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Alex Chiu's Online I-Ching © 2001  Registered with the US Copyright Office.


Let's say you have received a notice telling you that someone is suing you for $2000.   If you think this is ridiculous, you would want to throw the coins asking will this ridiculous legal case be dropped by the judge.  K sitting on the self line means your worry will disappear.

If you see G stars move to produce the self line's R star, it does not necessarily mean you will win or money is coming because the self line's R star could represent trouble.   If the G star moves to produce the self line, the trouble might grow. 

But the G star moves bounding to the self line's R star, something good will happen.

Remember that a lawsuit hexagram is complicated because the R star could either represent trouble or victory.  So if you are in fear, you should treat the R star as trouble.  If you are not in fear, then the R star could mean victory.  If you are not sure, just toss again. 

Some guy threw coins asking about a rediculous lawsuit.  He has been notified to appear in court for a pre-trial.  Which means, the judge has not yet decided whether the plaintiff has the proper reason to apply for a real trial.  He wants to know if this will become a real legal battle.  He got [Trapped] and [Kan].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  w y - I   y & m


6 match
6 strike
P wa -- K t --
B yo - P sh -
K h o U B s --
R w -- R w --
P cn - P cn -
G y -- J G y --

Since this man is not in a legal battle yet, he is asking will the judge drop the case so his worries will end.  In this case, a moving K producing the self line is perfect for him.  The U line K moves producing the self line.  The self line money star is strong.  This means he won't lose a cent. 

Result:  The judge said this is not even a legal matter.  So a court trial cannot be held.

Richardo said, "The company I work for has been sued by another company.  We are planning to bargain with them to avoid the trial.  So my question is will our opponent accept an agreement with us and drop the case?"  He got [Trade] and [Strip].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  s c - iV   s & yo


Trade Strip
B m - U B y -
K e o P t --
G wa -- G sh --
R  yo G cn -- J B m --
B y -- K e --
P t o G wa --

Both of my students said that the other side will not agree to drop the case because the self line G cn turned into a money killer B m which kills back at itself.  The 5th line K e also cannot produce the self line because the 5th line K e has been killed back by P t. 

Result:  Richardo later said, "The other company has just come to an agreement with us and has dropped the case.  The conditions were very good for my company (not much money to pay), and the judge will never even know about the case."

If a moving P star produces the self line B star, there is no danger.

A man has been investigated by the tax collector for evading tax.  The tax collector grew more and more concerned about his abnormal business practices.  He asked Wild Crane, "Will they put me in jail?  Will they draft me and make me join the army for seven years?"  He tossed the coins and received [Advance] and [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo s - I   s & yo


Advance Difficulty
R e - G y -
P wa -- K t --
B yo o J P sh --
G m -- R w --
R e x P cn -
P wa -- U G y --

The 2nd line R e represents the tax collector because the R star represents a judge or someone who has power over your freedom.  The 2nd line R e moves turning into P cn which produces and bounds to the self line B yo.  That means the tax collector will not cause you any harm.  In fact, the tax collector will favor you.  The self line B yo also moves turning into a P star which produces itself back.  The P star is the parent star.  If the P star produces and bounds to the self line, you will be comforted as a child is being comforted in his mother's arms.  That means nothing can hurt you.  Right now, the 2nd line R e is bounding to the date.  But in month h or in month y, the bondage shall be broken allowing the 2nd line to move.  When it moves, you shall receive a good news.

Few days later, this guy went back to Wild Crane and said, "I have just spoken to the tax collector today, and he sounds very concerned about my tax problem.  Please allow me to toss the coins again just to double check."  He tossed the coins again, and God showed him [Big profit].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo e - X   w & wa


Big Profit
R e - U
P wa --
B yo -
P cn - J
G y -
K t -

The U line R star is the tax collector, and it is producing the self line.  There is absolutely nothing to worry about.  If the U line R e produces the self line, how can the tax collector bring you trouble?  In fact, the tax collector will favor you in month h because the U line R e shall move in month h to produce the self line. 

