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Alex Chiu's Online I-Ching © 2001  Registered with the US Copyright Office.

$ Stock Market

Ever since I started practicing I-Ching, the most questions I asked were money related.   So I think I am an expert in this section.  So I hereby set up a few rules:



If you are worried about something or are in fear, K star is your lucky star because K means 'You got nothing.'  K means worries will disappear.  Self line turning into K or K line moves producing the self line is what you need.  Self line linking to the K star is also good.  The B star moves producing the K star is also good.  P star killing the K star is bad.   P stands for worry, fear, and trouble.  Why does the P star represent worry?   Because P originally represents 'Something happening'.  P represents a news, a notice, something happening, etc.  If you are worried, you toss the coins concerning your worries.  P represents what ever you are worrying about.  That's why the prophets said P represents worry and fear. 

If you want to earn money or if you want to become successful, the K star becomes your worst enemy.  R star represents 'You got something'.  But K star would totally kill it.  In investment, a K star sitting on the self line is like a death sentence to you.  Why?  Because K produces the money star.  Which means, K is the one which pours out the money.  If the K is sitting on the self line, money would only come out of your pocket and flow into somebody else's pocket.  Since K is the R killer, a strong K sitting on the self line means if you ask about a position, you will not get the position.  If you ask about fame and glory, you cannot become well known.  If you ask about financial success, money comes out of your pocket and never returns.  So if you are not worrying or are not in fear, do not view the K star as a lucky star.  If your question is concerning fame and glory, K star killing the R star or K star sitting on the self line means you are a loser.

R sitting on the self line and a strong G money star moves producing the R self line is the best kind of sign for investing.

The G money star is sitting on the self line and K star moves producing the self line is also a great sign.

  • If R is sitting on the self line and a G money star is very strong, you can invest.   But if you see any B star killing your G money star, just don't invest.  It's too risky. 
  • If the self line is P, B, K, or R turning into a G star, you can invest.  Your self line turning into G money star means you will earn money.  But make sure that the month and the date is not striking your G star. 
  • I would not invest if I see a 6 strike.  It's just too risky.
  • Do not think a 6 match will help you in any way.  Look at the strength of the stars!
  • If you see any B star moving, do not invest.  It's too risky.  I learned it the hard way.
  • If the self line is B and it is moving turning into G money star, you can invest.
  • Do not invest if your G star is weak. 
  • If your G star hides under a B star, don't you ever invest! 
  • Even if the money star G is strong, don't invest unless the self line is linked to the G star or unless the G star is moving and producing the self line R.
  • Let's say the 1st sign says you will lose money.   But you don't believe it, and you toss the coins again to get a 2nd sign.  And now the 2nd sign says you will earn money, DO NOT BELIEVE THE 2ND SIGN!  The first sign is the most accurate!
  • Sometimes, the P star represents a transaction.  If you ask when will you buy or sell, the P star could be your appointed star.  If the self line reaches the P star, you shall sell when the self line moves.  But if you are not asking when will you buy or sell, the P star is always the enemy because P represents frustration and worries.
  • Never toss the coins for 2 or 3 different stocks in one day.   You may only toss the coins for one company stock per day.  If you toss the coins for another company stock five minutes later, the sign will not come out accurate.   Remember, the sign is connected to your mentality.  If your mentality is serious, the sign is serious.  If you are not serious, the sign will not show you the real future.
  • If you already own some stocks, the R star can be your appointed star because R represents ownership.  If the R star is strong, you own lots of valuable stocks.   If the R star is getting killed or is being hurt, your stocks will lose their values.  If you do not own stocks, the G money star should be your appointed star.  

    If you ask can you earn money, a permanent 6 strike means you cannot earn money.   But if you are only asking for the entire year's stock market trend, a 6 strike doesn't mean that the stock value will not go up.  A 6 strike only means that the stock value will violently jump up and down.  So if you tossed the coins asking for the stock market trend, you don't need to be afraid of the 6 strike because a 6 strike has no meaning when one asks about the stock market trend.

    Don't gamble big!  Invest as little as possible.

    Trust me.  Once you start to gamble big, you don't obey the coins anymore.   When the price drops even a little bit, you get nervous and sell all of your shares and lose big money.  When large sum of money is involved, you don't listen to nobody no more.  You lose self control.  You care less what God is telling you.   You just want to sell and cut the loss and get it over with.

    I was earning money for a straight six months.  But I got greedy and started to gamble big.  Then I started to lose money.  Many times I got so nervous that I just cut my loss although the coins told me that I will earn money if I hang in there for just a few more days.  The coin predictions always turned out to be correct.   Then I realized that Super I-Ching predictions, no matter how accurate and precise, still cannot overcome my fear.

    Don't try to become a millionaire by using Super I-Ching.  Once you start to gamble big, your fear will take over and you will lose control.

    If you are losing money and you would like to know when will you feel better or become happy again, the K star becomes your lucky star!

    Remember.  I-Ching has to do with your mentality.  If you are not losing money yet and you just want to earn some money, a K star is a bad sign.  Why?   Because K represents 'nothingness'.  K is a loser.  R represents 'You got something'.  If you did not lose any money yet and you just want to earn some money, what would be on your mind? 

    So if you are not losing money yet and you just want to earn some money, the R star becomes your lucky star.  If you got the R star, you got power and possession.   The best kind of sign would be a healthy R star sitting on the self line with money star moving producing the self line.  K star is the R star's killer.  K represents nothingness and relief.  Another word, K represents 'You got nothing'.  If you want to earn money, why would you ask for nothingness and relief?  Why in the world would you even think about relief and nothingness?  That's why if you are not losing money and you want to start earning money, K becomes a bad sign.  If your self line is G money star and the K star moves producing the self line, that's fine.  But if your self line is a K, you will definitely become a loser.  If your self line is R and a strong K moved killing the self line, you will also become a loser.

    Let's say you invested in a wrong stock.  You lost money.  You want to know when will you break even.  What will be on your mind this time?

    Now, the situation has shifted. The K star is the star which will make you happy.   You lost money, so you have bad luck.  That means your luck is being possessed by the unlucky spirit.   You want your unlucky spirit to go away.  K does not only represent 'nothingness', K also represents relief and happiness.  That's why if you lost money already, K becomes your lucky star!  If you see a strong P killing your K star, the stock market will drop and you will become more worried.   But remember to check on the money star too.  If G star is weak or is dead, you still cannot break even.   If your self line is R but the money star is moving producing the self line, you can also break even!

    Richard tossed the coins asking me about his Compaq stock.  He wants to know when can he break even.  He got [Need] from the Lord.

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      e w - iX   s & yo


    G t --
    B sh -
    K s -- J
    B cn -
    R y -
    G t - U

    Since Richard wants to know when will he break even and become happy again, the K star is his savior.  The self line K star is being killed by both the month and the date.   Both month and date are P stars.  That means the stock won't go up, and Richard will worry some more!  Right now, the self line K s is empty so that the month and the date cannot kill it.  But in month s, when the self line is no longer empty, the month and the date will attack the self line.  In that month, Richard will worry to death!

