Alex Chiu's Online I-Ching © 2001 Registered
with the US Copyright Office.
General Fortune of a Person
If the self line is empty, you must wait until the emptiness is fulfilled in order to see success.
For example: A man threw coins asking about his general fortune. He got [Compare] and [Look].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | h - Viii | y & m |
Compare | Look | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | t | x | U | R | m | - | ||||
B | sh | - | P | e | - | |||||
K | s | -- | B | wa | -- | |||||
R | m | -- | J | R | m | -- | ||||
P | e | -- | P | e | -- | |||||
B | wa | -- | B | wa | -- |
Although the self line is empty, the month is bounding to it and the date is producing it. Bounding means things will work out. The G t money star (6th line) also moves producing the self line. He will definitely become successful in the year of m because that is the year his empty self line m will fulfill itself.
Result: This man threw the coins in year c. He became rich in year m.
A man asked about his entire life's fame and glory. He received [Need] from the Lord.
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | m -iV | sh & h |
Need | ||||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | t | -- | ||||||||
B | sh | - | ||||||||
K | s | -- | J | |||||||
B | cn | - | ||||||||
R | y | - | ||||||||
G | t | - | U |
Forget about fame and glory. The K star is sitting on the self line. K means 'You got nothing.' If one asks about fame and glory, K means he's going to be a Mr. Nobody for life. If there are a moving line or two, the self line's K would not have mattered that much. But this sign got no moving line. The meaning of the self line K becomes dominant.
Result: After the man has cast this sign, he enrolled in the army. For the next 10 years, his rank has never surpass a corporal.
A man threw the coins asking about his entire year's luck. He got [Trade] and [Consume].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
m | s - III | cn & e |
Trade | Consume | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | m | o | U | P | t | -- | Grn | |||
K | e | - | G | sh | - | Blk | ||||
G | wa | -- | R | s | -- | Wht | ||||
G | cn | x | J | P | h | - | Gry | |||
B | y | -- | G | c | -- | Yel | ||||
P | t | - | B | m | - | Red |
The self line money star cn is weak under the month of m. It is also empty. Your money luck is not so good. The self line turns into P h. P h produces the 6th line B m. But 6th line B m is killing the self line. This means you are helping somebody else. But that person comes back and make you lose money. The 6th line's B star is yellow. A yellow B star represents a close friend. Self line turned into a gray P. The gray P represents your property, a contract, the ownership of your house, etc. Are you investing in your friend's real estate business?
The man said, "Yes. We have found a 2 units building. We plan to buy it next month. What do you think of it?"
Master Shou continued, "Don't invest! You will regret if you do. Let's talk about your family a little bit. The top line is a green B turning into a green P. Green B and P represent your brother and your parents because the color of green means 'blood related'. The top line is in the upper gua. Upper gua is also called 'the outer gua'. Top line is the most far. That means your entire family is living in a far away land." The man replied, "That's right! My entire family is living in Russia. I am the only one who's in China."
Result: This man's friend kept persuading him to buy the 2 units building. So in the month of cn, he invested his father's saving into the building. Right after he bought the building, the property value kept dropping. In the winter, his father ordered him to send some money to Russia. He was forced to sell the building at half price.
Some guy threw coins asking about his future. He got [Strong].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
y | e - II | y & m |
Strong 6 strike |
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | sh | -- | ||||||||
K | s | -- | ||||||||
P | w | - | J | |||||||
B | cn | - | ||||||||
R | y | - | ||||||||
G | t | - | U |
The way how Wild Crane viewed this hexagram is this: The self line's P star symbolizes something complex. The self line's P star is too strong. This means the man is very conservative and probably thinks too much. This man is not fit for doing business. The self line's P star also represents hard working. This man cannot become wealthy.
Result: In the year y, he cured a millionaire's disease. The millionaire funded his college tuition. And in the year of w, the millionaire recommended him to the governor, and the governor appointed him to be the chief of a village. But one year later, he was fired by his superior. He had no savings, so he ended up poor again. The reason why in year y he got funding from the millionaire is because the 2nd line R y was empty. The emptiness fulfills in the year y. The reason why he was fired is because the hexagram is a 6 strike. The reason why he ended up poor is because his G money star is completely weak.
A man asked can he become a government official and got [Compare].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
h | c - Vi | w & wa |
Compare | ||||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | t | -- | U | |||||||
B | sh | - | ||||||||
K | s | -- | ||||||||
R | m | -- | J | |||||||
P | e | -- | ||||||||
B | wa | -- |
If this man cannot become a government official, why would the R star sit on the self line? This man shall become a government official. In this sign, the U line produces the self line. In year w, w strikes the U line t causing it to move and produce the self line. So year w is the year this man shall become a government official.
Result: He became a politician in year e. He was promoted and became a senior bookkeeper and worked in the Forbidden City in year w.
A man tossed the coins asking about his entire life's fortune. The Lord gave him [Bride] and [Arrive].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
e | c - Vi | w & wa |
Bride | Arrive | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | sh | -- | U | B | yo | -- | ||||
B | s | -- | K | h | -- | |||||
R | w | o | P | c | -- | |||||
P | c | -- | J | P | c | -- | ||||
G | m | - | G | m | - | |||||
R | e | - | R | e | - |
The self line is very strong. The 4th line R moved producing the self line. The 4th line R is linked to the self line. R represents power and control. This means you will become a boss or a top government official. Right now, the R w is empty. But in year w, that R star will become active. That's the time you shall become a boss or a top official.
