Alex Chiu's Online I-Ching © 2001 Registered
with the US Copyright Office.
Moving line & quiet line
The O and X lines in your 1st hexagram are the moving lines. When a line is moving, it will become effective whenever a future year, month, date, or hour bounds to the moving line. A moving line will also become active in a coming year, month, date, or hour that has the same element as itself. Let's say that a line which contains the element c moved. That line will become effective in the t year, month, date, or hour. (t bounds to c.) The c moving line will also become effective in a coming c year, month, date, or hour.
Example: A woman asked about her husband's recent illness. She got [Same] and [Li].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
s | cn - V | sh & h |
Same Li K sh - U B e - J G s O K wa - - B w - G yo - R h - J R h - U K c - - K c - - P m - P m - 6 strike
The 2nd hexagram is 6 strike. When asking about a recent illness or a recent lawsuit, 6 strike means bad luck will disappear very quickly. The woman asks about her husband's condition. Therefore, the husband star R is the appointed. Usually, K means happiness or a cure, and R means disease, illness, or worry. But in this case, R is the husband and K must be treated as an enemy because K kills the husband star R. So K is not a lucky star for a woman who is concerned about her husband. The R husband star is water, and it is produced by the month. The fifth line metal s is also moving to produce the R star. Since the R husband star is quite strong, I say it's no big deal. On day e, e bounds to the fifth line s. The fifth line s will move on day e producing the R star. R h is empty now. But on day e, e strikes with R h, and R h will not be empty anymore when e strikes with it. When R h becomes not empty, the fifth line can finally produce it. So I concluded that the husband will recover on day e.
Result: Husband got out of bed on exactly day e.
Let's review a few important features of a moving line:
Let's see this example:
Hiders | |||||||||
R | e | - | P | sh | - | ||||
P | wa | x | B | s | - | ||||
B | yo | - | J | R | w | - | |||
G | m | -- | G | m | -- | ||||
R | e | -- | R | e | -- | ||||
P | wa | -- | U | P | wa | -- | |||
1st hexagram | 2nd hexagram |
The 5th line is a moving line. It is P wa turning into B s.
Quiet line's action
Quiet lines are the dotted line (- -) and the solid line ( - ) in your 1st hexagram.
When a quiet line is being struck by the date, it becomes a moving line.
Let's say you have a quiet line which has the element y. The date is s. The date s strikes with the y line. That line is no longer a quiet line but a moving line. That line will become active when a future year, month, date, or hour bounds to it. That line will also become active in a coming year, month, date, or hour which has the same element as itself.
When a quiet line is being struck by the month, that line is still quiet. Being struck by the month cannot turn a quiet line into a moving line! Only the date can turn a quiet line into a moving line!
For example: We have the quiet line s. The date is y. Date y strikes the quiet line s. Quiet line s is not a quiet line anymore. It's actually a moving line. Line s moves in the month of s. It also moves in the month of e because e bounds to s. It also moves in year s, month e, or on day s.
Example: I threw coins asking when will my American Online stocks go up in price. I got [Trapped].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
yo | e - Viii | s & yo |
P wa - - B yo - K h - U R w - - P cn - G y - - J
Since this question is about the stock market, it's money related. So G money star is appointed. To know what month the stock will go up, you must identify what month favors the appointed star the most. The month that favors the G star is the month that the stock will go up in value. SInce the money star G (wood) is being killed by the month yo (metal), the stock must be cheap at this moment. But the date e is striking the U line K h. The U line K h used to be a quiet line. But since the date e is striking it, it is now a moving line. The K h moves to produce and bounds to the G star. So the K line is the helper. The month yo is producing the helper K h, so we have a strong helper here. Just by looking at this, I know that the stock will go up in value many folds in the month of h. In the month of h, the moving line K h becomes active thus truly moves to produce the G money star.
Result: The AOL stock was around $90 a share in the month of yo. It went to $160 a share in the month of h.
When the date bounds to a quiet line, the quiet line will become active when a future year, month, or date strikes the bondage open.
For example: Let's say the date is cn. It bounds to line yo. In the month of sh, sh will strike with cn breaking the bondage open. Line yo will become active.
Someone owe me money. I wonder when will I get the money back. I got [Advance] and [Stop].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
t | cn - V | sh & h |
Advance | Stop 6 match |
Hiders | ||||||||||
R | e | - | P | sh | - | |||||
P | wa | x | B | s | - | |||||
B | yo | - | J | R | w | - | ||||
G | m | -- | G | m | -- | |||||
R | e | -- | R | e | -- | |||||
P | wa | -- | U | P | wa | -- |
The self line B turns into an R. Self line B turning into an R means I will get the money because R represents 'You got something'. The date is cn, and cn bounds to the self line yo. In the month of sh, sh will strike with the date cn and the bondage will be broken so that the self line yo can finally turn into R. So in this hexagram, Lord is saying that I will get the money in month sh.
Result: I got the money in the month of sh. I only got back about 1/4 of the money that he owed me.
Same as the moving line, a quiet line's action depends on only the element of the 1st hexagram.
Let's see this example:
Hiders | |||||||||
R | e | - | P | sh | - | ||||
P | wa | x | B | s | - | ||||
B | yo | - | J | R | w | - | |||
G | m | -- | G | m | -- | ||||
R | e | -- | R | e | -- | ||||
P | wa | -- | U | P | wa | -- | |||
1st hexagram | 2nd hexagram |
The self line is a quiet line. And the self line has B yo in its 1st hexagram. The self line B yo could move in month m because m strikes with yo. The self line has R w in its 2nd hexagram. But the self line cannot move in month t although month t strikes with R w. You see? The element of the 2nd hexagram of a quiet line also has no control over the line.