    Result:  In month s, Richard's stocks dropped tremendously.  In the following month, 2 airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center making the stock market drop even more.  Richard told me that he worried so much in month s that his hair almost turned white. 

    If you see a strong P killing the self line's K star, you will worry.  That's definitely not a good sign.  So if you lost money, you can ask God when will you feel good again.  If the P star is killing the self line's K star, your worry will not go away.

    Remember, you should view the K star as a lucky star only when you have lost money and have been waiting for the stock value to rise for a long time.   Or else, the K star should be viewed as the loser star.

    The stock market crashed in month s, and Richard's stocks dropped all the way to the bottom.  He tossed the coins asking will the stock value continue to drop in month yo.  He received [Separate] and [Break].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      s c - iV   s & yo


    Separate Break
    P e - R y -
    B wa -- G t --
    K yo o J B sh --
    B c -- B c --
    R m - R m -
    P e - U P e -

    The self line's empty K yo moved turning into B sh which produces back at itself.   Since Richard has already lost a fortune, the K star must be the happiness star.   So the self line's strong K star indicates that he shall become happy.  Right now, K yo is empty.  But in month yo, the emptiness of K yo shall be fulfilled.   This means the stock value will not continue to drop in month yo.

    Result:  The stock value was at $9 a share in month s.  But the stock value remained at around $9.30 in month yo.  So the stock value did not continue to drop in month yo.

    A man bought some stocks, and the stock value dropped to around two dollars a share.   He tossed the coins asking will his stocks rise up to $10 a share within a few months.  He got [Hollow] and [Step].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      c cn - Vii   s & yo


    Hollow Step
    R m - B sh -
    P e - K s -
    B wa x J P w -
    B c -- B c --
    R m - R m -
    P e - U P e -

    Strong money killer is sitting on the self line.  The money killer B wa will move and be produced back by P w in month w or month wa.  The stock value will drop even more in month w or wa.

    Result:  His stocks dropped even more in month wa.

    If you are asking about the trend of a certain stock, focus on the G money star.  The stronger the G star is, the higher the stock shall rise.  But the money star G must be connected to the self line or is producing the self line.  Or else, even if the money star is strong, nothing will happen.

    When someone asks about the trend of a certain stock, what is his mentality? 

    When someone asks can he earn money, the G money star is the appointed.  If you plan to buy, a strong money star means you will earn money.  If you plan to sell short, a strong money star means you can earn money by selling short.  But remember!   The money star must be producing the self line R or is linked to the self line in a certain way.  A strong money star that does not produce the self line or is not linking to the self line will not benefit you in any way. 

    My friend Sonny tossed the coins asking about his AOL stocks.  He got [Gen].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      e w - V   t & c


    6 strike
    R y - J
    G t --
    B sh --
    K s - U
    P w --
    B cn --

    The money star is producing the self line.  But oh my God!  The G money star is too weak under the month.  On top of that, the date is striking the money star t.  The money star t is also empty.   Man!  This money star is so weak.  The money star is already being struck by the date.  Next month is the month of w.  In the month of w, w will strike the money star t and will completely wipe it out!  Hey Sonny!  You better sell your AOL stocks right now while there is time.  Four days later, the month of w begins.  If you wait for another four days, everything will be too late.

    Result:  Sonny laughed.  He didn't fear the power of the Lord.  In month w, AOL dropped more than $40 in value.  Each day, AOL dropped about $7 in value.   Sonny was in trouble the very day that month w began.  AOL dropped so fast, he couldn't even sell at a break even price.  What is the merit?  One must learn to fear the power of the Lord.  If Lord shows sign saying that the stock will drop, you better sell.  Remember.  You have no control over the stock market.  Lord is the one who's controlling it.

    If you are about to invest in a certain stock, the best kind of sign is to have the R star sitting on the self line, and G money star is moving to produce the self line R.   If the G money star is not moving, it could move when a future year or month strikes it.

    Here's a great example:  A girl living down stairs asked me to do a prediction for her on MZEI's stock. (some drug company)  She tossed the coins and got [Big storage].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      yo t    


    Big storage
    R y -
    G t -- U
    B sh --
    B cn -
    R y - J
    G t -

    Do you see what I mean?  The most powerful lines in a hexagram are the U and J lines.  Now U is G t money star.  It is being produced by the month and is the same element as the date.  Again, U and J lines are the most powerful lines.   If a U line moves, the meaning is very special.  This money star is so strong!   It is not moving now.  But in the month of w, when w strikes t, it will move to produce the self line R.  This is the kind of investment that everyone is looking for!

    Result:  I was a beginner when I did this prediction, so I didn't dare to put money into MZEI.  But in the month of w (June of 2001), the stock went from around 13 cents to 35 cents a share.  It happened all of a sudden in the first day of w.   You see?   Her mind is full of money.  So the money star G was what she focused on.  

    I have seen lots of hexagrams concerning the stock market.  After years of experience, I only would invest if the money star moved producing the self line R.  In ancient text, it stated, "If the money star is strong, you will definitely earn money."  I find it VERY UNTRUE!  Sometimes, the G money star is quite strong, but people ended up losing money.  Based on years of experience, the only type of sign that means you will earn money is when the money star is producing the self line or is somehow linked to the self line.  It doesn't matter how strong the money star is. 

    For example, I threw coins asking if Yahoo could reach $80 before the year ends.   I got [Duay].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      h yo - iV   w & wa


    6 strike
    P wa -- J
    B yo -
    K h -
    P c -- U
    G m -
    R e -

    6 strike means Yahoo will not go up that high.  But hey!  If Yahoo goes up to $50, that's enough for me.  The money star m has been struck by the date.   Therefore it is a moving line.  The month is producing the money star m.   The money star is quite strong!  But the problem is the self line is not connected to the money star in any way.  The money star is not producing the self line either.  So where is the money coming from? 

    Result:  As predicted, Yahoo never went up that high.  In this case, the money star was quite strong.  But since it is not connected to the self line in anyway nor is it producing the self line, money just won't come to me. 

    It's always a bad sign if you see B line moving in your hexagram.  When you see a B line move, you know the stock is going to drop!  B star is the money killer!   Beware!

    I threw coins asking when will stock go up.  I got [Queen] and [Unsettled].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
    e y wa - iV   t & c


    Queen Unsettled
    P sh - R e -
    B s o P wa --
    R w - U B yo -
    B yo o R w --
    K h - P cn -
    P c -- J G y --

    In this sign, there are 2 B stars moving.  One is s, and the other one is yo.   When I see this, I know something's up.  The stock will drop in around August or September. (month of s and yo) 

    Result:  In September 11th, 2 airplanes crashed into NY's World Trade Center.   Stock market dropped all the way down.  Then the stock market slowly climbed back up.

    But a moving, retreating B star is always a good sign!