Result:  The tax collector canceled the investigation in month h.

I am evicting 2 tenants that live in my house.  I tossed the coins asking will the eviction be successful and got [Cup] and [Advance].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo e - II   y & m


Cup Advance
B e - B e -
K wa -- U K wa --
G yo - G yo -
G yo o P m --
R h o J B e --
K c -- K wa --

At the time I got this hexagram, I was not very experienced in lawsuit questions because I have never hired an attorney before.  So I saw that the 3rd line's strong G yo moves to produce the self line and thought that this is a very good sign.  Lower gua strikes back indicated that this lawsuit will go back and forth.

Result:  It was terrible.  The tenants found a good lawyer and sued me back.   I could not sleep well and could not eat right for almost 2 months.  Eviction took forever.  This lawsuit related sign proves that a G star producing the self line's R trouble star does not necessarily mean you will receive some money or something good will happen.  It simply means that your trouble will increase.

A friend checked on my lawyer's credential for me, and my lawyer Mr. Mendez turned out to be a very bad lawyer.  So I tossed the coins asking should I fire this lawyer and hire another one.

I asked God, "Should I fire the old lawyer Mr. Mendez and hire a new lawyer Mr. Hall?"  And God showed me [Return] and [Revolution]

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh yo - X   sh & h


6 match
K yo -- B wa --
G h x K yo -
B c x U G h -
B cn x G h -
R y -- B c --
G t - J R m -

The two G h stars (3rd and 4th line) move producing the 2nd line's R y trouble star.  This is bad.   I am in enough trouble already.  If I hire this new lawyer, he will bring me more trouble.  Maybe I should just stick to the old lawyer.

So I tossed again asking should I just stick to the old lawyer Mr. Mendez, and I got [Arrive] and [Consume].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  sh yo - X   sh & h


Arrive Consume
K yo -- G t --
G h x U B sh -
B c -- K s --
B c x G h -
R m o J B c --
P e - R m -

The U line's G h moved and got killed back by B sh.  Then B sh moves bounding to the self line.  This sign means my damage will be limited because G h got killed back and cannot adequately produce the self line's trouble star.  I should stick to the old lawyer.

Result:  I didn't fire the old lawyer.  And the old lawyer did help me reach a settlement with the 2 tenants.  I lost some money on attorney fees.  But at the end they did move out.  I was supposed to pay them $6,500 of moving expense if the 2 tenants move out of my property on or before January 23rd.  But for some reason, they failed to vacate from my property on time.  Therefore, I didn't have to pay them a single cent.  So at the end, I won a total victory by accident.  Now come to think of it - If I fired my lawyer at that time, the other side would have quickly tell that I was very nervous and would have asked me to pay them more moving expenses.  Not firing my lawyer was actually the right choice.  The 2 tenants moved out, and I didn't pay them a single cent because they moved out late.  This old lawyer brought me good luck after all.

I purchased a 30 units apartment building.  Right after the building was transferred to me, I realized that the seller lied about the income of that property.   I asked the seller to pay me back $100,000 and threatened to sue him if he doesn't pay.  I tossed the coins asking will the seller pay me the money immediately without any lawyers involved.  I got [Arrive].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  t h - Vi   cn & e


K yo --
G h -- U
B c --
B c --
R m - J
P e -

The U line G h produces the self line R.  But the problem is that the self line R represents trouble because I was asking, " Will the seller give me any trouble?"   This sign doesn't mean the seller will give me money.  It simply means there is trouble ahead.

So I tossed once more asking, "Does this sign mean I will receive money or does it mean more trouble ahead?"  I got [Rise] and [Humble].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  t h - Vi   cn & e


Rise Humble
R yo -- R yo --
P h -- P h --
G c -- J G c --
R yo - R s -
P h o K w --
G c -- U G cn --

The 2nd line K w moves producing the U line's advancing G star.  This is good.