When a moving line is bounding to the date, it cannot move.
For example, if the moving line is e, and the date is s, they bound together. This moving line cannot move. You have to wait for the y year, month, or day to strike them open. Actually, h year, month, or day could also strike them open.
A woman is about to get married. She tossed the coins asking will her marriage last. She got [Fog] and [Abide].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
c (1985) | s | e - Viii | s & yo |
Fog | Abide | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | t | -- | R | wa | -- | U | ||||
R | sh | - | U | P | yo | - | ||||
P | s | x | B | h | - | |||||
R | cn | -- | R | cn | -- | J | ||||
K | y | -- | J | K | y | -- | ||||
B | t | - | B | t | - |
Prophet Feng saw the hexagram and told the lady, "I suggest you to postpone the wedding. It's better for you to marry after 1986 (year of y). The 4th line s is moving. But it is bounding to the date e, so it cannot move. The 4th line also turned into B h. The date is striking at B h. So B h is loose. That is another reason why the 4th line cannot move. But the bondage between the date e and P s shall be broken in year y because y strikes with s. Year y will also bound to B h that the 4th line has turned into. Bounding to an element that has been struck loose means saving that element. So the 4th line will start moving in the year y. Actually, the 4th line is now empty. In year y, y strikes the empty line s. That will also fulfill the emptiness. That's another reason why it should move in year y. 4th line P represents "Something happening". 4th line P moves turning into h, and h bounds to the self line. When the 4th line moves and bounds to the self line, things will happen. That means you will get married in year y. But honestly, I don't suggest you to get married that year. Your K star y is so strong, and it is sitting on the self line. K kills the R husband star. In ancient text, it says 'If the self line is a K, no husband can survive under you.' Year y will make your K star even stronger. So if you marry after year y, your marriage will be successful."
Result: The woman didn't listen to the prophet and got married in year y. But she filed for a divorce a few months later. So in a hexagram, if you see 2 R stars and the K is also sitting on the self line, a divorce is very possible. That means the woman will have 2 men in her life.
QUESTION: Alex, you said that only the date can cause a quiet line to move. The month cannot cause a quiet line to move. But at another part of this chapter you said that the month can also cause a quiet line to move. Which statement is true?
ANSWER: Let's see an example.
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
e | w - iX | s & yo |
Return 6 match |
Hurt | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
K | yo | -- | K | yo | -- | Blk | ||||
G | h | -- | G | h | -- | Wht | ||||
B | c | -- | U | B | c | -- | Gry | |||
B | cn | x | G | h | - | Yel | ||||
R | y | -- | B | c | -- | Red | ||||
G | t | - | J | R | m | -- | Grn |
Let's look at the 5th line G h. You have tossed the coins and got this sign in month e. Since the month striking at a quiet line cannot make that quiet line move, the 5th line G h is still a quiet line because month e cannot make it move.
Now let's look at the 2nd line R y. Right now, R y is a quiet line. But in month s, R y shall become a moving line because s strikes with y.
You got it? What I meant was the current month cannot turn a quiet line into a moving line. Only a FUTURE MONTH can turn a quiet line into a moving line! Let's say this month is month e, and you tossed the coins today. Month e cannot strike with a quiet line and turn it into a moving line. But a FUTURE MONTH can strike with a quiet line and turn it into a moving line. So if you tossed the coins in month w, a quiet line which has K t did not turn into a moving line.
If a non-moving line is bounding to the date, that line will act like a moving line when the bondage is broken.
Lily asked when will her business improve, and she received [Trade] and [Separate].
Year | Month | Date | Hour | Empty Dates |
yo | wa - II | cn & e |
Trade | Separate | |||||||||
Hiders | ||||||||||
B | m | - | U | B | m | - | ||||
K | e | - | K | e | - | |||||
G | wa | -- | G | wa | -- | |||||
G | cn | -- | J | K | w | -- | ||||
B | y | x | G | cn | - | |||||
P | t | o | B | y | -- |
The self line G cn is the money star, and the 2nd line B y is the money killer. The 1st line P t pushes the 2nd line B y toward the self line. But since the self line is not a moving line, the 2nd line B y cannot push the self line G cn toward the self line's K w. So B y should cause some damage to the self line G cn. That means she will lose money in the future.
Result: Her business improved dramatically in month c. Then business sky rocketed in month e. The reason why the business improved a lot in month e is because the self line G cn was empty. But when the emptiness fulfilled, K w produced back at the money star G cn. This lesson proves that a non-moving line will act like a moving line when the bondage is broken.
Note: Based on my experience, an empty non-moving line will also act like a moving line when the emptiness fulfills. A non-moving line which has been struck by the date will also act like a moving line when the struck element regains its strength.
For example: You asked on which day can you receive some money. You tossed the coins on day w of month yo.
self line K s - J G t -
The self line's G t has been struck by the date w. So the self line K s cannot reach the money star G t yet. But on day t, you can receive some money because G t will regain its strength on day t. If G t is an empty element, you can also receive the money on day t because the emptiness of G t fulfills on day t.
Moving line and quiet line
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