    Sam bought some stocks, and the stock value went all the way down.  Just a few days ago, Sam tossed the coins asking the Lord when can he break even, and the Lord told him that he shall break even in month c.  But today, the stock dropped even more.   So Sam got nervous and tossed the coins again asking, "Lord.  Are you sure that I can break even in month c?"  This time, the Lord gave him [Duay] and [Solution].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      s cn - V   sh & h


    6 strike
    P wa -- J P sh --
    B yo o B s --
    K h - R w -
    P c -- U R w --
    G m - P cn -
    R e o G y --

    The 5th line B yo is very powerful, but it moves and retreats.  That means the stock value will go up again.  Although there is a 6 strike, the 6 strike has no meaning because this is not your first toss.  Right now, B yo cannot retreat because it is bounding to the date cn.  But in month sh as their bondage breaks, B yo shall retreat and the stock value shall rise.  But I don't think that the stock value will go up very high because the retreating B star is quite strong.  A strong retreating B star will not retreat too much.

    "But what about month c?  I am asking will I still be able to sell my shares in month c?  Why didn't the Lord say anything about month c this time?", Sam asked.  I replied, "Your mouth is moving and talking about month c.  But your mind is wondering when will the stock go up again.  That's why I don't recommend people to toss again and again.  Your very first toss concerning breaking even in month c is the most accurate because you were really wondering when will you break even that time.  But now, you already know that you will break even in month c because the Lord has already told you that.  You are just tossing the coins again because you got nervous.  This time, the Lord is saying that there is nothing to be nervous about since he will make the stock value go up again in month sh."

    Result:  The stock value did rose again in month sh.  The ancient books say that if a retreating star is strong, it cannot retreat.  I find it not true.  A retreating star cannot retreat when it is bounding to the date or to the month.  But once the bondage is broken, it must retreat regardless how strong it is.

    But one thing is true:  A strong retreating star will not retreat too much.   But a weak or a dead retreating star shall make a full retreat.  If the B star is very weak, the stock value will go up very high when the B star retreats.  But if the B star is strong, the stock value will rise only a little bit when the B star retreats.

    If you want to know the stock market trend, a P star producing the B star is dangerous!

    If you want to know when will the stock value reach a certain price, the P star could be appointed.  But if you want to know the stock market trend, the P star must be your enemy because a moving P star could strengthen the unwanted B star.

    A man bought some stocks and tossed the coins asking about the stock market trend.   God showed him [Consume] and [Intercourse].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      e t - Vii   cn & e


    Consume Intercourse
    B t -- U R wa --
    R sh - P yo -
    P s x B h -
    G  w B h - J P s -
    R c -- G w --
    K m o R cn --

    The 4th line deadly P s moved producing the unwanted B star which destroys the money G star.  So in month s, the stock market shall crash.  The 1st line K m moved turning into R cn.  The K star is very strong because the 4th line B h is producing it.  The date is also producing it.  The K star produces the money star.   But right now, the 1st line K m cannot move because the 1st line R cn is empty.   But in month sh, sh strikes with R cn fulfilling its emptiness allowing the 1st line to move.  When K m moves in month sh, the money star G w shall be saved.   So the stock market will go back up in month sh. 

    Result:  The stock value dropped to the very bottom in month s.  Then it suddenly rose to the top in month sh.

    Based on my experience, if you got a single hexagram, the K star producing the self line money star (G) will not help much.

    I tossed the coins asking will a certain stock go up to $40 a share.  God gave me [Bite].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      m s - I   s & yo


    K e -
    G wa -- J
    R yo -
    G cn --
    B y -- U
    P t -

    This is a single hexagram.  The K star producing the self line G star will not help much.  Although the top line is a strong K waiting to produce the self line, the stock value cannot go up even if the K star does move to produce the self line.  The self line has a healthy G star.  But that does not mean a thing.  The stock value will not go up even if the self line's G wa moves in month c.  There is another money star in the hexagram, and that's the 3rd line's G cn.  But too bad that G cn is not connected to the self line in any way.   No.  This stock cannot go up to $40. 

    Result:  It never did go up to anywhere close to $40.

    Another example:  My friend Randy tossed the coins asking when can he sell his stocks and break even.   He got [Trapped].  He expected to break even within 1 year.

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      m h - II   s & yo


    6 match
    P wa --
    B yo -
    K h - U
    R w --
    P cn -
    G y -- J

    The money star G y is sitting on the self line, and it is very powerful.  The U line K star bounds to the self line, and it is also producing the self line.  But based on my experience, a K star cannot help you at all if you got a single hexagram.   The K star simply won't do anything for you  We also cannot use the R star as the appointed because the R star is not producing the self line.  He cannot break even for awhile. 

    Result:  He didn't break even within a year.

    But if you have a double hexagram, the K star does help.

    Ming tossed the coins asking will he earn money or lose money in the stock which he bought.  He got [Finish] and [Fog].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      s wa - iV   y & m


    6 match
    B t -- B t --
    R sh - R sh -
    P s -- U P s --
    R c -- R cn --
    K m o K y --
    G e - J B t -

    The self line's money star G e is in trouble because it turned into a B star which kills back at itself.  The 2nd line K star moves producing the self line, and the 2nd line K star is the only helper that the self line has.  But too bad that K m is retreating.  That means you shall lose money in this investment.  Right now, the 2nd line is completely empty so it cannot retreat.  But when the emptiness is fulfilled in month y or in month m, you shall lose some money as the helper K m retreats.

    Result:  The stock value dropped in month y.

    John bought some stocks, but the stock value dropped right after he bought them.  So he tossed the coins asking can he break even in month m.  God gave him [Gen] and [Big profit].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      s yo - Viii   t & c


    6 strike
    Big Profit
    R y - J P e -
    G t -- B wa --
    B sh x K yo -
    K s - U B cn -
    P w x R y -
    B cn x G t -

    The 4th line B sh moves turning into K yo killing the dead self line R y.  Right now, the 4th line K yo is bounding to the date.  So the 4th line cannot move.   But month m can help break their bondage allowing the 4th line to move.  When the 4th line K yo moves, it kills the self line's R star.  The 1st line B cn moved turning into a powerful G money star which produces the self line.  The 1st line B cn is bounding to the date.  So the 1st line also cannot move.  But month m will help break their bondage too allowing the 1st line to move.  When the 1st line move, the money star G t shall produce the self line.

    Result:  He did not break even in month m.  But the stock value did rise in month m because the helper star G t did move to produce the self line in month m.

    Mr. Hueber lost money in the stock market.  He tossed the coins last month asking when can he break even, and the Lord told him that he will sell some shares in year wa.   He tossed the coins again today asking the same question, and the Lord gave him [Touch] and [Shun].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
    e y c - Vi   w & wa


    Touch Shun
    6 strike
    R m - U R m -
    P e - P e -
    B wa -- B wa --
    K s - J K yo -
    P w x G h -
    B cn -- B c --

    A 6 strike indicates that he cannot break even.  But since this is his 2nd toss, the 6 strike doesn't mean anything. 

    Result:  Mr. Hueber did managed to sell some of his shares at a good price in year wa.  But he was far from breaking even.

    If the money star is empty and is killed by the date or the month, don't think about investing!  If the money star is hiding under the B star, you lose for sure!

    Some guy bought some stock, and it went down.  He asked me in which month will he break even.  He got [Revolution].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      m t - V   w & wa


    R wa --
    P yo -
    B h - J
    G w B h -
    R c --
    K m - U

    Money star G w hides under the 3rd line B star.  No money for you man!  Although the month m is producing the money star w, but based on years of experience, money star hiding under a line which kills it will ruin everything.   Nothing can help it.  Nothing!  It just won't work.