Result:  The seller totally avoided me.  So I tossed the coins asking will hiring a lawyer help me get money from the seller.  God showed me [Separate] and [Cover].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  c e - II   y & m


Separate Cover
P m - P y -
B e o J R t --
K wa -- K sh --
B w -- B w --
K cn - U K cn -
P y -- P y --

I am not asking stuff like 'Will I get into more trouble?'.  I am asking will a lawyer help me turn the situation around.  So in this hexagram, the R star is the power/authority star.

to be continued

A woman asked, "My home association has sued me, and we had our trial last Monday.   We are waiting for the ruling by the judge.  Please tell me, will I win the lawsuit?"  She tossed and got [Commander] and [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  s e - Vi   sh & h


Commander Bride
P yo -- U R sh --
B h -- P s --
R c x G w -
G w -- J R c --
R cn - K m -
K y x G e -

The 1st line represents now, and the 4th line represents the future.  The R star is the trouble star.  The G star helps the R trouble star.

Result:  Later, she said, "Thanks Alex.  I won the case.  The judge has plainly stated that he believed my testimony over the home association directors.   I am indeed very pleased."

I tossed the coins asking will my new web host shut down my site one day.  I don't want any trouble from my new web host.   God gave me [Hurt] and [Return].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo sh - V   cn & e


Hurt Return
6 match
P yo -- P yo --
B h -- B h --
R c -- J R c --
B h o R cn --
R c -- K y --
K m - U B t -

The 3rd line is the main feature in this sign.  The 3rd line B h moves turning into R cn.  Now what does B h stand for?  What does R cn stand for?   Usually, the B star represents lost of wealth because the B star is the money killer.  If B h moves turning into R cn which kills back at itself, I will not lose money?  Is that what it means?  So the B star is the enemy, and the R star is my friend?  B h will move in month h.  So what will happen in month h?  Maybe R cn stands for trouble.  But will there be a serious trouble if R cn does not kill the self line?

Result:  My web site account was not canceled in month h.  For the entire month of h, I was in fear that they will cancel my account, but they never did. 

A top government official wants to persuade the emperor of China to arrest another corrupted top government official.  He was kind of worried that the corrupted government official will actually win and endanger his life.  He tossed the coins and got [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
e e m - iV   sh & h


6 match
B e -
K wa --
G yo - U
G s -
B w --
K cn -- J

The U line represents the enemy.  The U line is being struck by the date and is being killed by the month.  The year also is killing the U line.  Don't worry.   Your enemy's days won't be long.  By the way, the self line has a strong K.   K represents happiness.  If K sits on the self line, danger and worry shall disappear. 

Result:  He persuaded the emperor to arrest the bad guy, and the emperor listened to him and jailed the corrupted government official.  In this case, this man was asking will his action endanger his own life.  He was not really asking who will win.   A healthy K sitting on the self line means there is no danger.

I paid $2000 for advertisement at a popular web site.  But I got into an argument with the web host of that web site, and he took my banner down.  I asked him to refund me the $2000 which I paid for the banner ad, and he said he will write me a check immediately.  But I waited for nearly 3 weeks, and I received no money in my mail box.  I called, emailed, and faxed him, but I received no reply.  Apparently, this guy wants to keep the money and rip me off.  He knows that I cannot afford to fly to Arizona and sue him at Arizona's small claim's court.  I had no other good ideas but to use threat.  I called him telling him that if he doesn't give me back my money, I will fly to Arizona and kill him.  I emailed him death threats, and I left death threat messages on his answering machine.  Finally, he emailed me telling me that he will report me to the FBI.  I got nervous and tossed the coins asking will I get into trouble with the FBI.  What about my money?  Will he give me back my money?  I got [Break] and [Shun].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  e s - Vii   t & c