Result: The man was promoted to be the top executive of Ching dynasty's science lab. He was not an educated man, but he has to take care of a highly educated department. The reason why such big pressure was surged on this man is that he has a P star on the self line. A strong P star means his life is harsh and rough.
A man tossed the coins asking about his business fortune for the entire year, and God gave him [Cup] and [Strong].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
w | cn | s - V | y & m |
Cup | Strong 6 strike |
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | e | o | K | sh | -- | Red | ||||
K | wa | -- | U | G | s | -- | Grn | |||
G | yo | - | B | w | - | Blk | ||||
G | yo | - | K | cn | - | Wht | ||||
R | h | - | J | P | y | - | Gry | |||
K | c | x | R | t | - | Yel |
You will earn some money in month t or c because the 1st line K c turned into R t. The loser star turned into the winner star. The 6 strike has been eliminated because the self line R h bounds to the self line's P y.
Result: This guy's business has been great for nearly a year. But in month y, he lost lots of money due to a lawsuit. The reason why he lost money in month y is because the 6th line B e was bounding to the date s. So the 6th line's K star did not kill the self line. But month y helped break that bondage allowing the 6th line to kill the self line.
A man tossed the coins asking about his wealth. He got [Rich].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
w | y - iX | cn & e |
Rich | ||||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | sh | -- | ||||||||
P | s | -- | J | |||||||
G | w | - | ||||||||
B | h | - | ||||||||
R | c | -- | U | |||||||
K | m | - |
The self line is being destroyed by both the date and the month. The money star is quite strong, but too bad the self line is extremely weak. This man will have money, but the money won't come easily. This man won't live too long.
Result: This man was a poor farmer. He worked hard and became rich. But his son gambled away all of his wealth. He angered to death in year w. He died in year w because his weak self line cannot survive the strong heat of year w.
A farmer tossed the coins asking about his general fortune. He received [Hurt] and [Rich].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
sh | w | t - III | s & yo |
Hurt | Rich | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
P | yo | -- | R | sh | -- | |||||
B | h | -- | P | s | -- | |||||
R | c | x | J | G | w | - | ||||
B | h | - | B | h | - | |||||
R | c | -- | R | c | -- | |||||
K | m | - | U | K | m | - |
The self line turned into w money star which produces back at itself . The month w is also producing the self line. This old man must be quite rich. He must be a big landlord. But in year t, t shall strike away his money star. Why? Because the date t is already striking the money star w. In year t, t will further hurt the money star w. So Lord is saying that he will take away this man's wealth in year t.
Result: In year t, his farm has been ruined by crickets. He also got yellow fever.
Some guy tossed the coins asking about his entire life. He got [Everlasting].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
yo | cn - iX | w & wa |
Everlasting | ||||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
G | sh | -- | U | |||||||
R | s | -- | ||||||||
K | w | - | ||||||||
R | yo | -- | J | |||||||
P | h | - | ||||||||
G | c | -- |
Wild Crane asked the man, "What's up? Are you asking about fame and glory or what?" The man replied, "Nope! I am a regular salary man. Why would I think about fame and glory?" But based on this sign, the self line R is being produced by the U line and is so strong under the date and the month. The fame star P, the power star R, and the money star G are all very strong. God told Wild Crane that this person shall become famous and rich in the future.
Wild Crane told the man to toss the coins again to get a clearer message from the Lord. So the man tossed the coins again and received [Bite] and [Stop].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
yo | cn - iX | w & wa |
Bite | Stop 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | e | - | G | sh | - | |||||
G | wa | x | J | R | s | - | ||||
R | yo | - | K | w | - | |||||
G | cn | -- | B | m | -- | |||||
B | y | -- | U | K | e | -- | ||||
P | t | o | G | wa | -- |
The first sign wasn't clear because the man didn't have a specific question. He simply tossed the coins asking about his entire life. But since Wild Crane told the man that he might be able to become very successful, the 2nd sign became very apparent because the man's question became more specific. This time, the man asked, "Will I become successful?" R represents power and control. So R star is what this guy is seeking. The self line moves turning into a strong R star. This person will definitely become a top government official. Right now, the self line is empty so it cannot move. But in year wa, the self line won't be empty anymore. So in year wa, this man shall be appointed by the emperor.
Result: The man has passed his big school exam in year m. He was enlisted in the Ching Dynasty's Imperial Army and was immediately appointed to be a commander's counsel in year e. In year wa, he was transferred to San-Xi to become the governor.
A man tossed the coins asking about his fame and glory. God gave him [Travel].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
e | m - II | t & c |
Travel 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | e | - | ||||||||
K | wa | -- | ||||||||
R h | G | yo | - | U | ||||||
G | s | - | ||||||||
B | w | -- | ||||||||
K | cn | -- | J |
The self line has a K. Forget your fame and glory. You will get nothing. Although the R star is being produced by the 4th line's G yo, the G yo is being struck loose by the date. Even if the R star is very powerful, what good is the R star if the R star is not connected to the self line in any way? The man said, "But I have already been promoted to be the police chief of Ze-Jiang. What do you mean I have no fame and glory for life?" Wild Crane replied, "Oh! Then this sign means you will spend lots of hard work and money. But you will end up losing everything you've already got. Although the date m strikes with the U line G yo money star causing G yo to move bounding to the self line, G yo is pretty weak because both the date and the month are hurting G yo. So G yo cannot bound to the self line at all."
Result: Few years later, the man became ill. He died in year c.
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