    Result:  No luck for him this year!  But the stock value climb up dramatically in year wa.

    Note:  Also watch out for the hexagram [Quarrel].  The money star t hides behind the 5th line B wa.   When you receive the hexagram [Quarrel], it's definitely a bad luck sign!

    Mr. Alcott bought some stocks, but the stock value dropped.  He has been waiting for nearly 3 years for his stocks to break even, but the value remained very low.  He already knew that it's impossible for him to ever break even, but he is hoping that at least he can sell the stocks at a good price.  He tossed the coins asking can he sell the stocks at a good price at the end of the year.  He got [Finish] and [Bite].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
    w w y - III   sh & h


    6 match
    B t x G e -
    R sh o R wa --
    P s x U P yo -
    R c -- R cn --
    K m o K y --
    G e - J B t -

    The 2nd line K m is the most important character in this sign because it moves to produce the self line's money star.  If the 2nd line K m grows stronger, the self line's money star will also grow.  If the 2nd line K m weakens, the money star of the self line will also weaken.  Although the self line's money star is strong, the 2nd line's K m is retreating.  On top of that, the 4th line P s moves killing the 2nd line K m.  By looking at this sign, I know that Mr. Alcott's stocks will drop even more.  Right now, the 2nd line's K y is bounding to the date, so it cannot move.   The date y is also striking the 4th line's P s loose so that the 4th line P s cannot move to kill the 2nd line K m.  But in month s, the 4th line P s shall move to kill the 2nd line K m.  Month s can also help break the bondage of the 2nd line K y allowing the 2nd line to retreat.  The stock value will further drop in month s.

    Few hours later, Mr. Alcott tossed the coins again asking will the stock value really drop in month s.  God gave him [Strong] and [Consume].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
    w w y - III   sh & h


    6 strike
    B sh -- G t --
    K s x B sh -
    P w o J K s --
    B cn - G h -
    R y o B c --
    G t - U R m -

    The money star G t is so weak.  The worst of all, the 2nd line R y moves turning into a healthy B c which kills and bounds to G t.  The 2nd line R y cannot kill B c because B c is healthy.  This indicates that the stock value will definitely drop.  Right now, the 2nd line R y cannot move because it is bounding to the date y.  But in month s, the bondage shall be broken allowing the 2nd line to move.  When the 2nd line's B c kills the money star G t, the stock shall drop.   The 5th line K s moves turning into B sh which produces back at K s.  The 5th line K s then moves producing the 1st line G t.  But too bad that the 5th line B sh is now empty.  In month s, the 5th line B sh will still be empty.  So when the 2nd line's B c kills the money star in month s, the 5th line cannot move to help the money star. 

    Result:  The stock value dropped from $15 a share to $9 a share in month s.

    If a K star moves and turns into an R star, the stock value will rise.  If the self line receives an R star, the stock value will also rise.

    For example:  A woman tossed the coins asking will the stock market continue to drop in the next few days.  God gave her [Consume] and [Humble].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      s y - I   y & m


    Consume Humble
    B t -- U P yo --
    R sh o B h --
    P s -- R c --
    B h - J P s -
    R c -- G w --
    K m o R cn --

    Although the B star is quite strong and the money G star is hiding, this sign is actually a good sign for 2 reasons: 

    Result:  On day m, Nasdaq rose 67 points and Dow Jones rose 266 points.  You see?  We don't need the G star this time.

    Some guy asked can he earn at least half a million dollars from a certain stock that he bought.  He tossed the coins and got [Rot] and [Unsettled].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      y w - III   y & m


    Rot Unsettled
    B y - U K e -
    P t -- G wa --
    G sh x R yo -
    R yo o J K w --
    P h - G cn -
    G c -- P y --

    The 4th line's strong money star moved to produce the self line R.  That's a good sign.  But too bad that the self line R moved and turned into the powerful K star which kills back at the R.  The R star represents the winner, and K represents a loser.  K star killing the self line R means you will lose big time!  Don't even think about becoming a millionaire.   You will lose lots of money.  The 4th line money star sh moved producing the self line R.  This means you have earned some money in the month of sh.  Is that right?

    "Right!  I bought this stock exactly in the month of sh of last year.   Right after I bought it, I earned almost $30,000.", the man replied.

    Result:  The guy didn't believe what I said.  Later, his stocks dropped like a water fall.

    If the self line's R star moved turning into a P star, you will accomplish your goal.  The P star does not represent frustration!

    I tossed the coins asking will price drop a little bit more so I can buy at a better price.  The Lord showed me [Little much] and [Humble].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      e c - Viii   cn & e


    Little Much Humble
    P sh -- B yo --
    B s -- K h --
    R w o J P c --
    B s - B s -
    R w -- R w --
    P cn -- U P cn --

    Just remember that if the self line is R moving and turning into P, the P star does not represent frustration.  In fact, there shall be joy when R turns into P.  Right now, the self line P c is bounding to the date.  So the self line cannot move until day wa breaks its bondage.

    Result:  The price dropped almost 2 dollars on day wa.  I thought that the self line's R turning into P means frustration.  So I bought the stocks a few days before day wa.  I learned my lesson the hard way.

    Say if the money star is water.  If both the month and the date are soil, another future soil month will damage the money star.

    A woman tossed the coins asking for one year's trend of a certain stock.  God gave her [Break] and [Hollow].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      c cn - Vii   s & yo


    Break Hollow
    R y - U R m -
    G t x P e -
    B sh -- B wa --
    B c -- J B c --
    R m - R m -
    P e - P e -

    Both the month and the date are soil killing the money star G t.  The stock value shall drop in the next soil month, which is month cn. 

    Result:  The price started to drop in month cn.  The lowest point was reached in month wa.

    If both the month and the date are wood, and the money star is soil, the price will drop in the next wood month. 

    A man tossed the coins asking if he buys a certain stock now, when will he earn money.   Or will he lose money?   He got [Humble] and [Difficulty].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      m s - I   s & yo


    Humble Difficulty
    B yo -- K t --
    K h x J P sh -
    P c -- B s --
    B s - B s -
    G m R w -- U R w --
    P cn -- P cn --

    When a person tosses the coins asking "Can I earn money if I buy this stock?", he is testing his luck.  It's kind of like buying a lottery or gambling.  So the K happiness star is also quite important.  If the K star sits on the self line, the K star cannot be hurt.  If the K star is hurt, there will be no happiness.  There will be only disappointment.  The money star G m is hiding under the U line R w.  The money star produces the U line and does not produce the self line.  That means other people earn money and you cannot earn money.  The self line K h moves turning into P sh which kills back at itself.  The K star represents happiness, and the P star represents pain, frustration, and worry.    This means if you buy this stock, you will feel the pain and the frustration later.  You will become extremely worried in month h or in month yo.  Why?   Because in month h, the self line K happiness star could move turning into the frustration star.  The self line's P sh is bounding to the month.  In month yo, yo breaks open the bondage of the self line's P sh allowing the self line to move.   This stock shall drop.