Break Shun
6 strike
R y - U R m -
G t x P e -
B sh -- B wa --
B c x J K yo -
R m - G h -
P e o B c --

The U line represents my enemy.  The U line has an advancing R star.  That means he will take action against me.  The date is striking at the U line.  So the U line is a moving, advancing line.  No doubt.  He will contact the FBI.   What about my money?  The 5th line money star G t moves and bounds to the moving self line B c.  The money star is quite healthy, and both the money star and the self line are moving bounding to each other.  Seems like I will get my money back after all.  Right now, the money star t and the self line c are both empty.  But on day t or day c, I should see a check in my mail box as their emptiness fulfills.   I don't think I will get into trouble with the FBI because the self line and the 1st line form a very strong K combo.  The K combo means 'disappearance of danger'.   If a strong K combo covers the self line, there will be no danger.  The K combo kills the U line's advancing R star.  Even if he does contact the FBI, the FBI cannot do anything to me.

Result:  I received the money on day c.  Then in month w, two FBI agents visited my house.  They basically told me that I should not make death threats because such action is considered a crime.  They spoke to me for 5 minutes, gave me a warning, and left.  Then I never heard from them again.

If G stars move to produce the self line's R star, your troubles could increase.  But if the G stars move bounding to the self line's R star, only good things will happen.

A guy has written a book.  But it wasn't 100% his authorship.  His book also included resources from few other books.  He tossed the coins asking will the authors of other books sue him once his book became famous.  He thinks that he could become famous in year s or in year yo, and others might sue him in those 2 years.  He got [combine] and [Little Much].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  c t - III   s & yo


Combine Little Much
P wa -- P sh --
B yo o U B s --
K h - R w -
G m x B s -
R e -- J R w --
P wa -- P cn --

Wild Crane said, "The 3rd line's G m cannot be harmed by the 3rd line B s because the U line's retreating B star links to the 3rd line's B s.  This means the 3rd line's B s is also retreating.  Thus the retreating B s cannot kill back at G m.   So G m cannot be harmed."

Result:  Nothing happened in year s and year yo because he did not become famous at all.

I am evicting 2 tenants from my property.  I hired a bad lawyer who screwed me up in the 1st trial.  So now I tossed the coins asking should I continue using this lawyer.  I asked, "Will this lawyer screw up my case even further and bring me more trouble?"  God gave me [Cup] and [Unsettled]:

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo cn - Vi   sh & h


Cup Unsettled
B e - B e -
K wa -- U K wa --
G yo - G yo -
G yo o B w --
R h - J K cn -
K c -- P y --

The 3rd line's G yo moved producing the self line's R trouble star.  Not good.

Result:  I continued using this same lawyer.  He settled the eviction case for me rather quickly, and the 2 tenants moved out 3 months later.  I was supposed to pay them $6,500 of moving expense if the 2 tenants move out of my property on or before January 23rd.  But for some reason, they failed to vacate from my property on time.   Therefore, I didn't have to pay them a single cent.  So at the end, I won a total victory by accident.  The coin toss was right.  This lawyer did bring me good luck.

If the G star moves but does not produce an R star, only good things will happen.

I am evicting 2 tenants from my property.  I tossed the coins asking will the lawyer from the other side end up favoring my case.  I got [Lawsuit] and [Zen]:

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo cn - V   sh & h


Lawsuit Zen
6 strike
K sh o K sh --
G s o G s --
B w - J B w -
B w -- K cn --
K cn o P y --
P y x U R t -

The top line K sh is empty.  Since the entire upper gua duplicated, the entire upper gua is considered to be empty if only the top line is empty.  This means the self line B w is also empty.

Result:  As I mentioned earlier, they agreed to move out of my house.  I was supposed to pay them $6,500 of moving expense if the 2 tenants move out of my property on or before January 23rd.  But for some reason, they failed to vacate from my property on time.   Therefore, I didn't have to pay them a single cent.  Their lawyer failed to remind them to move out on time.

