo. That's why the grave of metal cannot damage metal.
If only the month is the grave of the appointed, no damage will be done to the appointed. If only the date is the grave of the appointed, no damage will be done to the appointed. But if both the month and the date are the graves of the appointed, damage will be done to the appointed!
For example: A woman had a surgery removing a tumor from her skin. She tossed the coins asking did they successfully remove the root of the tumor. She asked, "Will my tumor grow back because they failed to remove the root?" She received [Little much].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | sh - iX | t & c |
Little Much | ||||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | -- | Gry | |||||||
B | s | -- | Yel | |||||||
R | w | - | J | Red | ||||||
B | s | - | Grn | |||||||
R | w | -- | Blk | |||||||
P | cn | -- | U | Wht |
The root of the tumor is represented by the self line's R w because R represents fear or disease. Both the month and the date are the graves of R w. So R w is extremely weak and helpless. This means the root has been completely removed.
Result: The doctor's test result came out on day c which proved that the root has been completely removed. You see? Both the month and the date are the graves of R w. So R w is helpless.
Remember this: If the month is the grave but the date is a helper, a star can still survive. If the date is the grave but the month is a helper, the star is also not weak. But if both the month and the date are the graves, the star is helpless. If the month is the grave while the date kills the appointed, the appointed is also helpless. But if another line moves producing the appointed, the appointed still can survive.
A man asked when can he find a job. He received [Revolution] and [Abide].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
yo | h - X | t & c |
Revolution | Abide | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | wa | -- | R | wa | -- | |||||
P | yo | - | P | yo | - | |||||
B | h | - | J | B | h | - | ||||
B | h | o | R | cn | -- | |||||
R | c | -- | K | y | -- | |||||
K | m | - | U | B | t | - |
The self line B h links to the 3rd line B h. So the 3rd line is the self line. B h moves running into its own grave R cn. So is R cn a friend or an enemy? Is the grave R cn damaging B h?
Result: He found a job on day e. God is tricky sometimes. This man asked in which month can he find a job. But God told him he shall be hired on day e.
If both the month and the date are the graves of a star, that star is inactive. Only a strike can reactivate that star.
A man tossed the coins asking can he meet a certain girl on day cn. He received [Combine] and [Little much].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | sh - I | sh & h |
Combine | Little Much | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | wa | -- | P | sh | -- | |||||
B | yo | o | U | B | s | -- | ||||
K | h | - | R | w | - | |||||
G | m | x | B | s | - | |||||
R | e | -- | J | R | w | -- | ||||
P | wa | -- | P | cn | -- |
A beginner would say that he cannot meet that girl on day cn because a strong woman killer B star moved. But did you notice that the 3rd line's G woman star moved turning into B s which links to the 5th line's retreating B star? If the 3rd line's G star has been killed back by B s which links to a moving, retreating B star, B s has no power to kill G m at all. That means the B star does not even exist.
The guy tossed the coins again and received [Unsettled] and [Cover].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | sh - I | sh & h |
Unsettled | Cover | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | e | - | U | P | y | - | ||||
K | wa | -- | R | t | -- | |||||
G | yo | o | K | sh | -- | |||||
B | w | -- | J | B | w | -- | ||||
K | cn | - | K | cn | - | |||||
P | y | -- | P | y | -- |
Based on my experience, if the two lines which surrounds the self line move and bound to each other, they are moving toward the self line.
The 4th line G yo moves. The 2nd line K cn also moves because the date sh strikes with K cn. The 2nd line K cn moves bounding to the 4th line's moving G yo. Both the 2nd line and the 4th line surrounds the self line. This means G yo is coming toward the self line. Therefore, the self line will receive G yo. This means you will meet her.
But both the month and the date are still the graves of the self line B w. If the self line has been buried, I don't see how you can meet anybody. No doubt. You will meet her on day t because only day t can reactivate the self line B w.
Result: The girl called him telling him that she cannot meet him on day cn. So they met on day t.
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