    Result:  He didn't listen to my advice.  He bought the stock, and it dropped like a water fall in month yo.

    Yahoo has finally risen to $25 a share.  I tossed the coins asking "Should I sell now?  Will I be upset a few days later if I sell now?  Will Yahoo continue to rise?"  I got [Stop] and [Combine].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      cn sh - iX   t & c


    6 match
    P sh o U P wa --
    B s - B yo -
    R w - K h -
    G m -- J G m --
    R e -- R e --
    P wa -- P wa --

    The U line's P frustration star moves and retreats.  But what I don't like about this sign is that the U line's frustration star is too strong.  It will retreat one day.  But before it retreats, there will be inevitable worries and fear.

    Result:  I sold all of my shares at $25 and sold short at $25.  Then, Yahoo climbed up $1 more 2 days later.  It didn't drop back down to $25 until day sh.   This sign taught me a valuable lesson:  If the P frustration star or the B money killer is too strong, do not take action.

    A man was interested in buying a certain stock and asked, "When will this stock drop to the absolute bottom?"  He got [Well] and [Difficulty].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      c cn - Vii   s & yo


    Well Difficulty
    P t -- P t --
    G sh - J G sh -
    R s -- R s --
    R yo - R s -
    P h o U K w --
    G c -- G cn --

    He wants to know when will this stock drop to the bottom so he can buy in dirt cheap.  The 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty.  When the emptiness fulfills in month s or in month yo, the stock will reach its bottom.

    Result:  The stock value dropped to the bottom in between month yo and month sh.   The reason why it dropped to the absolute bottom near month sh is because the 3rd line R yo is retreating.  But the date cn is bounding to it so it cannot retreat.   Month sh broke their bondage allowing it to retreat.  When the R star retreats, people sell.

    Someone introduced me to a certain stock.  He encouraged me to buy it.  So I asked, "Should I buy this stock right now?  Will this company perform well?"   The Lord gave me [Rise] and [Commander].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      c cn - Vii   s & yo


    Rise Commander
    R yo -- R yo --
    P h -- P h --
    G c -- J G c --
    R yo o K w --
    P h - G cn -
    G c -- U B y --

    The 3rd line's R yo represents the winner.  It moved and turned into the loser.   If I buy now, I will lose money because this stock shall drop.  Right now, the date cn is bounding to the R yo.  But in month sh, sh will break open the bondage causing the R star to move and turn into the K loser star.   Don't buy now because this stock will drop to the bottom in month sh.  Actually, it could also drop as early as month m because month m can also break the bondage for the 3rd line.  This stock won't stay at the bottom very long because the R star is very powerful.  It will drop to the bottom in month sh or in month m but will bounce right back!   Although the 3rd line R yo moves turning into K w which produces the self line's G money star, this is a bad sign because my question was "Will this company perform well?"   An R star turning into a K star means this company is a loser.

    Result:  The stock value dropped sharply in month m and reached its lowest peak in month wa.  Then it climbed back up at the end of the year.

    A man tossed the coins asking will he earn money if he buys a certain stock now.  He received [Touch] and [Cover].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      c cn - Vii   s & yo


    Touch Cover
    R m - U R y -
    P e o G t --
    B wa -- B sh --
    K s o J P w --
    P w x B cn -
    B cn -- R y --

    The self line reached a dead money star G t through the moving P e.  Not good.

    Result:  The stock dropped to the bottom in month m.  The reason why the stock value dropped in month m is because the 4th line B star advances.  But the 4th line B sh has been struck loose by the date cn.  Month m revived B sh from the stroke allowing the 4th line B star to advance.  The stock value reached the lowest point in month yo.  The reason is the U line's retreating R m will move in month yo.   And when the retreating R m moves, everybody starts selling.

    If you ask "Will AOL.COM drop to $3 a share?", the appointed star is actually the G star. 

    Sometimes, you wish that the stock value would drop so that you can buy in at a better price.  If you ask, "Will stock XYZ drop to $3 a share?", your appointed star is actually the G star.  Why?  Because the G star represents something beautiful, a favor, an advantage, a good price, etc.  If the stocks which you want to buy would drop to the price you want, you must focus on the G star.

    Richard bought some Yahoo stocks, and it dropped.  Richard asked "Will my investment be safe this year?  Will it drop some more?  If it does drop some more, will it drop to $10 a share so I can buy in at that price?"  He got [Well] and [Unsettled].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      m h - II   s & yo


    Well Unsettled
    P t x K e -
    G sh o J G wa --
    R s x R yo -
    R yo o K w --
    P h - U G cn -
    G c -- B y --

    The self line G money star is retreating meaning the price won't drop to $10.  But luckily, the top line's moving K star is producing the retreating self line prohibiting the self line from retreating.  So the self line's G money star won't retreat anymore.  This means the price will drop to $10.

    "Are you sure?  Yahoo will drop that low?  Oh no.  How much money will I lose?  Are you sure it will drop to $10 a share?  Honestly speaking, if Yahoo does drop to $10 a share,  I don't have anymore money to buy more shares because I have already invested most of my savings into Yahoo.  I don't have much money left to buy more shares!", Richard said.  I allowed him to toss the coins once more to reconfirm, and this time God gave him [Cup] and [Rot].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      m t - III   s & yo


    Cup Rot
    B e - P y -
    K wa -- U R t --
    G yo o K sh --
    G yo - G yo -
    R h - J R h -
    K c -- K c --

    The 4th line empty G yo moves turning into a K star which produces back at itself.   The 4th line G yo produces the self line.  But the 4th line G yo cannot move at this moment because the 4th line's K sh is bounding to the month.  But in month yo, the bondage shall be broken allowing the 4th line to move.  It also cannot move right now because G yo is empty.  But in month yo, it won't be empty anymore and it will move.  God has again told you that he shall make Yahoo drop to $10 a share in month yo.

    Result:  His stocks dropped even more in month yo (September) because the World Trade Center has been destroyed by the terrorists.  Yahoo reached $8.60 a share in month yo.

    If the self line receives a K loser star, your expected price cannot be reached.

    I asked will a certain stock drop to $18 a share so I can buy in cheaply.  I got [Everlasting] and [Gen].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      e y - Vii   w & wa


    Everlasting Gen
    6 strike
    G sh x U B y -
    R s -- P t --
    K w o G sh --
    R yo - J R s -
    P h o K w --
    G c -- G cn --

    There is a powerful K combo in this hexagram.  The price will not drop to $18.

    Result:  The price dropped to $19.20 few days later and climbed back up.

    A man tossed the coins asking can he sell his stocks and break even in month wa.   God gave him [Rise] and [Extreme].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      cn y - III   sh & h


    Rise Extreme
    R yo -- G wa --
    P h x R yo -
    G c x J P h -
    R yo - G cn -
    P h - B y -
    G c x U P t -

    This man asked can he break even in month wa.  The self line G c moves turning into a P star.  This is a good sign because P represents a transaction.   If the self line turns into a P star, he will sell.  But too bad he cannot break even in month wa because month wa will strike at the moving self line G c.  If a moving line is being struck, it will become a loose line.  A loose line is totally useless.  The answer is no.  He cannot sell at month wa.