A man wants to collect debt by suing.  He tossed the coins and got [Wonderful] and [Kan].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  s c - iV   s & yo


6 match
6 strike
K yo -- U G t -- Grn
G h x B sh - Blk
B c -- K s -- Wht
B cn o J P w -- Gry
P  e R y - B cn - Yel
G t o R y -- Red

The 5th line money star turns into a black B star.   Black B represents a con-artist.  Somebody borrowed money from you, but it was a scam.  The 5th line money has been killed by the date and also turned into B which kills back at itself.  That person has borrowed money from you more than once.     "That's right.  Everything you said is right.", the man replied.

Result:  He won the case in month e.  But by that time, the defendant was no where to be found.  The defendant didn't even show up in court.

I tossed the coins asking will eviction of my 2 tenants be successful on the eviction date, and God showed me [Big Profit] and [Finish].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo s - Vii   t & c


Big Profit Finish
R e o U K t --
P wa x P sh -
B yo o B s --
P cn o J P c --
G y - G m -
K t - R e -

The U line's R e got killed back.  This means R e cannot produce the 5th line's advancing P star anymore.  And this means the 5th line cannot help the 4th line's B star anymore.  So the 4th line's B money killer star will retreat.  This is good.

I tossed again and got [Lawsuit] and [Li].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo s - Vii   t & c


Lawsuit Li
(6 strike)
K sh - B e -
G s o K wa --
B w - J G yo -
B w x R h -
K cn o K c --
P y x U P m -

Okay.  This sign is very special.  Usually the bottom gua represents now and the top gua represents the future.  But not this sign.

Result:  The 2 tenants hired a good attorney and stopped the eviction process just in time.

If you don't want trouble, a self line turning into a K star means there is no trouble.

A guy from Spain has purchased two products from me with his credit card, and I shipped both of them to him already.  But a few months later, he emailed me saying that he did not receive any package from me.  He demanded me to give him a refund.  This guy is trying to rip me off.  I know that he received the packages but wants me to give him back his money by claiming that he didn't receive the goods.  I of course refused to give him a refund.  Then I immediately tossed the coins asking will he successfully dispute the credit card charge and get his money back.  I got [Queen] and [Big profit].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  s t - III   s & yo


Queen Big Profit
P sh - R e -
B s o P wa --
R w - U B yo -
B yo - P cn -
K h - G y -
P c x J K t -

The self line P c moves turning into a powerful K t which bounds back at itself.   The date is also the lucky star t, and it also bounds to the self line.  

Result:  I have never heard from him again.  I guess he changed his mind.

An R star turning into a K star means you cannot regain your property.

My web host has shut down my web site because he said I am abusing the internet.   I used to pay him only $20 a month for hosting my site.  Now I offer to pay him $150 a month for hosting my site, but he did not even respond.  So I tossed the coins asking will he take my offer and continue hosting my site for $150 a month.   God showed me [Rise] and [Commander].

Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
  yo s - III   cn & e


Rise Commander
R yo -- R yo --
P h -- P h --
G c -- J G c --
R yo o K w --
P h - G cn -
G c -- U B y --

The 3rd line's powerful R star moves turning into K w which kills back at itself.   Forget it.  He will not take my offer.  Although the R star is very powerful, it cannot hide from the K star because the K star is directly killing back at the R star.  But since the R star is so powerful, I definitely will find another reliable host who is willing to host my site.

Result:  He didn't take my offer.  But on the next day, I found a reliable host who is willing to tolerate the way how I run my internet business.

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©2001  Registered with the US Copyright Office.   All rights reserved.
Written by Alex Y.C. Chiu

If you would like to write your own I-Ching book after you have mastered I-Ching, please ask the author for permission to use all of our element symbols, date symbols, calendar indications, charts, and the names of the hexagrams.  We encourage an unification of English I-Ching symbols so more people can learn about I-Ching.