    Result:  He did not sell in month wa.  Another reason why he cannot sell in month wa is the self line G turns into an empty P h.  If the emptiness of the self line does not fulfill, there is no way that he can sell. 

    A man bought three thousand bonsai plants.  But right after he bought them, the price for bonsai plants has dropped.  He tossed the coins asking can he sell his bonsai plants and break even in month h.  He got [Bride] and [Solution].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      m yo - iV   cn & e


    Bride Solution
    P sh -- U P sh --
    B s -- B s --
    R w - R w -
    P c -- J R w --
    G m - P cn -
    R e o G y --

    Wild Crane called for his student, "Hey, Lim!  Why don't you read this sign for this gentleman?"  After gazing at the sign for almost a minute, the student spoke, "Sir.  Don't worry.  You will break even in month h.  If not in month h, you definitely will break even in month e."  Wild Crane told his student to explain.  The student said, "The 1st line R e moved turning into G y which produces back at itself.  Then it moves producing the self line.  That means he can break even.  Right now, R e is empty.  But in month h, R e will no longer be empty.  So in month h, R e will move to produce the self line.  If R e does not move in month h, it definitely will move in month e.  But I don't think he can break even in month e because the price has dropped so sharply.  It's impossible for him to take back his money just two months later.  So I say he will break even most likely in month h.  That means he has to wait for another 8 months." 

    Wild Crane became furious, slapped his student's face, and said, "You idiot!  The first line R e shall no longer be empty in month e.  That means R e will no longer be empty in month w, wa, s, yo, sh, h, and so on.  In month h, h strikes with the moving line e.  Remember that R e shall no longer be empty after month e.   So what happens if a moving line, that is not empty, is being struck by h?  When the 1st line R e (not empty) is being struck by h, it will be struck loose.  A struck loose line becomes totally useless.  God is saying that this man cannot break even in month h!  If this man did not ask for a specific timing, he shall break even either in month e or in month s.  But too bad that he asked will he break even in month h.   Month h happens to be the month which the 1st line will be struck loose.   Therefore, he shall not break even in month h!"

    Result:  The man kept his bonsai plants in his storage room for another two years until all of them died.     

    This lesson is kind of hard to understand.  So let's see the following summary:

    1. A man tossed the coins asking can he break even in month h.
    2. The 1st line R e moves turning into G y which produces back at itself.  Then R e moves to produce the self line.  So the 1st line R e is the appointed star.
    3. Wild Crane said although the 1st line R e is empty right now, it won't be empty anymore after month e.  So R e is definitely not empty in month w, wa, s, yo, sh, and h.
    4. So the 1st line R e is not empty in month h.  So R e cannot be treated as an empty line in month h.
    5. If month h strikes the 1st line R e, the 1st line will be struck loose.
    6. A struck loose line becomes totally useless.
    7. Therefore, Wild Crane concluded that nothing will happen in month h.

    (Note:  A struck loose line is a line that is not empty and has been struck by a future month, year, date, or hour.)

    I threw the coins asking if I can sell AOL stocks at $114 tomorrow.  (I bought it at $105.)  I got [Rot] and [Queen].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      w y - I   y & m


    Rot Queen
    B y - U G sh -
    P t x R s -
    G sh x K w -
    R yo - J R yo -
    P h - P h -
    G c -- G c --

    The money star is the 4th line G sh.  The 4th line G sh moves and turns into K which produces back at itself.  The month is also producing the G sh.  The G sh moves and produces the self line R.  This is a perfect sign!  Tomorrow is day m, and day m will bound with G sh causing G sh to move.  Therefore, I can earn some money tomorrow.  The U line B y links to G sh.  But right now, G sh cannot move because B y is empty.  The emptiness of B y will be fulfilled tomorrow allowing G sh to move.  When G sh moves, it produces the self line allowing me to earn money.  

    But I better double check.  This sounds too good to be true.   So let's throw the coins again.

    This time I got [Cup].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      w y - I   y & m


    B e -
    K wa -- U
    G yo -
    G yo -
    R h - J
    K c --

    Money star G is very week.  But look closely.  There are 2 money stars.   A double money star means double the strength.  Although the money star is weak, since it's doubled, it's still OK.  Tomorrow is day m.  Day m strikes with money star G yo causing G yo to move.  G yo would move and produce the self line h.  So I will definitely earn some money tomorrow.

    Hey, but I am just a beginner.  Therefore let me throw the coins once more to double check.  (At the time of this reading, I practiced I-Ching for only half a year.) 

    This time, I got [Trapped] and [Solution].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      w y - I   y & m


    6 match
    P wa -- P sh --
    B yo o U B s --
    K h - R w -
    R w -- R w --
    P cn - J P cn -
    G y -- G y --

    This time, the B star moves.  B star is the money killer.  The month is killing it, and the date is striking it loose.  The best of all, it is retreating!  A B star is the exact opposite of the money G star.  So a weak B star retreating means money is coming my way.  Tomorrow is day m.  Day m will strike the B star completely loose.   Tomorrow I shall definitely earn some cash!

    Result:  I sold my AOL shares the next day at $114.  I did earn some money.

    This one is interesting.  Sam's stock went down.  So Sam tossed the coins asking when will he break even.  He got [Trapped].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      y e - iV   t & c


    6 match
    P wa --
    B yo -
    K h - U
    R w --
    P cn -
    G y -- J

    Then in the month of cn, on the day of sh, Sam tossed the coins again asking the same question.  And coincidentally, he got the same hexagram [Trapped].

    This really looks like a winner.  The money star y is strong because the month is also y.  The date is e, and it traps with the money star y.   But take a closer look at the hexagram.  U is water, and it is extremely weak.   U water has been sucked dry by the month y (wood) and struck by the date e.   And in the 2nd time when Sam tossed the coins and coincidently got the same hexagram, the month and the date were both killing the U line.  In order to earn money, the U line must also be alive.  Why?  Because in this hexagram, U also represents the source of the money.  If J is the money star and U is the K star, then U is the source of the money.  So U represents the entire stock market.  In this hexagram, the money star is sitting on the self line.  U is producing the money star.   But if U dies, there is nothing there to produce the money.  That means the stock market cannot rise.

    Result:  The stock market kept going down.

    I tossed the coins asking about the stock market trend for one whole week.  God showed me [Extreme] and [Chen].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      cn sh - iX   t & c


    Extreme Chen
    6 strike
    B wa x B sh -
    K yo - J K s -
    G h - P w -
    B cn - B cn -
    R y - U R y -
    G t - G t -

    When asking about the stock market trend, a 6 strike has no meaning.  I tossed the coins on Saturday, and the stock market will open on Monday.  Day c is Monday, and day e will be Friday. 

    Result:  Just as I have predicted.  The stock value rose until day m.   Then it started to drop on day cn.  It kept dropping on day s.

    If a B combo embraces the self line, do not expect any profit.

    Mr. Chen bought some stocks and the stock value dropped.  He tossed the coins asking will he be able to break even in month w or month wa.  He got [Too much] and [Separate].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      cn h - X   t & c


    Too Much Separate
    G wa x B m -
    R yo - K e -
    P h o J G wa --
    R yo o K w --
    P h - G cn -
    G c -- U B y --

    Mr. Chen said, "This is a lucky sign!  The self line P h moves turning into a strong money star.  This means I can break even in month w or month wa because the top line G wa will move in month w or month wa causing the self line to receive the money star G wa.!"  I said, "Not exactly.  Take a closer look and you see that the top line and the self line form a B combo.  The top line is wa, so the B combo can be activated in month w or month wa.  That means you cannot break even in month w or month wa.  B combo can only represent trouble.  There is no way for a person who's self line has been embraced by the B combo to break even."

    Result:  The price dropped even more in month w and wa.

    If the K combo embraces the self line, the stock value will go up.

    The K star produces the money star.  So if there's a K combo, the stock value will go up.

    For example:  I tossed the coins asking "Will the stock value drop in month h?".  I got [Unsettled] and [Combine].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      sh wa - Viii   sh & h


    Unsettled Combine
    B t -- U R wa --
    R sh - P yo -
    P s x B h -
    B h o J K m --
    R c -- G e --
    K m o R wa --

    The self line and the 1st line form a K combo.  The K combo is quite strong because the 4th line P s moves producing B h, which produces K m.  Right now, the K combo cannot establish because the self line B h is still empty.  But in month h, the K combo shall be activated.  When the K combo embraces the self line in month h, the stock value will jump up. 

    Result:  The stock value was $15 a share in month sh, and it rose to $19 a share in month h.  Then the price went straight up in month t.

    I think if you can reach this level, you are ready to buy and sell!

    A woman tossed the coins asking when will her stock market investment improve.   God showed her [Kan] and [Look].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      cn yo - Viii   t & c


    6 strike
    B t x J K m -
    R sh - G e -
    P s -- R wa --
    G w -- U K m --
    R cn o G e --
    K y -- R wa --

    She is losing money, and now she's asking when will the stock market improve.  So it's actually a lucky sign for the self line to turn into a K star. 

    Result:  The stock value hit the bottom peak in month s.  Then it all of a sudden jumped back up in month sh creating a sharp spike.  It went up some more in month t.  It went up even higher in month m.


    1. Try not to do day trading with Super I-Ching.  You need a relaxing environment to throw the coins.  You cannot throw the coins under immediate pressure.  If you rush yourself at throwing the coins because you must decide whether to buy or sell within 10 minutes, you won't get an accurate sign.  So I suggest you not to do day trading with Super I-Ching. 
    2. Before you buy a stock, throw the coins and ask for the stock market trend. 
    3. Before you buy or sell short, ask God "Will I regret later if I buy/sell this stock right now?"  If the P star or the B star is strong, do not buy or sell.  If the self line moves turning into a P frustration star, do not buy or sell.  (The B star is the money killer, and the P star represents frustration and fear.)
    4. Always ask on which day will the stock reach the highest or the lowest peak.
    5. Don't ask for the impossible.  Don't ask if a penny stock will reach $100 a share within a year.  Don't ask for something that's too good to be true.  If you do, your signs won't be accurate.  Ask questions that are within the realm of possibility.
    6. I do not suggest you to buy 2 or 3 stocks at once using Super I-Ching.  You could confuse yourself very easily.

    Before you buy or sell, always toss the coins and ask will you regret later on for your action.  If the self line moves turning into a strong P star, you shall regret because the P star represents frustration.

    Mike is about to buy a certain stock.  He tossed the coins asking will he regret after he bought it.  He got [Look] and [No way].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      cn t - I   t & c


    Look No Way
    6 strike
    G m - P sh -
    R e - B s -
    P wa x J R w -
    G m -- P cn --
    R e -- G y --
    P wa x U K t -

    The self line links to the U line because both of them got P wa.  The U line P wa cannot move until day t or day c because the U line's K t is empty.  If the U line cannot move, the self line also cannot move because they are linked together.  Both J and U shall move when the emptiness of K t fulfills, which is on day t or on day c.    When the self line moves, it will turn into R w which produces back at the self line's P wa frustration star.  The self line's frustration star will gain strength.  This is not a good sign. 

    God is saying that you shall regret on day t or on day c if you buy this stock.

    Result:  Mike bought that stock anyway.  He bought the stock on day t, and it dropped on day c.

    Remember this:  If the self line links to the P frustration star, you will regret.   If the self line receives a K star, you will become a loser.  If the self line reaches a B star, you will lose money or feel like losing money.

    I tossed the coins and asked which month gives the lowest price.  (From month cn to month w only)  I got [Solution] and [Unsettled].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      cn sh - iX   t & c


    Solution Unsettled
    G sh x K e -
    R s -- U G wa --
    K w - R yo -
    K w -- K w --
    G cn - J G cn -
    B y -- B y --

    If one is seeking fot the highest or the lowest peak, the G star is the appointed star.   (Caution:  If you are losing money because the price dropped, a growing B star means the price will continue to drop while a growing G star means the price will climb back up.  If you did not invest your money yet but are just waiting for the best price, the G star is definitely your appointed star.)  I was asking which month is the bottom peak from month cn to month w.  The top line G sh is the appointed star.   The top line G sh moved turning into K e which produces back at itself.  Right now, G sh cannot move because it bounds to the date sh.  Only month cn can break their bondage allowing it to move.  So month cn should be the lowest month of these 3 months.

    Result:  The prices in month e and month w were all higher than the price of month cn.

    Note:  Sometimes, stuff like the following situation might happen.

    stockg.gif (3486 bytes)

    1. You toss the coins on Monday, and the coins tell you that Tuesday shall be the lowest price.
    2. Then Tuesday's price is actually a little bit higher than Monday's price.
    3. On Wednesday, the price shoots up. 

    How come God didn't tell me that Monday's price is the lowest? 

    ANSWER:  The coins are trying to tell you that the last chance to buy is Tuesday.   Things like this will occur from time to time.  So beware.

    For example:  I tossed the coins asking will China.com reach $20 a share.  I got [Cup].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      s yo - Viii   t & c


    B e -
    K wa -- U
    G yo -
    G yo -
    R h - J
    P m K c --

    Based on my experience, the hexagrams can only tell you when the price will go up or drop.  It cannot tell you whether the price will reach exactly $20.  So even if I see that the strong money star will move in month m, I cannot conclude that it shall reach $20 in month m.  If the price did reach $20 in month m, I am just lucky.   But if the price did not reach $20 in month m but did climb up a little bit, the sign is not wrong.

    Right now, China.com is only at $2.30 a share.  The strong double G yo will move in month m and will produce the self line with full force.  That means the price will go up in month m.

    Result:  China.com did climb up in month m, but it only reached $3.50 a share.   The reason why it didn't reach $20 but did climb up in month m is because I was thinking about earning money when I threw the coins.  This sign told me that I can buy this stock because I will earn money in month m.  It didn't reach $20 because I wasn't serious about that question in the first place.  I guess I cared about earning money more than the $20 price mark.  The $20 price mark is just a coat which covers my real motive, which is to earn money.  Therefore, this sign only tells me that I will earn money in month m if I buy now.

    I asked "Can Yahoo drop to $22 a share on day h?"  I got [Bite] and [Duay].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      cn e - Vi   sh & h


    Bite Duay
    6 strike
    K e o G wa --
    G wa x J R yo -
    R yo - P h -
    G cn -- G c --
    B y x U B m -
    P t - K e -

    I know one thing through experience:  When you ask stuff like "Will the price drop to $22 a share?", the hexagrams will only show you that the price might drop on a certain day.  But it won't tell you whether the price will really reach $22. 

    The top line's K e produces the self line's money star G wa, and G wa produces R yo which kills the advancing 2nd line B star.  But K e is bounding to the date e.   Only day h can break their bondage allowing K e to push the self line's G wa.  

    Result:  Yahoo dropped sharply on day h.  It dropped from $24.71 to $24.04 on that single day.  If the B star did not move, Yahoo could have dropped all the way to $22 on day h.

    Remember this: 

    1. If you want the price to drop so you can buy at a cheaper price, the G star is the appointed and the B star is the enemy.  A G star linking or producing the self line means you can later buy at a cheaper price.  A moving B star means there is no way that the price will drop that low. 
    2. If you want the price to go up so that you can sell at a higher price, the G star is your appointed and the B star becomes your enemy.  A G star producing the self line or linking to the self line means the price shall go up.  A B star moving means the price will drop.

    I sold short at $25.  I tossed the coins asking when will the price drop so that I can earn money.  I got [Rise] and [Well].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      e h - iV   w & wa


    Rise Well
    R yo -- P t --
    P h x G sh -
    G c -- J R s --
    R yo - R yo -
    P h - P h -
    G c -- U G c --

    The 5th line's P h frustration star moves turning into G sh money star.  Right now, P h cannot move because it is bounding to the date.  But on day e, the bondage shall be broken allowing P h to turn into G sh.  So on day e, the price shall drop allowing me to earn money.

    Result:  The price dropped almost two dollars on day e.

    Oh, before I end this chapter.  I need to show you 2 signs which will confuse beginners.

    If you ask, "This will happen right?" or "I am correct, right?", a P star sitting on the self line means you are right.

    For example:  I tossed the coins many times asking will the stock price go up, and the Lord told me that the price will definitely go up.  Then I tossed the coins again just to reconfirm by asking, "The stock price will certainly go up, right?"   This time, Lord gave me [Look] and [Touch].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      yo w - III   y & m


    Look Touch
    G m - G m -
    R e - R e -
    P wa -- J P wa --
    G m x B s -
    R e -- R w --
    P wa -- U P cn --

    This sign looks scary because the G money star has been killed back by B s.  So will the price drop instead?

    Result:  I was right.  The stock price did go up.  In this sign, the G star actually became the enemy star.

    Another example:  I tossed the coins asking, "The price will drop back down, right?"  God gave me [Too much] and [Well].

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      yo e - II   y & m


    Too Much Well
    G wa -- P t --
    R yo - G sh -
    P h o J R s --
    R yo - R yo -
    P h - P h -
    G c -- U G c --

    The self line's P h got produced back by R s.  This means I am right.  But right now, the self line P h has been struck loose by the date.  But at hour h, God's power shall prove to me that I am correct because hour h will save the self line.

    Result:  The price dropped back down at hour h.

    This is an odd sign.  I bought some shares of SLV, and it went up.   So I tossed coins asking when will SLV hit the highest peak so I can sell.  I got [Stop] and [Touch].  I got this in year 2019.


    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
      wa e - VI   sh & h


    Stop Touch
    P sh - U G m -
    B s - R e -
    R w O P wa --
    G m X J B s -
    R e -- R w --
    P wa -- P cn --

    I got spooked seeing that my self line G money star is being killed back by B s.  I learned from past experience that this type of sign suggests me to sell quickly before the stock price would suddenly drop very sharply.  So right after I got this sign, I sold my SLV shares.

    Result:  Right after I sold, SLV went all the way up through the roof in month s.  I was mad as hell.  I went back to study this sign and noticed that the money killer B s is being bound up by the date e.  Maybe this meant that month s is the highest peak because the money killer B s is totally bound up and can't hurt the money star?


    Important:  If the self line is a B star that's being killed by a R star, you will lose money.

    Usually, the B star is a money killer.  So most would think if the self line's B star is getting killed, its a good thing right?  Wrong!  Experience shows that if the self line B star got killed, you lose money.

    For example, I tossed the coins asking if the silver I bought will turn a profit, and God gave me [Revolution] and [Abide]:

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
    h t sh - III   w & wa


    Revolution Abide
    R wa -- R wa
    P yo - P yo
    B h - J B h
    B h O R cn
    R c -- K y
    K m - U B t

    The 3rd line B h is the same as the self line.  So the 3rd line is the self line.  It moves and got killed back by the R star.  I shall lose money.

    Result:  Indeed I lost money on that trade. 

    If a sign shows more than one movement, its not the time to trade yet.  This may be the most important stuff in this entire chapter.  So pay attention.

    I toss the coins asking is it time to buy silver.  Then God showed me [Too Much] and [Same]:

    Year Month Date Hour Empty Dates
    t m c - X   y & m


    Too Much Same
    G wa X G sh -
    R yo - R s -
    P h - J K w -
    R yo - P h -
    P h O G c --
    G c X U B m -

    I see double movement in this hexagram.  The first one is the 3rd line R yo repelling away the 1st line B m.  This looks good.  Looks like the R star is repelling away the B money killer.  The B m money killer is empty.  But this month is already month m.  So the B star will appear this month.  When the B star appears, I might lose money.  But seems like the R yo money killer is strong.   So I am not worried.

    There is another movement at the top.  The G wa on the top line advanced and bounds to the self line.  So in month w or month wa I shall earn money.  

    But my biggest concern is there are 2 movements in this hexagram.   Whenever you see 2 movements in one hexagram, it means this is not the best time to buy.  The stock value will fluctuate up and down after you made the trade.

    Result:  I was lazy.  I didn't do anymore research nor toss anymore coins after this.  I just went ahead and bought silver.  Then right after I bought it, silver price dropped from $15.77 to almost $11.  I lost money big time.  The part where the money star B m appeared out of emptiness has fulfilled.   The R star was not strong enough to fight it off.  So the price dropped.   Then the price did rise back up in month e.  And I get to sell it at $15,90.   I did not lose money because I knew that the 2nd movement of this hexagram will eventually fulfill.  The 2nd movement is the top line G star advancing.  So the merit of this lesson is never make a trade if you see 2 movements on the same hexagram.   Just stay calm and wait for a few days to see what happens.  Then toss again until you get a hexagram that shows just one movement which indicates you will surely earn money.


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    ©2001  Registered with the US Copyright Office.   All rights reserved.
    Written by Alex Y.C. Chiu

    If you would like to write your own I-Ching book after you have mastered I-Ching, please ask the author for permission to use all of our element symbols, date symbols, calendar indications, charts, and the names of the hexagrams.  We encourage an unification of English I-Ching symbols so more people can learn about I-Ching.